Tree of Savior Forum

What is the most frustrating part of the game to you?

Cooldown in using quest Items, WHAT THE ■■■■

Nonstop knockdowns, lag freeze disconnect crash fps etc

And pardoner shop gives 2 hour buff while the priest gets a couple of minutes yeah ■■■■ you IMC


i frust at people still see tos as a fine game



Raspy is very hardworking, still whiteknighting even in a complaint thread.


Homing magic attacks.

But wait, it is not enough.

Let’s put Magnetic Force and a spammable one too.

You will be ■■■■■■ up if you got mobbed and can’t retaliate because you can’t attack nor cast while being sucked by MF.

Best case scenario, you will be stuck.

Oh, BTW 1.5k price of Lv15 SP pots.


Hackers and their followers.

Using 1-2 hours on repetitive dungeons/missions/etc including the time spent searching for a party.

Imagine someone ask you “what do you normally do in the game?” and you respond: “I usually play the same dungeons over and over again and in the end of them you have a 1% chance of getting a good item! Its very fun”

TL;DR: overall repetitive gameplay


sp pots go for like 2.3-2.5k in Fedimian for reasons unknown. Alche mafia.

Oh I can do a hue knight version if the translation is hard:

Game’s A BETA!!111

I spend my life on this forum and don’t play hue hue hue

thats better~


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the gathering quests somehow got worse

I can get passed the bots, boring quests, nobody to grind with, the restrictions but what drives me crazy to the point that, I wanna punch the wall and throw my pc out the window is all the freaking knockdowns and knockbacks.

Legit makes me rage.

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Lv 100 Attributes rank 7 get out dps by Rank 8. :confused:

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Community, 100%. People act like they want a social spot, but in reality they’d never go to it because they’re still in the “I can solo everything” phase. The reason why to me it’s the most frustrating is that a game’s community is it’s lifeblood. A game could be fantastic, but if only 30 people play the damn thing, it’ll still be as if nobody even knew it existed.

In this one’s case, the community actually wants to kill the game for a plethora of reasons. While righteous, it is also collectively numbing and honestly demotivating to know that these guys are the ones that I’m essentially “playing” with and may or may not meet. If anything, the vitriolic nature of users without someone to spank their buns hurts the social aspects in the game. On the forums though, it’s all hues, memes, and lust for pantsu.

So what can you say about this one, based on what you’ve experienced?

White knights defending the game and IMC decisions with all their honour and money.

And how there’s more social aspect on the forums than in the game itself.
We should be playing the game and not the forum.

Sorry, I gave 2 things instead of 1


hueknights wont be hueing if imc dont imc us in first place

we all just byproduct for getting imc’ed



Mobs keep running away when low hp. I mean if the mobs are scared of dying why bother attacking me in the first place? Literally all mobs are just trolling me.

Besides, why are they running away so fast? How is that realistic?


i complaint this, but i guess i need to gitgud


Waiting for miko pre-advancement quest to be available… the wait ><

They do it to mock you, chanting over and over…

“Git Gud”



Posts like these. :frowning: