Tree of Savior Forum

What got you interested in ToS?

All the different classes and the ability to create shops that sell services. Also the animation looks pretty solid.

Well the only other place you can get something similar to TOS would be the original Ragnarok from 2002.
Besides the amount of classes in this game can also compete with the amount of classes in Ragnarok.
Therefore this game is a worthy game to be waiting.

This characters are in some concept arts as well.

The insane ressemblances to RO1 o.o. Also, 80 classes!

Yeah, you’re right here. And so much people that hyped, I think this game will have a lot of hope in the future.
Nice response, sir. Good luck for beta test :wink:

I love the artstyle.

After looking at Maplestory 2 and finding that there was basically no indication of any global involvement any time soon, this game caught my eye, has involvement soon (literally within the week), and has a pretty art style.

Yep, the artstyle looks lovely.
It just attractive and makes us want play this game.

couldn’t have said it better!

I like the artstyle and i think i’ll enjoy ToS a lot :3

The art, songs, gameplay, original classe and systems. And also because I was looking for a game like ragnarok, i’ve played the two ragnarok 2 that was released and it wasn’t good like the one. I think that the creater of this game will make it better than ragnarok and he is a person who looks for new things, differents from the others games actually.

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Saw some stuff on Youtube and got addicted to the way the game plays itself and how unique it is. :smiley:

The RO art style and the class creation is what pulled me in. The more and more I read about all the different classes the more excited I get about seeing other peoples builds :laughing:

I heard about the game from a friend, a first look at the skill system intrigued me, and the music for it is great which is always something I look forward to in games.

I’ve already told two other of my friends about it as well and they’re looking forward to trying it as well.

I’ve never played RO though I’ve heard many who have are eager to try this.

Nostalgia and sprites.

I became interested in R1 when I saw the first screenshots [boy, it looks different now]. The whole RO successor hype didn’t pull me in until I saw the sprites. There have been too many supposed RO sequels that failed, so I wasn’t ready to fall for another one. However, the sprites triggered some nostalgia, and I was sick of the realistic 3D designs many games were using.

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The music, art, lore, job system, and style of the game. I’ve been wanting to play a 2D style MMO for awhile now. And ToS seems to have everything that I’m currently looking for.

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Style, Music and Dedicated Devs.

I was looking for new MMOs to play and google failed me…I kept finding all these ridiculous ‘top 10 lists’ that more or less listed the same pool of ~20 games…they all started to look the same to me.

Tree of Savior is totally different, it’s none of that fake realism crap that reminds me of so many generic MMOs. I love the art style and how there’s partial 3D that still blends beautifully with the sprites. It reminds me of Trickster Online, but better in every way. (I’ve actually never played RO but it’s a similar style to trickster)

So pretty much like everyone else: nostalgia, art, BGMs, feel-goods, etc. It’s just so charming :blush:

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Because most modern MMO’s are terrible, and try to copy WoW’s ‘winning formula’. This is the first MMO I’ve seen in a long time that is actually a labor of love rather than a cash cow.


I think “everything” is pretty much the answer for most people in here :blush:. Look at all those hype.

I stand corrected, read about it when you mentioned this.
Thing is that to me they really look like very well animated sprites which isn’t a bad thing at all :slight_smile: