Please help me because i just wondering what is the best build for a solid tank
my build is
Swordsman -} peltesta-peltesta --} rodelero- rodelero then centurion
post your build and suggestion thanks in advance
Please help me because i just wondering what is the best build for a solid tank
my build is
Swordsman -} peltesta-peltesta --} rodelero- rodelero then centurion
post your build and suggestion thanks in advance
It really depends on what you wanna specifically be. You can be a DPS Tank, a Support Tank, or a Healing Tank but for builds specifically, you can check out Theory Crafting since it has a lot of builds already.
I’d say . .Swordman>Peltasta>Peltasta>Peltasta>Squire>Centurion
I would go with this;
and maybe getting centurion too on rank 7 for more formations…
yeah. . if one want to go full-tank, it’s obvious that going circle 3 peltasta is a must to maximized the buffs and Umbo Blow for counter attack.since rodelero dont have any defense support abilities but tactical and disabler.
But if you want to go hybrid, good tank with ability to fight back. . going Rodelero to get some auxularies before Squire is viable either
I wonder if TANK role is viable in this game at all. While watching CBT videos I concluded that players can easily avoid being attacked, which means tanks are somewhat useless. Say me I’m wrong…
idk about boss tanking, if it’s mobs tanking then yes, Peltasta’s Swash Buckling can help lure mobs and hold aggro
well, we dont know for sure about that. plus, bosses are hurt. from the FAQ, the hit mark of bosses will gone when we reach high level, (about rank 6). and Hit mark can only be seen with Oracle in our party from that point.
and there were reason why the boss was easy. it’s because some boss script didnt functioning properly during the CBT. SO thats why we get easy bosses.
and the dev say that they would make the game more difficult the next CBT. .
that;s all I could memorize from reading so much FAQs and beta updates. .
I cant point out all the sources. but mainly from here.
you can read them. . it’s fun tho, with some ragnarok information addition
so we wont know how the game will go when we reach high level and in open beta
maybe you can read here
@Mephilin You might not need a tank for regular quest bosses, but they said that field bosses would be way more difficult, maybe like MVPs were in original RO.
@jaiceepilano If you want go full tank you can also check if it’s viable to do a Monk tank.
Maxing up Safe Zone from Cleric (+ the ability to heal yourself). If you went Cleric Circle 3, you could pick Paladin at Rank 4 and grab lvl 5 Resist Elements + lvl 5 Restoration. From Rank 5 onward focus on getting Monk Circle 3 maxing levels in Iron Cloth and Golden Bell Shield.
Compare this build with the Swordsmans build you have, and give me a verdict. xD
the problem of Monk tanker is. . no Swashbuckling. .
so, monk might be decent tanker. each have merit. . but Monk tanker would be more like Support Tank, since it can give buff to the other players
Yea, it’s really a monotonous gameplay type. You just stand still using skills so that you party can kill the mob. But maybe that is what he’s looking for. idk
I would likely go for the swordman branch of Tank tho… we have shield and blocking for deflect damages. also we have High Guard that increases block rate. and Defense Buff. .
Being the circle3 cleric>Monk would make you a Support (buffs and high heal) with addition of Invisibility back up to buy your party time to set things up. .
Monk to paladin was was nice but i dont want just to stand and do the buffs because my friends has already set their job and we already have support magic and dps and i want a hard carry type of tank but your comment was great monk/paladin was a solid tank also
i want a Dps tank whats your suggestion
(swords man build)
Swordman>Peltasta>Peltasta>Rodelerro>Rodelerro>Dopelsoldner !
here. I’ll give you the build link
For a DPS Tank, You can build it however you want. I already gave you a link to the theory crafting topic but if you want a specific build, here is a build I just made 1 minute ago. Spartans. Basically you initiate by jumping right into the center of the enemy with long stride and aggro with swash buckling and block your way through the damage.
You can then make your formation as a centurion while your teammates get to you and either make a winged formation again setting aggro to you, block your way through with testudo if you jumped in too early and can’t handle the damage, or schiltron formation to keep enemies out of the area you claimed from jumping in.
Take my build as a grain of salt since it’s just theory and I’m only using the simulator without any real experience in CBT.