Tree of Savior Forum

What is the most frustrating part of the game to you?

I’m just here to see how long it takes for cons to finally outweight pros and force even diehard fanboys to leave. Trust me, the conversion always happens eventually. :smirk:


The insane amount of silver needed to be somehow useful (even for solo farming/leveling), it’s freaking absurd. I’m starting to believe this guy that said, he/she had proof IMC is behind all this RMT shenanigans.

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the hypocrisy of rmt~

its ok to trade Money to imc for tp because imc made the game

but its not ok to pay a random guy for trying to make a living, farming in a virtual world/effort for botting etc

its okay to support large cooperate making the rich richer but not ok for u slave growing food in the farm with blood n sweats

illusion for fairness differs … not every life weight the same…

8hours per day developing tos versus 8hours farming ingame for rmt, the latter is not a legit form of work.


Get ready for 500 million silver attributes for rank 9 :slight_smile:

Thats kind of like an apple farmer that grew a orchard of apple tress from seedlings and someone hopping the fence every day stealing apples to undercut the apple farmer. You see nothing wrong with this?

Spending more for apples from the farmer is better because it supports the apple orchard to buy it fertilizer, make higher quality apples and pay employees. If the apple farmer loses too much money off the apple thieves he may just shut it down or use shady tactics in order to sell more apples. like p2w. IDK how to turn p2w to sound like farming.

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Good reasoning, but the apple made by IMC is full of holes. Too many unacceptable bugs that linger for weeks on Steam while they get hotfixed in one day on KKKtos. Paying for what is essentially a beta is only acceptable if they fix bugs in a swift manner and stop necroing old bugs.

IMC has a weird habit of bringing back old bugs that was fixed before. no revision control at all?

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like i say, hypocrisy in the fairness concept…

is a theif/rmt life and effort worth less than a game developer?

all these preaching about fairness in game, so these reoccuring bugs/break is fair ?

all these regulation about botting/rmt, dont they still contribute for buying tp/token etc?

all these talk about p2w, what is there to win when the game imbalance as fcuk , best of all, the only win so far is exploit 30man gvg and 1 trick pony insta kill class…

all these talk about tos still have room for improvement, how many more elephant do they need to fit in that room?

by far, as per thread title, buff duration could be reviewed n pushed into game less than 6months, but, lets bet if imc gonna improve buff duration/concept before Oct 2020.

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I’ll add:
-Have to spam buff due to short duration
-Every single big enemy + all bosses in the game knock you back/down with any kind of attack
-Tons of mob spam annoying skills (sleep,stun, freeze)
-Mob ignores you, but if you have to examine something then they wont let you
-quest items with absurdly high cooldowns (press V 20 times! 30 sec cd! It can also fail!)
-Can’t open pet menu
-Can only shout 5 times a day for free
-Have to wait 4 hours to earn 1TP
-Terrible exp distribution in regards to some lvl cards and some maps/quests lvls
-Incomplete and bad translations
-Boss mechanics (wait 4 hours afk on a map, fun!)
-Astronomically high money and time sinks (gems, cards, attributes, pet stats)
-Inconsistency in which quests give warp back to finish
-Absurd death penalties (lets lose all our cards)
-Getting stuck autoatacking as a mage
-Discovering bugs just to find out they where posted on the forums already as far back as April, with no fix whatsoever
-Controls and activation zones wonky as ■■■■ for plenty of quests (switching between keyboard/mouse to be able to examine basic shit)
-Tons of weapons sharing the same sprite
-100% unachievable in some maps
-Design of everything forces you to walk around long paths countless times at a snails pace
-Retarded achievements (kill 1k mob ok, now kill 1M. Craft 100 stuff ok, now craft 10k lel)
-Hair colors don’t match what’d you’d expect by their name
-Little/none and unfair compensations after big issues are/if they are fixed
-Players abusing every single exploit they can find just to annoy others (don’t pretend you just noticed flare shot crashes the game)


hi, please post to original thread here.

we need to keep track. thanks

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The single most frustrating thing about Tree for me is this:


With this kind of class system you NEED to have all classes in a tree available FROM THE START so people can properly plan their builds. With more pure development time they could have gotten all the classes done, they could have spent more time testing, they could have done some optimization, hell ANYTHING.

Nexon probably pushed for them to release in Korea, and we pushed for them to release here. If I were a betting man, I’d wager that given one more year of development, and maybe some actual betas and an english employee or two, Tree would have been great. I’m still holding onto hope, but tree just doesn’t have much of my attention anymore. :\

TLDR: IMC needs to FFXIV the Tree. Make level 500 demons invade fedimian and call it a night, then fix it up and rerelease it when it’s actually ready.


Current Game Issues

Nah need to remind IMC this every single time

are u the same skysora

coz we never able to talk peacefully like this…

also, they say community is toxic, but we hv a thread listing all known issue, which is nice, i think…



5 dungeon runs wasn’t even a bug but content that is just for KTOS atm.
How could they repatch an older version of the same system onto the server?
That’s practically degradation of the server software for no reason besides making people angry even more, because they ask for the dungeon limit increase since they’ve read about it in the KTOS patch notes.

In the end, if they raise the limit later on, they will look like hypocrites since their inability to manage the system caused many people to actually lose parts of their runs.

I’d have kept the 5 runs-limit increement ingame (even if it was unintentional) because then the people would’ve felt less frustrated about the bugs and the reset vouchers would actually have more valor since in the current situation, they are a gamble to use due to the possibility that you might just lose your runs again, turning the “compensation” into meaningless additional frustration about the game.

I thought there’s pots to increase movement speed… no yet huh?

Most frustrating for me is how you can very easily get chain CCed and be unable to do anything for a long period of time. In TBL/GBL, most CC should have reduced duration, so you need some kind of coordination with your team to take advantage of it. And monsters shouldn’t be able to chain CC you, it’s ridiculous how 2 monsters are enough to keep you unable to do anything beside watching your life bar being slowly reduced to 0.

Also Magnetic Force (and Frost Pillar to a lesser degree) need to have an effect matching the graphic, this ■■■■ pulls you while you’re 2 meters away. Either make the FX bigger or reduce the radius of the skill, just make it consistent for ■■■■ sake.

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Virtov ( 20~40m per run ) Mercenary ( 10~30m per run ) per day

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pen pineapple apple pen !