Tree of Savior Forum

What got you interested in ToS?

RO sequel, graphics, sound track, and the game play/combat looks really satisfying. I’m also digging the story quite a bit.

I would say pretty much everything. Although this game has no relation to RO, because former staff of the previous game are involved, the resemblance to that game in undeniable. I used to play RO a LOT…

The art atyle, the animations, the wide variety of classes and skills that have been said to be available, the world itself seems vivid and with freedom to go wherever you want. There’s a main story probably, but all indicates you will be able to choose the sides quests in the others you want and follow your own progression.

Combat and dungeons seem pretty interesting, and formations have me very intrigued. I like the idea how only certain classes can do some specific important things in the game. Hidden classes are a very welcome surprise as well.

I could go on.

Honestly, the graphics. It sounds superficial, but after thinking about why certain games are more or less successful in terms of community, my current theory is that 2.5D MMOs facilitate social interaction more so than 3D environments.

I do get a nostalgic Ragnarok kind of vibe, but the general consensus I’ve seen on here and the TOS subreddit is that the gameplay is different. That’s fine with me, because I don’t think it was the gameplay in Ragnarok that I enjoyed so much as the interactions with other players, and right now I have the hope that this game will have a very interactive community.

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Initially it was known as Project R1 so i was hyped because RO was the only MMO i truly got into. Dunno when it was first announced, i just remember it has been several years of waiting.

I’m a RO player so on the beggining it was all about how much it looked like RO…

But then, when i started to read about the game (well, to be more accurate, when i started to ask to my boyfriend about the game XD) i started to like the jobs system and the game in general. :slight_smile:

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The art style and the music.
@Mewka I also played in that old korean old ro2 beta, the one you started in something like culvert xD.

Art Style
Being an ex-RO player
Original Classes
overall world exploration and things to do.

TOS? well what gained my interest in TOS was really the Style of Gameplay… This is what ive been waiting for Ragnarok Like MMORPG, with Gameplays like Dragon Nest/Cabal. :sunglasses: TOS Rock On! :punch:

What Sprites? they’re 3d models…

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I got hooked up cause its looks, the art style its awesome, so i started watching videos on youtube and found out the OST is just as awesome as some classic rpgs (FFIV, FFVI, Crono Trigger, RO, etc), so thats basically the main reasons, also the game play seems like its going to be like RO with the posibility to actually jump and have way more control over your caracters.

Dito. I really like every aspect of the game.

Hopefully they can create a meaningful world with lots of players who are strifing through low level zones for item farming. That could be really important guys, because this is a social factor that made Ragnarok Online quite popular. New Players could speak with Higher Lvl Characters and get a grasp about what they could become if they invest time into the game. I think this could be an important point, in creating a great Playerbase. Hopefully IMC Games see it similiar as Kym did it with Gravity.

Yeah i got interested too because ppl said itt will be similar to Ragnarok. When I first saw the first pics of Project R1… well those characters were cute too… but it still turned out a million times better for now (at least for my taste)

Art, lore, variety, and the team behind the game.

This! This image is what started my interest.
It’s wild to see how drastic of a change they’ve made to their art direction.

Even with that change, the new aesthetic looks incredible & I am definitely here for the art.

just the classes and their gameplay that got me interested good games dont need good graphics as long as they have good gameplays


Personally, I like Korean games, cause they always/often cook awesome games, which I hope, ToS is as well. I got hooked first when I saw Steparu’s gameplays, I liked how it looked and thought, damn, I gotta try it out. Art style is really amazing and the combat wasn’t that fast, which is unusual in my opinion. And from what I’ve heard it’s pretty deep game. Reminds me of animes lol.

And yeah, I just looked up at what classes there are and I was amazed by diversity ;o

I love the style and I love the diversity of the classes -

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Heard it around 2014 I think, that time the title was already revealed. I like it because:~

I heard it’s a spiritual successor to RO?! :ok_hand:
Gameplay mechanics :heart_eyes:
Art style :thumbsup:
Classes!! And lots of 'em! :satisfied:

I’m sure I missed a few things here and there but that much I remembered why I was hooked with this in the first place~

Personally, i just prefer 2D over 3D. Latale, ROTMG, Maplestory… but also Odin Sphere, Dragons Crown, etc.

The sheer quality of Graphics, Sounds and - from what i have seen - game mechanics helps, too.

I honestly thought that the art style had kind of a final fantasy tactics feel too it, and i just love it. i like the idea of the job system with all the advancements.