Tree of Savior Forum

Spring Flower Dress?

hopefully i have enough TP to buy it :open_mouth:

In order: Archer, Cleric, Swordsman and Wizard.


Time to make some female chars.

o man i was looking forward for the female wiz’s dress, it looks exactly like the post mercenary outfit. :confounded:

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Also looks like you can be a fricking FAKE AS S WARLOCK WANNABE with that wiz spring dress LMFAO

Spring Flower Dresses :smiley:


XD Its so poofy and pink I have to have it!

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IMC started making money from costumes haha xD. So early i would say. Better fix other things and classes

Thanks but no thanks… I like that kimono type dress XD

don’t care for any of em. MAYBE the female wizard costume, but ehhhh, doubt ill spend money on it.

No pantsu!?

Not that bad.
I’ve 600tp, i’ll get 3 of them, i guess.

Points at swordsman.


hmm… wonder what goes in that blank space underneath wiz’s…

Just saying there arrrrre panties. :coffee:

Nuuuu those are shorts :sob:


Those are the shortiest shorts that ever shorted then. XD

The character’s body part are not drawn, these are the full costumes only :persevere:


Are you saying…
It’s fully exposed underneath the wiz’s F costume?

:open_mouth: wait… wiz might have a chance… ahhhh!

A gleam of hope! :scream: