Tree of Savior Forum

What is the most frustrating part of the game to you?

Too many sinks.

  • Attributes
  • Boss cards
  • Upgrades
  • Repairs
  • Buffs
  • Potions

Too much repetitiveness.

  • 3 dungeon runs
  • 3 mission runs
  • 2 saalus runs
  • 2 earth tower runs
  • repeat this for 5 alts
  • every day
  • no time for exploration and world mob killing

Can’t solo past 250 unless a specific OP meta spec which means no freedom of choice. Very little creativity.

  • Too random loot

we need more player like raspy or alyosha~

lets import/clone another 10k raspy or alyosha~

this will save tos dun/mission queue, grind/quest party~

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Bot infestation ✓
Crashing channels ✓
More hacks ✓
Forums (:sunny:) ✓
Low Population ✓
FPS (:monkey: ) ✓
Low Channels ✓
Potato Servers ✓
Low in-game GM presence ✓
Chronomancer Runecaster RNG, wont give final rune stone (:monkey_face:) ✓
Loading screen times ✓
10M Battle Bracelets ✓
Stupid restrictions ✓
Stupid level gap penalty ✓
Stupid queue design ✓
Tree of solo ✓
Hue (:sparkles:) ✓
Underwhelming C3 job skills (Swordsman, etc) ✓
Boss No Cube Drop ✓
Repetitive and uninteresting quests ✓
Dps meta ✓
Guilds are an endgame feature ✓
Monotonous design ✓
Existence of Sadhu ✓
Silute Server Relocation ✓
Latency Issues (for siete) ✓
Login error ✓
Dailies ✓
Stupid DKP system ✓
Low speed animations ✓
Head model glitch ✓
False skill descriptions ✓
Trap classes ✓
Block animation lock ✓
Melee skills with a casting time ✓
Dina Bee Farm for new players ✓
Exp scaling in higher dungeons ✓
Fake Korean Merge ✓
Lack of server wide events ✓
TP Shop prices ✓
Enchant scrolls (waste $20 and all you could get is resistance stats) ✓
DoNotLoad ✓
Lack of camera rotations (we got Zoomy at least!) ✓
Pet AI ✓
Missing TP Shop Previews ✓
Waiting two days to receive market silver ✓
TBL pet stamina/mounting issue ✓
Spell cancelling results in CD/mana loss ✓
Buff limit ✓
Spawn rates ✓
White screen ✓
IMC GAMES (:flag_kr:) ✓


hi skysora

welcome back~

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my acc got flagged 2 days ago kinda late expected cuz its IMC
you know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
nah i just dont really like to reply and stuff just reading looking for something interesting in the forums u know like that pantsu topic or lolis
u know i dig that sht bro ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Literally everything except the fashion and job rank system.
Sometimes those too, because unclassy underwear showing for days, and hilariously poor class balancing.


Gems drop when you die. :rage:

Running the same damn dungeon solo for silver many many times. It gets old rather fast following the exact same pattern. lol (Which is why I haven’t done it much lately and am poor…)

Woah! The BUFF PART.

[quote=“kurayami1234, post:4, topic:332637, full:true”]
Tree of Primetime.
Unless you play at peak hours, you can forget about dungeons/missions, sometimes even grinding.

Well I guess I dont need to talk about my frustrations since everyone else already did.

And woah @skysoraa000!
Why do you even play? Lol! Life must be sour with that list of complaints and still playing this damn game. :skull_crossbones:

credit to @SAPR0LING

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Online: FPS drops, waiting for several minutes in a dungeon queue although there are more than enough players queueing [7-8 players] already, bugging out in instanced dungeons.

Aside that, offline:

  • IMCs secretivity about future plans besides the weekly FAQs [no way to check the response from people beforehand] instead of asking the community what they’d want to see introduced ingame after coming up with ideas/concepts. I’m really interested in the Sheperd class advancement that might come in the future e.g., but there is no real concept work in the developers blog about future content anymore as it was during the CBTs, leaving us a bit lost what is going to happen.

  • They don’t have to spoil everything, but it would be nice to “tease” us a bit ahead, making TOS different than other MMORPGs even in the offline gamecrafting concept. It’s frustrating to guess what they’re planning if you can’t really foretell what’s going to happen, which might have a huge impact on the game [e.g. the sudden increase in diffulty of the gameplay after lvl 270 with highly resistant, strong mobs].

  • The lack of presence on the forums and developers blog. You don’t really feel that there are people working, it feels more like a machine is doing everything. We’d need at least someone from the community that is in direct contact with the developers/managers, some kind of shortcut developers conference.

  • Facebook events. This is really annoying for everyone, because social media surely is a place spark interest in something, but it feels retarded to “like” and “share” something just because you get something in return[ it also excludes parts of the community who don’t have a facebook account like myself, tyvm].
    Rather improve the game to return it to its former glory, new players won’t stay anyway in a broken game…


i dislike the game bcause mr kim said its a ‘casual’ game
casual my ass huehuehue


Mercenary quests capped at level 9 cards. At no point do I want to kill dozens of mobs with 100k+ HP just to get a shitty level 9 card.


Update bug everytime after maintain. then bug will remain 1-4 month.

I was genuinely curious of peoples one biggest frustration… sorry this had to be your frustration, but i think its important data for IMC too.

Im glad you have no frustrations about the actual game though.

Alyosha’s frustration is about any negative opinion expressed against the game. Everything must be sunshine and rainbow.

fcuk galok, i hate battle bracelet

Just after today’s patch, 3 out of 3 of my 240dg runs had a dc each and the last run had our full party dc midway, and thus wasting a run.

All players are adviced to take a breather from stress induced by this godforsaken game. It’s more or less unlplayable right now without DCing multiple times an hour.


sry to hear that
but its so sad that ppl play a game expecting to have fun but wat they got is frustration

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Flying mob, since most of my magic covers a field and my only option is to do one damage auto attack.