Tree of Savior Forum

What got you interested in ToS?

The gameplay and similarities of ragnarok and diablo :relaxed:

I am old RO player so this game is from the original RO creator and that got me interested. Finally I can have the RO feel again.

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@suikazura ayy lmao :smiling_imp:

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Same reason most people did. The spiritual successor to RO!!!

Pretty interested after knowing that this game will provide around 80+ classes, which means there’s little possibility for a downright OP class dominating everything, but every class will have their own respective roles.

The artwork is simply gorgeous, and the BGMs are pretty good IMO, being someone that enjoy instrumental pieces a lot.

Overall everything’s good about this game, so right now I’m so hyped. :smile:

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uniqe battle mechanics
nice graphics (its actually 3D =3=")
great BGMs
nice community
for all age


Art style + character animations.

It’s awesome how they reached such effect with sprites! I really had tears welled up while watching how Squire sets up a camp ^_____________^

The game reminds me of Legend of Mana, I was in love cause of its art and simplicity including the mechanics of the game (ex: how squire job class can repair weapons and prepare food for your party to eat <3 etc).

Well that’s only my opinion,there are many factors to considered and potentials that is waiting to be revealed, well I just hope publishers wont ruined the game.

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the first screenshot I have seen at 2011 sold me to the game, it reminded me totally of the flair of ragnarok and I loved having the same atmosphere again

thats right, but after a while they started to dissociate themself from the statement and also pointed out that’s a different game. (which yeah, you probably know anyway and I just wrote it unnecessary )

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What got you interested in ToS?
My answer is simple. Everything.
I like the graphics (artstyle and softmotion), gameplay (2.5D fighting MMORPG), soundtracks, animations, and classes (they say there will be 80+ classes).
Though I’ve never played RO1, I’ll like this game so much.

Lots of interesting classes, and it also appeals to me visually.

It all started 12 years ago when I discovered Ragnarok Online I would say…

the art concept on this game was way too solid plus the animation itself i would rate it 10 for that overall this game rocks solid hard

Like with a lot of people, the art style caught my eye. Why? Like with most people the nostalgic feelings of RO. But also the quality of the sprite animations together with super comfy area’s and everything, just wow. But graphics aren’t everything of course. The whole “be whatever the heck you want to be” with loads of classes and almost no build the same is a big seller to me.

the first image i saw in 2011 PojectR1

This image and the others that they showed, also later updates on facebook kept me coming back to see the progress.


Because i love RO and played till last year but i wish for something new :wink:

I got interested in ToS, because it looks a bit 2D.

And there aren’t any good games out there that have that 2D feel.

2D > 3D

It would be a lie to say that my experience in RO had nothing to do with it, but what really got me in love with the game is the class customization system :smile:

I don’t know what got me interested in this. I somehow came across it when I was looking at RO stuff.

My experience with RO has been nothing short of epic, the long and arduous task of hitting 150/50 on iRO, finally achieving it and all the friends I made going up to it was a blast.

Seeing that ToS, it’s initial screenshots, it’s unique class sytem and overall art is makes this game seem like a blast to the past.

Exactly in the same boat as you, but with the only difference that I LOVED Gate of the World.
I still hated Legend of the Second.

I wish I could still play Gate of the World, I had some of my best times in that game.