Tree of Savior Forum

What Attracts You To A Class?

I like the healing role a lot. I enjoy watching people’s hp bars get filled.

I am playing a diev3 currently and my thought was: Everyone is going to be playing priest, I want some diversity. I like finding classes that aren’t as played as others and looking at them, thinking how I could make them work to benefit my party members. It might not be the most optimal thing but somehow it works.

Class concept always…then it turns out how it actually plays is bad and Im mad.

I like religious-themed classes. I’ll be creating a Cleric focused on all-holy spells. Currently I’m in love with Cleric c3, however I’m forced to go Priest-Chaplain or Paladin-Kabbalist because the rest of Cleric branches are not holy elemental. Sigh.

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Theme, relevancy and usefulness.

Fair enough. Sadhu C3 in CBT2 if you got to it was disgustingly broken. Now we nerfed, but not in a terrible place.

Anyway. I do admit, I made my Fencer female because I slightly like the fem outfit more than the male.

costume and op skills :slight_smile:

The fashion, unique playstyle (Sadhu for an example), and jack of all trades types.

For the most part, most of my favorite classes comes from Cleric branch for the last point, and some from Wizard. I’m ok with a loss in dps, if it offers more utility or just a different, genuine enjoyment. I guess I tend to enjoy the classes with a “spoopy” theme to them too (Bokor, Necro, Sadhu …kinda).

That said, my favorite class I’ve played is probably Necromancer! I love my derpy skele-babies.

I went chronomancer simply because it seemed like a class I had not played before in any other mmo. time magic is odd and unique in mmo’s.

unfortunately poor design dissapoints me, aspd being tied into fps, for example, but at least pass and black mask is good.

I take a class depending on if it looks fun and it’s difficulty. I won’t choose a class if it’s super hard to level or play, but I don’t like it too easy and won’t choose the current OP meta class (unless it looks really fun, and I’ll like it even if it’s nerfed) I like a medium difficulty, something I can work towards but wont make me pull my hair out :3

And costumes, ofc

I typically enjoy utility classes and builds that aren’t very common. I tend to specialize for one specific role over spreading myself out, but I suppose it is all about how I’m feeling at a given moment.

For some reason, I’m interested in building a 3c peltasta with a 3c squire (not exactly rare). However, many tanks might feel that incorporating rodelero and fencer would provide better benefits–this is probably true.

More than anything, I’m just excited to see the results of experimenting with mixing and matching; other than that, a class’s appearance is a nice bonus.

Hmm, beeing able to help others :slight_smile:
That’s the reason i enjoy playing supporting characters the most, the more support is needed or useful overall, the better.
Sadly i did read that tanking or peltesta with higher circles is not a good idea, so i dunno about continuing the tank route and simply sticking to my little cleric.
Lovely looks are nice too, but for now i like my priest costume.

[quote=“YukiKoyo, post:53, topic:216593, full:true”]Lovely looks are nice too, but for now i like my priest costume.
[/quote]Watch for the spring priest costume.

How hipster it is compared to the meta classes :))

Spring priest costume? Never seen it, maybe it’s because it just snowed at the end of april …
Besides, how does it look? beeing a little curious

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Sorry, spring cleric costume x.x

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Utility and whether they’re playable with low FPS or high ping (120~160).

Awhh, looks adorable, thank you for the link! :slight_smile:

Personally, I really like going through the comments and seeing everything negative that people have said about a specific class or skill set . . . it makes me want to try it out to figure out how to make that class or skill work for me. I see it as a challenge to make a class work that everyone says is worthless, because it’s a matter of perspective. I’ve always been one of those people who really hates the words “you should”, “you shouldn’t”, and “that’s the wrong way to do (blah blah whatever)” because life is about possibilities, and video games are no different. Ultimately, I want to try everything and find out for myself what I like and what I can make work. Definitely a long term goal. :slight_smile:

All that aside, I am really drawn to classes that look like fun, and I’ve always been a fan of any magic class or rogue type class in every RPG I’ve played. There’s something very satisfying about destroying monsters from a distance, or sneaking up to backstab them. And of course the cute factor.


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