Tree of Savior Forum

What MMORPGs have you played?

List them.

  1. Ragnarok Online
  2. Trickster
  3. Lunia (Not Luna Online)
  4. Gunbound
  5. RaiderZ
  6. HeroesGO
  7. KartRider (English version, which Nexon never published after Open Beta ended)
  8. Rusty Hearts
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My brief story of online gaming:
Ragnarök Online
(a thousand years later)

  • SWTOR - as Dr. Sier’ra Winters (main, Imperial Agent, Operative, Medicine tree)
  • GW2 - as Samhaoir Gunnr (main, Warrior, shield&sword/hammer, CC troll)
  • TERA - as Valkyrja (main Warrior, PvP annoyance)
  • Warframe - as Valkyr (100% uptime Hysteria, because someone has to keep the team arses running in Orokin Void/Derelict)
  • ArcheAge - as Hildegarde (Blighter, defunct thanks to Trion :+1:)
  • PoE - usually Mogwen# (Ranger, Tornado Shot/Rain of Arrows crit-based)
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  1. Flyff
  2. Luna Online
  3. Iris Online
  4. Spirit Tales (Dragged there by a Gnome)
  5. Legend of Edda
  6. Aura Kingdom

Lucky number 7. Games played for less than a week don’t count.

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  1. Aion
  2. Archeage
  3. Atlantica Online
  4. Black Prophecy
  5. Blade and Soul
  6. CABAL Online
  7. Conquer Online
  8. DC Universe Online
  9. Devilian
  10. Diablo 3
  11. Elsword
  12. EVE Online
  13. Final Fantasy XI
  14. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
  15. Guild Wars 2
  16. Lineage 2
  17. Maple Story
  18. Minecraft (if the server side can be counted as mmo)
  19. Neverwinter
  20. Path of Exile
  21. Ragnarok Online
  22. Ragnarok Online II
  23. Requiem
  24. Rift
  25. Rusty Hearts
  26. Scarlet Blade
  27. Skyforge
  28. Space Cowboy Online (changed later to Ace Online)
  29. Spiral Knights
  30. TERA
  31. Terraria (same as mine, if the server side could be counted as mmo)
  32. Vindictus
  33. Wakfu
  34. Warframe
  35. WildStar

I’ve not played extensively to all of them, but I have at least tried them all out at some point over the years.

There might be more that I’ve forgotten about because I didn’t play them long or did not have anything strong enough to remember them about.

The mmorpgs where I’ve reached endgame can be counted with two hands though.

The game I’ve tossed most of my life into has been Ragnarok Online.

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  1. Trickster Online
  2. MU Online/Heroesland/Evil Flames / all the other things they changed their name to
  3. Fiesta Online
  4. Grand Chase
  5. Spirit Tales
  6. Phantasy Star Online 2 (jp server)
  7. TERA (eu and na)
  8. Perfect World International
  9. Aura Kingdom
  10. Eden Eternal
  11. Silkroad Online
  12. Dragon Nest
  13. Blade and Soul
  14. Elsword
  15. Lunia Online? Luna Online? idr which one it was

these are the ones i actually played for longer than just a week or so
but there’s quite a few which i tried and dropped
i always wanted to try rusty hearts but i never managed to get it to work on my computer.

  1. Ragnarok Online
  2. Slayers Online (some French amateur MMORPG back then)
  3. Dofus
  4. CABAL Online
  5. MapleStory
  6. Dragonica
  7. Eden Eternal
  9. Dragon Nest
  10. TERA
  11. Vindictus

This is more or less the order in which I discovered them. Not going to include the ones I’ve played for less than a week.

And yeah you can see I like fast paced MMOs I guess

  2. Another MMORPG
  3. Another MMORPG 2
  4. Another MMORPG 3
  5. Another MMORPG 4
  6. It makes little to no difference whether or not this list was done properly.
  7. Maybe ToS.
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Maplestory,Trickster Online, Fantasy Tennis, Luna Online, private servers for some of those, Aura Kingdom, and a handful of other ones I didn’t play that long so I won’t list them.

I don’t think I remember all of them…X)

I played years with Ragnarok and Mabinogi…other games weren’t that good or wasn’t my type.

but anyway:

Dragon Nest
DC Universe
Divine Souls
Blade and Soul
Path of Exile
Lineage (2?)
Royal Quest

  1. Aion
  2. Aion
  3. Aion

:open_mouth: i loved playing cleric /soothsayer in AA, fervant healing was the best healing spell i have seen in a game !

Hated playing against em. If played right, theyre nearly impossible to kill. :confused:

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Lunia (with an “i”) was an isometric ARPG, the combat was somewhat similar to TOS except much more combo-based. Also it was just called Lunia, not Lunia online.

Not sure

I tried Blade & Soul recently. I can’t believe it took them 4 years to localize that garbage.


RO will be my first MMO that dragged me for quite long time, mainly because I met a lot of friends there, and the amount of drama… oh, happy times! Then I’ve played couple of other titles Lineage, Aion, Cabal but I’ve never stayed for long.

I believe i played most of the MMO’s on the market, excluding Blizzard’s. So these are the ones that mostly caught my attention, even at a slight degree.

  • Lineage 2: spent 7 or 8, maybe 9 years on private servers. The official server lost my interest with their updates. Chronicle 3-4 and Hellbound were the ones i most enjoyed.

  • Aion: It was nice, but i hated the quest system, too many junk quests to do.

  • Atlantica Online: Good turn based game, nice soundtrack.

  • Rusty Hearts: Nice game, nice soundtrack, nice storyline.

  • Granado Espada / Sword of the New World: Nice mechanics, great soundtrack, excellent class advancement system.

  • ArcheAge: I enjoyed the PvP and the class customization, not to mention that wonderful feature to send a raid invite to everyone nearby.

  • Onigiri: Great game, but not very suitable to play in front of your family or friends. (Thanks, Ibaraki Douji.)

  • PoE: Enjoyed until the credits song, after that i kinda lost interest. Like when you finish an offline game.

  • Skyforge: Pretty nice and challenging at some points. Giving you the choise to play as a certain class in order to get better rewards was a great way to open yourself to different ways to play and makes you aim to unlock certain classes. Customes and dungeons were pretty ok. (and i really hate dungeons).

  • Air Rivals (Ace Online or Space Cowboy Online): I had so much fun there, when i didn’t want to grind, i was at random maps doing speedruns while avoiding to most of the obstacles.

  • TERA: I just played for a month, with the Warrior class. I had a blast grinding BAMs. But dungeons make me quit.

  • Warframe: Great game, but i hate it when i return to play it and i must study the build i was running.

  • GunZ: Great game.

  • RaiderZ: My hopes for a MH on the west made me try this game. It was okay, but my ping made me impossible to dodge, so i dropped.

  • Firefall: Amazing, you have to aim, you have to dodge, you have tons of loot, tons of random tasks scattered around the maps, community bosses. Just great.

  • Trove: Best sandbox experience so far. Collecting items can help you progress. Crafting useless pets, fishing for money, or buying items just because they are not in your collection can make you earn some cash currency, which is a great way to entertain the players when they get bored of speedrunning dungeons.

  • Virtual Galaxy: My first online game. It was a browser-based adventure kind of game, nothing special. I owned an hospital on a PvP map and it made me rich. It had permadeath.

I’m pretty sure there are a ton more that i haven’t mentioned.

I’m the kind of person who just hops from game to game, expecting to find something fun. After spending so much time in a single MMO, I realized that i should be enjoying a little bit of each instead.

In no particular order…

  1. Maplestory
  2. Vindictus
  3. Flyff
  4. Blade and Dailies
  5. DDO
  6. Archeage
  7. Rusty Hearts (RIP)
  8. A brief stint with WoW:BC on a private server
  9. Aion
  10. Farmframe (aka Warfarm, No-endgame-frame)
  11. MOBAs (played lol, dota2, hots, and smite)
  12. about 5 attempts at getting into runescape that never worked out
  13. Age of Wushu/Wulin (longest raids for all the wrong reasons)
  14. Wakfu
  15. PSO2
  16. Dragon’s nest

I still love that the forum autocorrects your numbered lists, so you can just put 1. for all your list lines

i have played many mmorpg:

.Ragnarok (Euro server) after shut down, iro server & private server, .
.Trickster online ( great game but cash shop very expensive). there is a private server now for those who want play it again.
. Tales Weaver, it was a nice game but publisher was crap.
. Secret of Solstice, nice game. very hard gring game, but game shut down 3 month after i played it.
. after a long time, i couldn’t find a 3D isometric game like ragnarok…
then i started to play full 3D MMORPG
9 Dragons
Atlantica online
Cabal online
Eudemons online
Conquer online (beautiful colour game)
Zero online (nice robot game)
Twelve sky
Perfect World
Jade Dynasty
Long online
Eden Eternal
Aura kingdom a good game but aeria games is just …
Guild Wars 2 just agood pve game
Ragnarok 2 (bad 3d game) a crap game…
Fiesta online (nice game selfshading)
Dragon Nest
Mythos online
Diablo III
Final Fantasy XIV (great game, best graphic ever)
Swordsman online
Torchlight I and II
i did try Blade & Soul but it’s so borinnnnng…
and playing Path of Exile while waiting iOBT of Tree of Savior.

Tree of Savior will be my last mmorpg to close the black board. :wink:

I’ll go over what I can remember >3>;

Runescape (wao)
Maplestory 2
Mabinogi (Too much time/money went here)
Dragons Nest
Gunz 2 (Gross)
S4 League
Last Chaos
Grand Fantasia
Eden Eternal
Aura Kingdom
Dragomon Hunters
Twelve Sky 2
B.O.T.S (Throw backs)
Lost Saga
Dungeon Fighter Online
Rusty Hearts
Perfect World
Blade and Soul
CloserS (another game I’m waiting for a release over here)
Luminary: Rise of the Goonzu
Ragnarok Online
Wakfu (this was pretty fun! Alas, the servers felt dead)
20 minutes of Luna Plus
Grand Chase (Classic, tons of time spent here as well)
Elsword (Alas, much of my time went here too)
Final Fantasy XI <- Childhood in a nutshell
Final Fantasy XIV
Pandora Saga
Guild Wars
Guild Wars 2
A bit of Shadowbane

If I remember anything else, I’ll throw it in.

And if I was a nice person, this list would be alphabetized :v

Glad to see another Lunia player here. It was such an underrated and obscure MMO, but became so p2w at the end.