Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

  1. Ping - I hope it wont ruin the experience. I really want to play this game with my friends , but if we can’t handle the lag, I think we will just wait till EU server, or drop the game.

  2. Content - Like there is nothing to do.

  3. Too korean - Grind is ok, but too much grind is not. Also, I hope that they will tune it for us.

  4. Shop is useless/P2W - Not enough cosmetics but P2W items.

My biggest concern is IMC forgets about making the game simply fun. As long as we all have fun playing ToS we can be oblivious to any problems we have.

I am also afraid of losing the player to staff connection we have. This is something every gamer appreciates or loves that we don’t see in many gaming communities. I know the devs can be busy but having GMs and CMs actively communicate with players early in the game’s life but disappear a year later is very disheartening.

Biggest concern is;

wasted our hundreds hours progression characters with class balances (nerfs or buffs)…

I wanna roll a Chaplain PD… if there is big nerfs abouth my class’s skills my months is doomed and i need to reroll new character (other issues can be fixed with new patchs, np)

Suggestion: During EA, TOS class designer team can find the unbalanced skills and balance patch with end of EA… Then give to Founders; 1 time only special “class reset scroll” which is expire in 2-4 days if not used…



So there’s a LOT of ideas to filter through. I’ll try to help you prioritize which ones are most important.

###Anything involving class balance is not that important.

Why? In every game, classes are never balanced. They will be changed time and time again. When you do make changes, don’t push a few changes. That will just piss off the players more. It’s better to have us keep complaining about the same thing for a long time rather than give us something new to complain about. We’ll just complain about both. Instead, make a LOT of changes all at once. It will have all the players scrambling to find out whether the changes were for the better. Players will still complain, but at least other players will have a discussion with them about whether or not they are completely right due to changes in balance. When you do, don’t forget to provide a reset scroll to everyone. Only fair due to the high complexity of the game.

###Anything involving end game is not that important.
This includes pvp, gvg, endless dungeons, whatever. Why? Because players who play long enough to reach this type of content are already your long term customers and players. The most important aspect of an mmo is to have lots of players, and to have them play for a long, long time. Without that, the game dies. Of course, you want to keep these players happy, but that’s not important in the short term. As long as you make a blog post with your plans for end game content, you’ll retain players without the need to actually to make anything. Then you can use your time and resources to make something better.

Prioritize any suggestions that improves the early game. What does this include?

###Monster spawns
Get rid of timer based respawns. Maps will need active spawn rates to keep up with high player populations in all maps. Active spawn rate means: As soon as 1-5 monster(s) dies, spawn another group of monsters somewhere else. This also reduces the need to have extra channels, since players won’t have to fight with each other over spawn points. Without active spawn rate, more time is spent waiting and less time is being spent playing. When players get angry at each other because one is denying the other the ability to play the game, that’s how you get players to quit. This is by far the most common suggestion I have read across all of social media, forums, chat rooms, and real life.

###Anything to help make friends
Friends keep players playing. This is the number one reason why no mmorpg can ever beat World of Warcraft. Each and every facet of your game should ask the question: “Could a player use this to make a friend?” If the answer is: “Well, maybe?” Then it needs to be fixed. Currently, the brilliant class system makes the most friends, as players will talk about class builds for many months to come. The current dungeon system and team battle arena is really bad at this. Simply increasing the amount of coordination needed to beat a dungeon, like having players stand at specific locations to unlock a door, will help. Bosses that have to be defeated a certain way would also be a good way to encourage players to chat. Novice players would ask what they have to do, experienced players will help, and a bond is formed.

###Anything that helps you keep friends
Making friends is good. Keeping old friends is even better! Players need ways to play with their friends. Otherwise, there’s no point in your game being an mmo. It needs to be something that can be done at any time. Dungeons currently are bad for this because you can only do it a limited number of times per day. Questing is awful for this because you can’t sync up quests reliably. One possible solution is to give party mates who have already completed the quest a small silver reward for helping a friend complete a quest for the first time. This way, the player doesn’t feel like they are wasting their time. Grinding is one possible thing they can do, but you would need to adjust the game so that grinding is actually worth the time spent. Right now, the only way to level is to do quests, so grinding feels like a chore. Monsters dropping exp cards is a step forward, but you’ve still got a long way to go. Anyways, make sure we can play with our friends and have fun while doing so.

Hopefully, this will help you sort out what suggestions to follow first, and which ones to handle later. Strengthen the early game. Unlike the end game, every player to have ever played tos will experience the early game. Make it good. Make it so good that I would want to play it a hundred times over. When I make my 10th character, make sure that I will have just as much fun as my first character. This is what will keep players playing. The huge number of class combinations will encourage players to keep trying new characters, so make sure the first 10 hours of the game is perfect.

###My personal suggestion to encourage exploration
Wings of Vibora gives you gifts for exploring maps. This is convenient, but not the best way to teach players to explore. If you don’t teach players to explore, doing it will feel like a chore. In order to teach players to explore, you need to put rewards right there on the fields. The first map: West Siaulai Woods has more chests than any other map in the game. More maps need to be like that.
For every reward you would have Wings of Vibora give you, instead scatter those into treasure chests and hide them in corners of the map that would otherwise have no reason for existing. Add even more chests containing keys to open other chests in the same map. The keys should not work on chests found in other maps. A count of the number of keys you have found in that map could be shown in the mini-map.
By doing so, you can now safely get rid of the “Lv.X Treasure Chest key” system. This system does not promote exploration at all. All it does is make players look up a guide online to see which chest they should open with it, because almost nobody is going to remember where every chest they have ever found was located and what level key they needed to open it.

The story sucks, but there’s nothing you can do about it for now. Most players don’t even read the quests they’re given. Players that do will complain that the story is bad. However, it makes no sense to devote resources into improving something majority of players don’t care about. Also, there’s too much story that would need to be changed in order to make it epic. This could be a translation problem. THERE IS ONE THING THAT COULD BE DONE. It won’t help by much, but it WILL be noticeable. Give important NPCs a name. What important NPCs? Your class masters! Players interact with their Class Masters all the time, but we don’t even know their name! The moment we can attach a name to a character, we can actually associate with them and refer to them. How would you feel if you didn’t have a name, Staff_Person?

  • the current status point system need some work.
  • lack of costumization
  • Boss fight difficult
  • game difficult
  • social restrictions
  • companion AI

Well, @Staff_Julie , I’ll start off by saying “good job so far”. You appear to be working hard on all of this, and it’s very clear that community has taken a liking to you. Hang in there, since as you probably know, everyone will now count on you to handle every community request, and you’ll probably be blamed by masses for every disappointment. Being CM is hard stuff. People turn on you and antagonize you when things start going wrong, like it’s somehow your fault.
But, let’s hope you won’t have to deal with that. Please take care of us!

Now, for my request. Hard to pick one thing, but I’d say either more fun boss fights, or balancing SP consumption (because some classes run out of it way easier than others).
Few months ago, I’ve wrote a big post. Another staff member said he’ll forward it to IMC, but so far nothing really changed. If you wanna bother with it, maybe you’d have more luck convincing them :slight_smile:
kCBT and iCBT veteran bringing feedback

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I would like to see greater character customization, more social/non-combat activities and events to keep players invested in the game, and a larger range of itemization with more unique weapon effects/event weapons.

Most of my concerns can be addressed by events/GM participation/itemization to improve the game’s longevity.


I believe most of the concerns I have have been stated already, but it doesn’t hurt to voice them one more time.

-Leveling. Doing the quests may be fine once, but class variety being one of the selling points of the game, making alts and having to run the same quest lines over and over is going to be a chore. It offers nothing to people once they’ve leveled one character.
This is worsened by the fact questing gives ridiculous amounts of exp compared to grinding, as well as exp cards, making it the only viable option. Sure you can do it by solely grinding, but there’s no reward for it. When it’s a race to the top, why climb the mountain when there’s a a cable car for everyone to use?
Boosting exp gain from monsters, making grinding areas more variable, making monsters drop useful equipment and items instead of rewarding them through quest and lowering rewards from quests to be on par (or below) with grinding would increase the replayability immensely.

-Skill scaling. Flat bonuses scale poorly and make it harder to plan altogether.

-Status points. At the moment they still lack variety, you just pump every point to that one stat your class utilizes the best. Stats should also have more effect on skills, e.g. increasing duration or effect, lowering cd or cast time.

-Arbitrary limitations on trading and market. Artificially limiting player trading is driving the economy to shambles. Taxing and limits 1-on-1 trading need to go, let the players control the market how they see fit. Personally I would wish good riddance for auction house altogether.

-Instancing and dungeon finder. These are one of the biggest plagues of post-WoW MMORPGs together with quest based leveling, killing the need for social interaction. They make interacting with other people redundant as you never bump into other parties competing for the same dungeon bosses and there’s no need to get to know people when finding parties. I do understand some of us like to mainly play alone and avoid socializing, but soloing is viable even if these abominations were gotten rid of.

The game had so much potential but it seems the developers lost their vision and just gave up on it. Didn’t most of the key developers actually change to other projects?

-EU Server
-Remove Dungeon limit (or increase it)
-Remove Trade Limit
-Remove the EXP Scroll from the TP Store
-Lower the TP Store price

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The lack of it is one of the BEST things ever. NOTHING good will ever come out of an open world pvp map if that map forces PvErs to go trough PvP in order to progress in the game in fact that was one of the reasons i quitted many games and a reason a lot of players i know stopped playing many games.

PvP oriented games where you have open PvP everywere differs because well… if you’re a PvErs you just don’t play that game… simple as that.

The only way i’ll ever accept an “open world” open PvP area is if:

  • that area is some sort of “instance” made only for PvP purpose… kinda like cyrodill in ESO or the war map in GW2.

  • that area does not contain any single element of PVE in it, meaning: no achievement progression and stuff… if it has to have achievement, they must START and END inside that area… if you give me a “world explore” achievement that start in a PvE area and espect me to go trough a PvP area to complete it it becomes bullsh***

Let me tell you this.

GW2 made the mistake of putting PvE achievement into the PvP area… and i was there when half of the playerbase rioted and they ended up losing 1/3 of them for good, i was one of them.

IF they actually do this mistake in this game too i’m quitting, immidately.

It’s ok to give PvP to people, but give PvP in PvP area without messing with everyone else’s fun, everyone happy.

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You…I like you. I forgot to mention these, but yeah. These things are important.

Getting to high levels with a current build and suddenly getting a nerf bat to the face, rendering your build worthless and hundreds of hours gone to waste.

My concern is the trading 1v1 system. I understand you can’t trade money to prevent gold farmers, but not trading items? I am going to party with other 3 people, one each class, and it would be logic for us to share the loot and help eachother grow gear wise, but currently it is impossible because 1v1 trades are premium.

Another concern is the movement speed buff on the token. WHAT? No other thing is going to make you move faster. Moving faster also means more space traveled to dodge an enemy attack or to lure more monsters in. That’s p2w and I would like that tokens wouldn’t give you movement speed.

And the token is pretty expensive too. I have played wakfu and for 10€ you could have the maxium premium for 2 months. That premium gave you more exp, more drop and crafting exp.

And the board… every good mmo player knows that the board, or auction house, is the place where their money will come from. Every new player is going to check the board for items and will be dissapointed when they see that they can only put ONE item, for 3 hours, and that costs cash.

GG RIP trading in this game. RIP economy too. RIP game, grinding a dungeon with limited times you can go in for an item isn’t attractive to the playerbase.

In game fps and server stability are my only concerns

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######20 characters.


Blade and Soul solved this by having outfits that when equipped, allowed you to pvp against the opposing faction. This way you can have pvp anywhere and be left out of it if you so desire.

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  1. We still don’t know how many ranks there will be. If one wants to make an efficient build he must have all information at his disposal. New ranks may influence previous choices in negative way. Those who love efficiency would have to start over since there is none class reset option. Starting over following the same path and doing same quests is far from pleasant and even worse so if you roll same classes again.

  2. Dungeon finder was a mistake. 600% experience bonus for random party over any premade party, party of people that wants to play together was a mistake. For starters you force players to seek variety of classes for 400% bonus. When a group of solo players gets ahead in leveling in the beginning, then looking for a party, high chances are they wouldn’t care about its composition. First, because of lack of players of same level. Second, because it would be proper to assume that those players are good and know that other players of their level are good. Yet because they don’t have 4 classes, they would be penalized. This simply isn’t just and bad design.
    Then we have 600% for people doing literally nothing. And the bonus is so good that its simply hard to neglect. And if in previous situation some relationships would be formed and probably long lasting too, in this situation none would be made, because thanks to randomizer you might not even see these people again.

  3. Market restrictions, inability to properly trade monster gems, cards - bad design.

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My biggest concern is that cleric has no decent damaging classes, right now monk and paladin need a buff or there needs to be a dedicated magic damaging class with some support. People keep talking about balancing PD, but then they don’t think about other classes or just plain forget about what will become of PD after the nerf.

So giving cleric better classes or buffing monk, paladin, sadhu and bokor. Or giving cleric a better class to deal damage. People forget solo potential being something that matters, it does matter and affects PD’s lifestyle.



  • The viability of crafting classes (Alchemist, Pardoner, Squire).
    Considering you have to sacrifice damage and/or utility to make room for a crafting class, it needs to be profitable to be worth. And at times it seems like some of them aren’t profitable which could ruin a build completely.

  • That you will release other skin and eye colors but they will cost TP
    I think Tree of Savior has the worst character creation, a few skin and eye color options (3 would suffice) should be available from start. If very basic skin and eye colors are released, I hope they will be purchasable with in-game currency. Which also brings me to the next concern;

  • All characters will look very similar
    This is heavily because of the few skin, eye and hair colors available, but also the gear. This may sound like a very minor concern but for people like me, it could be the biggest if the rest of the game isn’t super awesome.
    If people could also choose age/height/weight/complexion etc, it would help immensely. But fixing something like that now I’m not even sure is feasible.

  • No future EU server

  • 1:1 trading but maybe this is on the TP/token category.
    I just reheally think 1:1 trading is a basic enough ability that shouldn’t be subscription-only.


Optimization, some times 10 FPS with a good computer D: