Tree of Savior Forum

What is the most frustrating part of the game to you?

Yo! Thats the whole truth.
Blame IMC, not angry players.
The actions of brainless whiteknights who flag our posts to hell are the same as trying to cure symptoms of disease without addressing the reasons it is there in the first place.


Hey now, i wont have any hue knight this, white knight that in my thread. Take that to your vienna sausage party thread. I mean hue knight only thread.

Ignore him, hes one of the white knight remnants.

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I think they already did a survey about this kind of topic though, so it probably doesn’t help one bit and it’s just gonna go from one ear to out the other. We already voted, our number 1 pick was performance so that’s what they are working on and we know they are working on it so it’s no surprise. I don’t remember what’s number 2 and 3 though I think balance was in the top 10. I forgot where that topic is located?

I think what i really did though was try to bring attention to the annoying low duration buffs. All they do is distract from actual gameplay and it would be much more enjoyable if they turned some of them into toggles. This could be applied to all classes, not just archer. Imagine priests just using a toggle to buff whole party and not worry about it.

Well I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a boss or mob down the line that just removes buffs through a borrowed pd skill. If the buffs are long or toggled wouldn’t that just mean you would either get into these 3 scenarios:

Buff is so long, once you get debuffed you just buff back up like nothing happened.

Buff cooldown increased to a point where getting debuffed is a huge detriment due to cd.

Debuffed while toggled, now the skill has to add a cooldown to your skill. That’s a whole other function really and would take some time to implement especially since toggles themselves aren’t implemented.

Ice pike, Ice pike, Ice pike, Ice pike, Ice pike, Ice pike, Ice pike, Ice pike, Ice pike


Toggled skills can have a cooldown after they are untoggled. Make it like 20 secs or something, idk. I just really dislike having to constantly look down away from the combat to make sure i dont lose my buffs. Then having to recast it so often. its just distracting.

This is just my honest opinion based on what I read:
I understand but I also know why they are there from a design perspective, it’s really there for you to forget. Whether it’s because you got debuffed and forgot or got into the heat of battle and forgot, if they were meant for you to not forget to re-apply, every game designer would just make almost every damage enhancing buff everything passive. It’s like this in every game with varying cooldowns between each buff.

What’s the point of even having it as a toggle you may as well make it a passive. There is no scenario where you would think to yourself “oh well let me turn off this buff” apart from on things that are way under your range. It’s not like one day you’ll want to be nice to mobs or anything.

With timed buffs I can make many counterplays that revolve around your management. Which is essential for you to be able to counterplay my counterplay and essentially create a fairer game. It’s not like archers have sp problems anyways.

I could see toggles for non game changing buffs but that one especially makes or breaks your build. Apart from that not really.

The point of the toggle is that it increases sp cost of other skills to make up for the sp cost of not having to recast it all the time anymore. Maybe youd want to turn it off. Also like you mentioned earlier about the buff removal spells. Not saying make every single buff toggleable. Mainly the ones that arent supposed to have 100% uptime. those stay as buffs with cooldown.

I dont think its from a design point of view to make you forget either. thats just annoying. Unless the goal is to annoy you.

It actually is, you have to pay attention to it. Health is there for you to manage and if you don’t manage it you die, SP is the same way but if you don’t manage it well you lose the ability to use skills, Stamina the same for running, Buffs the same for performing at your most optimal. When I say it is there for you to forget it means they were created with the condition in mind that the player affected when HP SP STA Buffs are ‘active’ and when they ‘run out’.

All of these are tools, you could use against the players to make things a little bit more challenging or to make players think a certain way in mid battle. If you have a Boss that heals for example and you guys are struggling as a party and only when you have your sneak hit on can you out dps the hp gain. Then dam you might mess up and do only half your damage because you forgot to buff up again.

In PvP if a cataphract comes in and impales you into a 10 second cc chain, he can’t debuff you directly but if he knows the max duration of your offense buffs he might jump on you within a time window where you are most vulnerable and can’t respond. This type of thinking is simply not possible with toggles.

Ever got knocked away by a boss and then your buffs run out? I do because I spent a crapload of time playing around feint+barrage+sneakhit. That’s exactly what a developer intends to happen. They want you to get around that obstacle.

Try harder. :smirk:


No no no. NO Sunshine and Destruction. :smiling_imp:

I don’t know why I even try, but I’ll give you an honest response here. I have plenty of frustrations with the game, but I still feel the pros greatly outweigh the cons. As well there are no good alternatives out there. If somone tells me they’d rather play something like Black Desert, I will gladly laugh in their face. Clearly IMC does not care about any of these posts in this forum, so I don’t see why anyone voices their complaints here either. I’ve also posted about complaints on here as well, but I don’t think all complaints are equal. Complaints I have are about legitimate bugs or just oversights that are mind blowing, such as losing your money before you even hit an upgrade anvil. What are your main complaints? Why are you still here? I’d read your original post, but I don’t really care that much.

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Sorry it just sounds like a bunch of bs. Id understand every few minutes but every 45 seconds is stupid and distracting from the actual fighting.

that cataphract doesnt know what skill lvl you have for the duration, they dont know when you casted it. They cant run away til it ends because its 100% uptime. If they get you in a CC chain your offensive buffs dont matter anyway. Lets say you cast evasion. You example works fine there for the most part and its not 100% uptime. This would stay a buff with a cooldown. They can run away or w/e til it runs out and come get you.

Get knocked away and your buffs run out? what if they run out and you dont get knocked away? either way you just recast it. i dont understand what you mean.

Anyway, if you want to continue discussing, go to the suggestion thread. This thread is to state your main frustration.


  1. FPS
  2. Community is a majority of hackers/botters/whihueknights/fraudsters; pretty much all non constructive groups who see little in adding anything beneficial to the community or game other than their small groups
  3. IMC really does seem to lack in communication

But either way.
GW2 halloween event is going, the only time I play GW2. So see you all in a couple weeks.

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If that cataphract knows you are a rogue 1 which is fairly obvious, then yeah he knows. Evasion is another example as well but no one in their right mind would make a skill that powerful toggled.

I take it you’ve never seen competitive game like DFO because the pvp is fairly similar to this game. Once you play PVP enough these kind of things become important for you to figure out and know.

If you get knocked away and you were about to attack now you’re losing buff time. You lose buff time means you’re closer to recast time, recasting means you’re retreating. Retreating makes you lose dps and means you’re vulnerable.

But yeah I’m done I don’t think you seem to get why buffs are there in the first place. I’d reccomend looking at extra credit or gamedisgnertool videos that center around molding player behavior.

That all makes sense for non 100% uptime buffs.

But if a buff is meant to have 100% uptime and they still make you cast it every 45 secs then i just dont understand. Annoying people isnt a way to make people want to play more. I actually am considering making a different char because of this.

WoW apparently did all the stops to mold players behavior and their 100% uptime buffs are like 60 mins or something? dont remember. just an example. Eso doesnt even have cooldown, but the buffs are short, im fine with that too. There are many different ways of doing things and im not sure if they actually have a reason for the way some of the buffs are.

Main complaints are the short buffs that you recast too often and the head spinning with AMD cpus. This was in my first post.

Others are just the regular, fps, bugs, stuttering, IMC is slow to fix big issues yet they fix 5 dungeon runs within 24 hours.

Other than that i cant really think of much…

Im still here because i like the game and it is fun. I agree the pros outweigh the cons as well. Otherwise i wouldnt be here.

Really feel it’s necessary to let player reset one or two circle with some condition ,such as lvl higher than 200 ,or after getting a rank(maybe R6).

Or somthing like, you can always reset the highest rank in one day(gameplay time) after u get it.