Tree of Savior Forum

What Attracts You To A Class?

As the title says, what makes you want to play certain classes? I always like to hear people’s responses. Is it the DPS, the costumes, feeling like a needed role, animation, etc.?

Personally I love Swordsman (or Assassin classes) where I can WACK WACK WACK things! XD It’s just fun. Fencer + Corsair (just wait for the next ranks to come out) is quick action. I also really enjoy the archer branch on ToS, the high DPS play style is exciting and some what easy to maintain.

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I don’t understand why I chose Monk, especially over Paladin and others that seemed cool.
I really love the class somehow, for me it’s because it’s versatile and I can do both support and offense.
I never regretted it and only continue to love it.

Though really if it’s not obvious in my nick, I like a healer class that’s not dependent on parties to progress, but can support as needed.

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I went cryo3kino3 because I wanna hold you tight ~


Very first class video that made me drool. So elegant. Too bad I am just lazy to level it.
I guess I am attract by the style and how the combos look. For example the recent hoplite-corsair-shinobi build doesn’t appeal to me. Looks boring af despite being strong at bossing.


Yes this is one of the first videos I watched on the Fencer class! My build was even kinda messed up when I reached this boss but I had this video in mind, and it was just as fun as it looked.

I actually leveled a highlander till C3, but got side tracked and deleted it :joy:

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For isometric games I need to do more than just “hit it till it dies” reference to SAO Abridged if anyone gets it. So I like to play classes that have other aspects such as managing many pets, placing turrets, healing. So in this game I picked cleric (monk main so far with sadhu alt) so that I can heal others while dpsing too. That way I don’t get bored…

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I actually like combo-based highly mobile classes which is like the exact opposite of what I’m playing but it’s not like I can only play within my preference. I like classes that make you think about crowd control.

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What attracts me to a class?

Not being in the meta.

Because I’m a hipster.

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I went with sorcerer, even when its painful to use, cuz who wouldn’t want to boss bosses around.


fencer for xFioraMaster18

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Movement speed and short skirt.

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sadhu - bcuz u use your own ghost to attack
monk- op dmg and costume
plague doctor/bokor - good costume, op support, incin does good dmg and zombi train, plague doctor w/ white hair <3 :heart_eyes:

the 3 chars i think im gonna stick with until the new classes come out, then ill make a full support char cleric>krivis>taoist maybe

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looks,type of weapon and skills

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you know what
that video also will make me now level a fencer hahaha xD
i saw it months ago but at that time i saw to many awesome looking classes
this game has too many awesome classes

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Strong options/diversity and raw power.

Costumes, Gameplay and over all how fun it is… sadly though the gameplay tends to be a let down with nerfs/bugs and etc.

For me, I really love Spear-User so I choose Hoplite class and end with Dragoon.

Explosions and Freedom = sapper + Cannon/Musket
I was thinking of trying fencer on the first day, but I told my self maybe next time.
But i still made a big mistake on my main so had to reroll to my democracy build xD

The class concept is what always get me, as an example Chronomancer, I love the idea of playing with time.

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