Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

Yeah that’s a big concern of mine as well.

Please don’t add many stuff that’s only obtainable through cash shop.

All cash shop items should be obtainable through other means or at least be tradeable.

Cash shop should exist only to shorten the grind for lazy people. Not give them unfair advantages over others. Cosmetics are fine but anything else that actually influences gameplay already worries me.

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My biggest concern is lag and FPS, i know there the game may be laggy in certain places, but i don’t want that the game be unplayable :confused:

I think it is if the game will turn p2w in the future

Pay2win / 1:1 trade / lag / fps / hueBRs / bots / hacks

optimization and lag. are two things that the community everyone complains and IMC ignores. They launched the game in Korea without even optimize it. It is ridiculous to see an GVG with 20 FPS. The question of optimization will be crucial to the success of the game.

  • Mupy, Brasil Tree Of Savior

Hi there.

First, I’d like to point a concern about the FPS. When I played in the iCBT, there were some situations where the FPS would drop DRASTICALLY. Also, overall, the frame rate was not very high, even with my PC being somewhat higher than the minimum requirements. I was kind of concerned that I couldn’t drop the graphics a bit more, for instance.

Second, I have a concern about the game being too repetitive. Yes, It’s a grinding game, but I don’t see it getting more creative as it progresses. Also, I don’t see a scaling dificulty as you proggress through it. That being said, the game is far too easy. The boss AI is poor and slow, and that’s not fun. I played in the early levels expecting things to get harder, but they didn’t. In fact, your character grows exponentialy strong, especially if you’re in a group with good sinergy, while the bosses just hit harder. By the time you hit the later levels you’re well acquainted with the game’s mechanics to avoid most hits you take. I think the game should be harder, and not a bit harder. It should get a lot harder as you proggress.

Third, there’s not much to do in the game except, well… Playing the game. While this is not something you usually worry about, there’s the problem of things being repetitive. You will progress through levels defeating the same enemies with different sprites, and that’s not fun. There should be something else for you to do, perhaps mini-games you could play. And I don’t refer to the card game. Pehaps, to access a new area, you should ride a barrell on a dropping waterfall, while doding the rocks in the way. And, once you do this, you could re-play the mini-game for a price in silver. That would be something innovative and that could break the mood now and then.

Fourth, there’s a LOT of tweaking to do. Not all classes feel viable because, well, they aren’t. Also, I feel some classes got a lot of disadivantage because of the rank they were positioned in. This will make a lot of classes too underplayed and a lot of other classes too overplayed.

Fifth, swordman classes struggle in PVP, not considering a few exceptions (like cataphract). They lack CC and mobility, being easily controlled by, say, mage classes or bursted before they can even do anything. That’s not fun, as I feel people who like their swordsman classes should be able to play PVP against other non-swordsman classes and enjoy themselves. Perhaps they could be somewhat resistant to CC, even if it was a PVP-only trait.

And last, and more important, please do something about the bots. Do not let this turn into a bot-ruled game. I beg you.

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2-End game contents
3-Class balance

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Low quantity items, 1:1 trade, bot, fps drop, p2w in the future. Also i think we need more end game content.

FPS. The game should run at 60 fps
Without frame dropping. Thanks!

Main concern,

Why will people stick around?

  • The game has very little social interaction as is, random groups for instances that require no real teamwork and people being on different levels and different parts of quest chains means that grouping with friends doesn’t happen much either. Even the PvP arena is just with random people. Guilds are hard to get started up too and friend and chat functionality is poor. Without friends, people are not gonna feel inclined to stay around.

  • The grind is too heavy, sorry to say but most people won’t even reach level 200, much less 280, before they get bored and stop playing.

My main concern is ping/lag because this should affect the gameplay of auto-attack classes which shows a great disadvantage in both PVE/PVP.

Apart from your mention @Staff_Julie.

1.Lack of equipments diversity.There are not many choices,each tier has few (probably 1 or 2) best weapons ,armors , accessories.That makes built very limited.

2.World Boss is dull not challenging.

3.I’d like to party with friend whose level is much lower or higher than mine.From iCBT2 it was futile because it gave no exp.

4.Last but not least,bugs.

Good day, my biggest concern is BOTs and FPs that when Moba very monsters or even Moba very player the PFs falls to 5-3 … other worries are forms of PvP, you could make an arena 25v25 or 50v50 to improve staff competitiveness, more than make up in a way where he would only open Sunday.

The only thing I do not like in the TT Store is the hats enchantment.
As for the game, the biggest problem is the poor optimization of the same.

Hello there, this game being the spiritual successor to Ragnarok Online-do you ever plan on bringing back the old RO card system? That was probably THE most satisfying and wholesome part of the game and made it a part of me that demands it in every game I play since. The current system appears lackluster in contrast to RO’s card system that so eloquently ties the lore to endgame gear and progression.

I’m going to agree 100% to everything you just said. Extra emphasis on Ragnarok Online, the Card system in that game is the best aspect of that game. All monsters could offer the player their benefits in the form of cards, that being said, there wasn’t a map that was completely empty. A healthy economy forms around the hunting of the cards and selling them etc… my $0.02

  • Pay to Win

  • Ping


Hi Julie

I’m glad you’re here to collect our feedback. I’m also a game developer and player. I would like to share my thoughts with you.

  1. Don’t just add another piece of linear corridor. For example only increaseing the level cap and adding new clases. Spread the content across all game stages (early game, mid game and late game). It would be good to have a separate city for clerics, separate for wizards and so on. Cities should be spread from south to north, from east to west. Between them some fields with mobs balanced a little for these classes.

  2. Western players who will play Tree of Savior can be divided into two groups. Former Ragnarok Online players and people looking for a unique game, who are bored with generic MMOs. Both of them want only one thing, to play old school MMO. I think that this is your target for the Western gaming market. You don’t have to lead the player by the hand. We want a game that throws us a challenge.

  3. Instance dungeon abuse. Add more public dungeons where we will be able to kill monsters together with others. Instanced dungeons take out people from the pool of players available in the world. It is necessary to have some of them, but don’t abuse this feature.

  4. I’m afraid that most places will be only a one-time visit. It would be great if the place where we have grinded experience for 40-50 level will be usefull in late game, for example, as a source of raw materials for crafting or unique rare loot.

Best regards and good luck.

The game optimization is really bad, 1:1 trade, Magic Scroll in TP Store and Lag :S


It kind of fits into the token issue, but the low limit on dungeon access kind of sucks. Even when it was 5 per day with a token(I played on the Korean servers a bit), but seemed quite low. I can understand the reasoning behind it, but I find these sort of limitations to be rather irritating.