Tree of Savior Forum

What classes do literally NO ONE play

There’s also me, Archer 3 - Scout 3 - Musketeer 2 :sweat_smile:

I mean… technically no one plays Necro c3… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Probably something like Pardoner 3, Sorc 3, maybe Kino 3… I haven’t seen many of those around after the formula change.
I’m making a Kino3 myself (while I patiently wait for Kriv-Tao to be good again… so I can make a Taoist maybe).

hi-five Miyamu! Split Arrow is still pretty strong,you just have to use it with Oblique Shot and Twin Arrows now

That’d be me :joy:

Edit: People usually go krivis 1 or 3. No-one really goes sadhu 1.

So maybe:
Cleric1Krivis2Sadhu1Pardoner3PlagueDoc1? Is that snowflake enough? :joy:

Top 100 build don’t mean much, most of my builds aren’t on there.

I don’t have Oblique Shot, but Twin Arrows and Musketeer’s Covering Fire are really nice when Split Arrow is on cooldown. Even though I was online every day during reset event, the only resets I used on my Scout were Stats and Skills (removing Multi Shot 15 and 1 point from Oblique), because I didn’t want to change my build at all :blush:

I don’t want to offtop, so:

  • Pardoner C3
  • Oracle C2/C3
  • Peltasta C3 (most people take Peltasta C2 and then Rodelero… or just Peltasta C1 for taunt)
  • Hunter C3 (never even saw someone taking Hunter outside of PvP build)
  • Rogue C3
  • Druid (they aren’t THAT rare, but still not the most popular class)
  • Kabbalist C2 (even for PvP people take Kabba - Inquisitor)
  • Hackapell (saw some, not many tho)
  • Templar will be even more rare when they will make creating guilds available for every class.

I actually REALLY wanted to make a Krivis 3-Paladin 3 for the fun.
But with Zaibas sometimes not even hitting anymore… just nope x) I gave up on this idea.
I had a dream of Aukuras 15 + Restoration 15 for the fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Right. I had forgotten but as a Kabba 2 myself, it’s really rare to find one. Most people stop at 1. I’ve seen only a handful of Kabba 2~ And they usually just exist to farm.

Cleric 3 isn’t rare. It isn’t common, but a lot of Paladin 3 or Sadhu 3 go Cleric 3. I see a new Cleric 3 every couple of days.
Although ultimately anyway, the rarity of a class will change for every servers.

I actually remembered a friend of mine has a rare build: Archer 2 Hunter 3 Falconer 3 (which actually allowed us to trio R8 contents <3 (even if two of us were underleveled (and all of us with just basic gear))

i still play musketeer paired with wugushi :smiley:

psychokino cause its litterly unplayable

I have not seen one person with this build except me.
Rare builds that I only encountered a few times or once
Pure support cleric
Build with Wizard 3
Build with Wugushi
Build with Ranger 3
Build with Cannoneer
Builds I haven’t encountered but have seen online

So I have a couple character with builds/classes that I hardly (or never) see. Bolds indicated classes I have seen someone indicate in this thread as seeing hardly any of edit bold does not appear to be working, wth?:

wiz3 -> Kino3 -> Runecaster ->Sage


A1-> Ran3 -> Rog3 ->Hacka

I’m like the OP though, I wanted to try things I hardly see but think will be fun. c:

wut about a dps templar

i’ve never seen a dps templar

SW3BARD3TEMPLAR2 mortal slash looks OP, 670% attack x3 and 3 overheat thats 6k% damage plus the debuff from cleave

Hunter C3 > Falconer C3

Do It.

I have not seen one person with this build except me.

Yeah, right. No one. Despite this one : :slight_smile:
was called M-16 machine gun A3QS3Musk2 build and was the most popular QS3 build out there before rewamp.

Just don’t pick one of the top 100 builds if you want to be a special snowflake.

I tried it during the reset event.
It lasted 10 minutes :smiley:

runecaster xd, simply because the quest is ■■■■■■■ ridiculous


i know psy is buggy af, but the whole point of it is to hold down mobs and burst bosses down in seconds

It’s the build I’m working on. Actually got Krivis 3 with Aukuras lvl 15, Zialciai lvl 15 and Daino lvl 10, not a single point in Zaibas. I don’t think Restoration 15 is needed, only lvl 5 (but need to invest in the attribute).

Dear my very old build !

Those are really common, are you playing in Orsha server ?

Only Restoration 3 is needed for the attribute (level I currently have it on my Paladin 3).
But the point to go to Restoration 15 was just for the fun of mixing it with Aukuras 15. This whole build was because it seemed random fun~

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Yep but the way I will distribute my points will allow me to put 5 last points, so 5 points in Restoration I guess. Lvl 5 is +140 HP regen and lvl 15 is +240 HP regen. Not a big difference. But now I just checked and making Smite lvl 15 cost 184 SP and 198 SP for Regeneration lvl 15… Wow IMC madness. I’ll maybe put only 5 points in Smite and 15 in Restoration after all (’-’).