Tree of Savior Forum

What got you interested in ToS?

Hi, I’m relatively new here, but I’m curious as to how ToS gained your interest. Personally, I interested in the art style at first, but I was sold after hearing the soundtrack. :relaxed:


ToS got my interest because of the art style too! i played RO yea but it’s not because of that game the reason i wanna play tos

This game catch my eyes when it is still called as “Project R1”



And I’m a big RO fan.

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I got interested because of the art style too.

Art Style + Being an ex-RO player + Original Classes + Lithuanian Mythology

That’s pretty much it.

Art style, classes, overall world exploration and things to do.

The art style was a huge plus, since I’m attracted to cute games whatever. Classes, well, I do find it very interesting to try many different combinations so that no one isn’t always the same… and hearing about hidden/secret classes was also intriguing.

Then overall world and things to do kinda hooked me, because I really enjoy that theme of “exploration” with friends and just simple things like setting up camps, cooking, etc; Its nice that there are classes specialized on that and I hope that they actually do impact the game, y’know? Not just something for show.

For me its important that the simplest things in mmo are actually relevant, because they make the “fantasy” experience much more interesting~

After significant effort I got into the first Korean Closed Beta for Ragnarok Online 2 the 2007 one. The game was a trainwreck on par with FFXIV 1.0 totally unplayable and unfinished. After that they promised we’ll do it right. They didn’t at all. So I was disappointed as ■■■■. Both RO2 were basically not the games I wanted by a mile.

There seems to be rumors of Project R1 it was supposed to be a true sequel to RO and then in surfaced at Hangame EX 2011

Now art can’t tell you much but unlike the 2 RO2 this seems to be sprite based and since there a HUGE GAPING hole with no sprite based RO likes around I became VERY interested in this checking it like monthly at least. Slowly it materialized into the TOS we know today.

Bonus my only remaining picture of RO2-1 because I totally forgot about the screenshots and formated.


The graphics alone won my heart, the animation sealed it. :smile_cat:

everything :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:

Randomly saw it when they got greenlight on steam, saw the artwork/graphics* and was like OH MY THIS IS WHAT I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR (after sometime without finding a good mmorpg) then saw 80 classes.


*Reminds me of things like FFT, Shining Force n the such, from when I met RPG games when I was a kid.

I was looking for something unique and different. This pretty much nailed it for me.

It feels like going back to old days with new and modern gameplay.

I got interested in ToS because of how different it is in comparison to the other mmos being pumped out like clones. Most mmos being released lately have had quite some funding to back them and instead of capitalizing on many cool mechanics, they cheap out with gimics and flashing graphics.

At least with ToS there’s some decency, the graphics are nostalgic with a bit of a touch up, the gameplay is rather engaging, I never really cared for the story of games, from the few videos I’ve seen, the music is actually quite fitting, the change from calm music while adventuring to intense music when in combat is smooth.

If ToS had half the funding most of these “triple A” games have had, we could of had something a lot more.

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The people working on it mainly. Then i look at the art desing, the guys how are working doing the music. AND THE GUNS. I WANT THAT SCHWARZE REITER SO BAD. (Yeah, and the point of view of the camera, also a old RO player here)

Hope ToS in this case have a worthly history, i miss a good lore.

im a big fan of RO bring back the old days ROCK On… TOS thumbs up

Reliving my RO days, this is when all the die hard people tell me this game is nothing like RO yada yada yada … but for me, it is a sequel to an adventure that started long ago. A new MMORPG with a hint of past experiences.


I’ve been playing Ragnarok Online since 2006. So I am super hyped for a game that has a similar vive but with updates graphics and mechanics. I hope we can all play it soon =)

its graphic and its not a battle only mmo. thats why i like it