Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

thats not a pvp problem, rodelero is bad even in pve. unless u go for pelt2>rode2>fencer2 cus thats probably the best tank in game cus the imunity to magic rodelero has

My one and only concern is: will ToS have a soul like RO had. There are million online games today, and 99% of them are crap…
Only RO use to be a home for me.

@Staff_Julie, like most people already said here about the “Boss mechanics”.

I’d like your staff to look into a Indie game called “Secrets of Grindea” (takes only a few hours to beat since it’s beta).

The Boss mechanics in this game is AMAZING.


This’ll be a long post.

Defence is broken.

All types of defence are broken. It’s essentially 1 less damage per point, which isn’t very good, and it scales significantly worse than offensive stats (you will struggle to get 500 defence even with buffs, enemies will be hitting for thousands of damage, defence does almost nothing).
It needs to be reworked to provide some kind of percentage decrease in damage taken based on your level (vs the enemies level).

Skills need percentage scaling

Flat scaling renders a lot of skills useless, makes multihitting skills insanely strong and makes the few classes with percentage scaling broken.
I’m not going to use skills that have 100 damage late game, because I have skills that deal 1000 base damage with similar cooldowns. That’s a no brainer.
Multihitting skills scale insanely well right now. Your base attack/magic attack is added to each hit of the skill, so 10 hits deals 1000% damage. This is absurd when you consider almost all single target hits have no extra scaling.
As for the classes with percentage scaling, they are just insane. Musketeer can do 99999 damage in one hit because of percentage scaling (and insanely high flat scaling). You cannot compete with a class that has percentage scaling when you have none.
The solution is that all (or almost all) abilities need percentage scaling that increases with more levels in the skill, rather than straight up flat damage. A skill that does 150% damage +10% more per level will always be more useful than one that does 150 damage +10 more per level.

Large parts of the world are useless once you’ve finished with them

The world is pretty linear, but the worst part is, once I do the quests on a map, most of the time I’ll never revisit that map. There is no point, it has nothing for me anymore, I doubt it has good drops, the enemies give no exp, the map offers nothing else, why would I revisit it? As I get to a higher and higher level, there is more and more maps that I will just never visit again because they have nothing.
Not all maps, but most of them need to offer me some reason to go back to them. Even if it’s just farming drops (RO was good at this because of cards, and hats).

Dungeons need sprucing up

This one is weird. When I visit Legwyn Family Dungeon (the open map version anyone can join), it has lots of little puzzles and stuff for me to solve and interact with. It was fun figuring this kind of stuff out and getting that one chest.
When I go to an instance dungeon though, it’s just a few rooms with monsters in them and a boss at the end. Where are the puzzles and stuff for me to do?
Instance dungeons need to take design ideas from open world dungeons and have more than just rooms of mobs for me to grind on.

Balance needs to be better focused

The balancing the game gets is pretty silly right now. A lot of classes that are broken don’t get nerfed (Plague Doctor and Quarrel Shooter for example), and some of the classes that are so useless they need remaking never get a single buff (Rodelero for example).
The developers need to figure out what needs fixing first when it comes to class balance, and fix that before other things. Some classes seriously need balancing but just get ignored in favour of other classes, and this has been going on since iCBT2 ended.

Off the top of my head, these are the problems the game suffers from right now.


The biggest concern for me is optimization. The game client needs to be able to run at least at 120 fps solid, smooth, all the time regardless of enemies or players on the screen. The optimization was really, really poor in the last CBT so I really hope this is addressed before it is released here.

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I’ll just drop this here:

About Bringing RNG to the Cash Shop

And this

Preparing for a Healthy Economy in the International Server

These are two topics in which discussion and suggestions are made around both ingame economy and monetization.

I don’t want to see RNG in the cash shop, it’s just a fun-killer money sink. And I also dislike it when ingame currency quickly loses its value, so I made some suggestions towards allowing us to keep silver amounts in each pocket at bay.

Please take some time to read these topics, even reply, and you’ll be my biggest hero.

Please give 600% bonus exp for pre made party aswell
Btw, delete those Magic scroll its the p2w way, guys, it’s not a good marketing direction, just stop listen to Nexon.
And more customisation please, more vanity item !
I have nothing more to says.

20-30ms american // 200+ other country Kappa

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Dungeon focus!
5man dungeons is the one thing I like the least in ToS and having them as the only type of content anyone ever does sounds like something went wrong.
Maybe that’s just me, though.

u know that 80% of this is from the internet conection and have nothing to do with the game right?

Lack of map involvement
Most maps in the game involved only walking. I feel like you need more interraction with the maps. For example make use of jumping by having cliffs or mountains to jump up. Have traps so players can be aware of their surroundings instead of just plain walking.

As many have already told you bosses are easy. Their attacks can be predicted if you have seen them once. Normaly, attacks can be avoided by moving away from the boss. You can make boss fights more engaging with jump mechanics(like bullet hell) or having bosses control the terrain. Bramble was an demon who controlled an area in the story. He could for example destroy the “boss arena” by making holes in the ground or similar to restrict the players movement. A boss that was unique was Mirtis. She had a cross shaped laser that made you move around her.

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In the face of balance patches or tweaks, the inability to reset stats using in game methods (not cash-shop) or change classes in any way concerns me. A single patch might ruin a character leaving someone with two options: spend real money or worse, start over.


I just hope they give a free reset with every MAJOR balance/update patch.
If they don’t, it’s another way of forcing players to buy stat reset scrolls spend $$$.


Plague Doctor being the most broken class in the game in PVP and PVE since it can just completly stop Wugushi poison damage.
I myself play a Wugushi and get 100% countered by it…
Also I was hoping you could give Antidote a cooldown since peope can just antidote wugushi poison…



Could you ask IMC to possibly release teasers or at least any info on the upcoming hidden/new classes? Like their role or general theme or even what rank they’re planning on making them available? I mean we already know over half of them exist by name. A lot of people are voicing concerns over classes being adjusted with a heavy hand and new classes being introduced; IMC giving us a general feel for how the new classes are expected to perform would greatly alleviate the latter concern, even if we don’t have numbers or skill descriptions etc.

Classes like Mimic are ones we’ve known about forever, and Pied Piper even is in the early trailer. We know the classes exist but yet we know nothing more about them. It’s very common for companies to release information about what to expect, even if we know they may not be released until later or are still being tweaked. A simple “all information is subject to change” line would be all that’s needed when they tell us anything at all.

I say this because we really don’t know what to expect when we’re investing our time into our characters. Chaplain, for instance, is a R5 hidden class. Yet we have 7 ranks to work with right now. So what happens when, later on, after hundreds or thousands of hours, we find that they finally release a new hidden class at R5, or R6 etc, for the class we play? We’ve already passed that milestone by then and have settled for something that may not have even fit into what we really felt would help define our character.

Since there is no mechanic to change classes in-game we’re basically told at that point "Oh, well, just play a new character instead…" I know for myself I already will have to stop at R6 on my main character because R7+ might need what those classes bring to the table. So while people enjoy content past R6 I will have to roll an alt because I don’t feel the current R7 picks, or those beneath them, fit my play style for that character. At the same time though maybe the hidden/other classes that are coming also won’t fit at all and maybe I could be picking my R7 from the existing pool resulting in time wasted waiting around for IMC to release their finished product when instead they could have dropped a few hints at least.

And I certainly don’t want to have to pick that path twice, nearly the exact same character, just to finally level back up to the point where I can get that class into the build and make up for my main’s settled pick.

Not knowing has the potential to destroy a lot of builds because they will likely be introduced after-the-fact and players will already be approaching whatever cap is in place at the time for their main, likely preventing them from getting the circles they need from the newly introduced class should they find it fits their build.

Thank you for your time reading my habitual walls-of-text!


And that’s why I plan on playing something I find fun to play. If people keep following the Meta mindlessly you will have to restart sooner or later. Talking from previous MMO experiences where a patch or two completely nerf/buff something and meta switches completely.

Just play and have fun instead.

Edit: Ofc, some ppl find the meta part to be the most fun, but then you have to be prepaired for what might come.

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Disregarding the things OP mentioned as not being discussed in this thread my concerns are:

  1. No way to reset my whole class/stats etc. In a game where things seem to be changing constantly this is really a big issue for me. If everything was more or less set and only small tweaks were done this might be okay to a larger extent, but if I get to 280 and all of a sudden my whole class gets nerfed/changed for some reason you better believe I will not stick around for long.That goes for when the level cap is made higher as well, say the cap goes to 600 and I realize will all the new things, my circle choices are horrible and I have to start all over again leveling the same character, but with small circle tweaks I doubt I would enjoy that. This is something that makes me very very worried. I like grinding and all, but there has to be some fairness to it. If I plan and make a character a certain way and you change it later, then I need to be able to get to make changes without starting all over again. There can be time restrictions etc (1 circle reset per 3 months at a cost in the cash shop or w/e, but it needs to be possible regardless).

  2. Playing with friends. Having some type of level sync feature or something would be great. Like many others have said the things that make you stick around in mmorpgs for the long haul are often the friends. If I can never play with them (until we are all at endgame) then I fear most of them will quit and with that I am not sure how long I will stay either. I might love the game so much I stick around anyway, but playing with friends just makes everything so much more fun. Please make a system so that we can level together even if we don’t play the same amount.

  3. Interesting itemization/horizontal progression are both things that are very imortant for the longevity of a game and it helps keep development costs down as well. There should be many different items for me to work for, all of about the same level of power, but that do different things. One item might be good for pvp, one for pve, one enhances my fireball and makes it into a super fireball, another item might make my snipe better by allowing double snipe or w/e (just examples). Items should not be just pure stat sticks and different events etc should give different items that I want, but for different purposes. So when you add new items you expand what people want to work for, you don’t replace everything every patch (vertical progression) because that is how you end up with linear, uninteresting and short lived endgame that developers can never keep up in pace when creating so players get bored.

  4. Open world/secrets are so fun. Running around in the world and knowing I might stumble on a secret pathway to a cave, another map, puzzle, chest, hidden boss etc. Things like this make exploration so fun and makes me want to stay because I don’t know what might be around the next corner. I am a bit scared, seeing the linearity so far, that this is not something you agree with. For me mmorpgs are an adventure, never forget it! I hope you feel the same way!

Overall I am sure you guys will do your best with ping/cash shop/class balance, but the above four things are those I am most concerned about if I am to stay because I am not sure what your position are on those issues and for me they are very big problems.


My biggest concern is with the TP store and it become an eventually Pay to Win game. If can assure me that won’t happen you got a player for a long time.


Replayability/long-term activities and community activities. The game relies too heavily on things that get stale after you’ve done them (especially quests, and also instances), and it’s linear with content locked to very narrow level ranges (Orsha helps a lot, but it’s just a start). Simply adding more static content won’t solve this since it gets done once and then it’s old, and players get too spread out because they’re at different progression points.

When players get too spread out, you get 30 players waiting endlessly on queues for 15 different dungeons instead of 6 groups of 5 playing together. Instead of falling into the trap of using a random cross-server dungeon finder (which leads to “treat other people like they’re NPCs” and “log on, do daily chores, log off” play), concentrate players together with common goals, and let them do stuff with their friends.

Use replayable stuff and group/community-oriented things, for example, guild activities - GvG is off to a good start. It would be a good idea to develop guilds and add more types of guild competition, like capturable buildings in world maps.

Open world maps are more interesting than instances especially when done in groups (e.g. Constructor’s Chapel was a fun map with its events and interactive features), but they need to be perceived as efficient enough to be “worth doing” by players. We’ve had a lot of issues with lack of channels (why doesn’t the server automatically spawn more when they’re crowded?), lack of mobs to kill, and maps seeming empty or too overrun with crowds of players. Why do you run out of mobs instead of having mobs spawning faster to overwhelm you, or spawning elites and minibosses?

Focus rewards and development time on things that will be highly replayable and make players work together.


Well my #1 Concern is in fact the Token.

  • It is WAY too expensive. Games that are made based on a sub are cheaper!
  • Shared Storage should be available as a one time purchase.

also future changes coming to the TP store such as Stats on cosmetic Items wich is 100% over the pay2win line.

I like the game and the most likely thing that can kill it for me is the buisness model destroying all the fun.

It is not too bad right now but I have the feeling it will be worse in time and that scares and saddens me.

I’d pay a sub for this game, not the Token a real sub. So that all the f2p BS is gone and everyone has the same features available to them.

@Staff_Julie Please rememer that this is not a mobile game, say to your team to not fall of into the p2w way of mobile mmorg game.