Tree of Savior Forum

What Attracts You To A Class?

The way Swordsmen are controlled. Always have to move, react and target well. I enjoy the competition.

I seem to prefer the ranged attack roles as melee can get too hectic. I like being able to stand back and have some time to think on strategy. And I donā€™t like my mana pool being my life bar, so the Archer class seems to be my eventual choice in most games.

Traps and stealth are a bonus and as I understand it an actual option in this game, but with no way to take back class choices, Iā€™d hate to spend all that time time just to end up a broken little guy cursed to ride the bench because his shoulder imp advised him to take a poor class path.

Attack speed and/or movement speed, and moving survivability. You can have all the armor in the world, but if you canā€™t run when it failsā€¦should have left it at home.

Jump attacking. Greatest feature in this game.

Exactly why I made a chrono 3!

Also mentaiko is <3

Well, Iā€™m leveling a scout3 just because split arrow is cool as ā– ā– ā– ā– . So, split arrow. Thatā€™s my answer.

Can it use a two-handed sword?
Thatā€™s my kind of class.
Bonus points for plate armor.

I love utility in my classes.

I liked Psychokino before it became meta because it had great cohesive build strategy. Something about flinging around Fireballs was extremely fun.

I LOVE Sadhu because it has a very interesting playstyle as well technically the ability to attack from multiple places at once. And besides, who doesnā€™t want a Stand?

Monk is a favorite because Iā€™ve always played Monks in most different fashions: Tank, DPS, Bruiser, etc. So when I see a class named Monk, I almost immediately gun for it.


Lol you mean like this? :smirk:
Image take from reddit :

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iā€™ve been abused by sorcerer but if i ever play ToS again 10/10 would sorcerer again. ; = ;

Iā€™m pretty damn sure thereā€™s even more Stand Sadhu pictures floating aroundā€¦but weā€™re in the minority when it comes to Cleric classes. Itā€™s just not very popular when you can do the same damage on easier classes or just buff allies to victory.

Well sadhu was OPā€¦ once at least.

Deleted mine cause I canā€™t stand the new attack speed :confused:

Made 2 Chronos in the last 2 iCB : ^)
But now Iā€™m maining a Templar just to make a guild for some friends, I will switch again to Chrono later.

P.D: So many mentaiko fans lately, I like it : ^)

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For me, Iā€™m trying to find hidden gems in classes that are less played due to being labeled as ā€œto weakā€ , ā€œto annoing gameplay to make funā€ or picking a build which is normaly not supposed to be played that way

Melee Wizard is my favorite till now.

I do love Summoner class! I ainā€™t summoner yet on the game but always that i played a mmo i made one. Itā€™s really fun slow them and such as your summons are beating them up Waahahahaha! :smiling_imp: also i like the fact that youā€™re able to summon a boss throught the cards thats nuts maā€™boi !!

What Attracts You To A Class?

If I can see panties or not.


An honest man. +1 rike

Iā€™ve always been a fan of the offensive Paladin archetype, but since Paladins in this game are mostly a support class I went with Hoplite/Dragoon, classes that utilize my favorite weapon type - spears.

ā€¦Cute costumes~~~ :3

Priest; the pressure of not letting anyone die is the most thrill to me.