Tree of Savior Forum

What are your opinions on Wizard PvP Builds post kToS nerfs?

Nerf is not the problem. The true problem is nerf cicles like Cryo 3 when you are rank 7 necromancer and have not circle reset. Now is only viable rank 3 wizz (because piro and cryo are crap), but nobody in his own mind is going to beguin a new character from rank 1 for have another nerf when reach rank 7 again.

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can someone link the ktos nerf list?

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The presence of Animus in the game clearly shows that the game accepts this as a viability.

Yeah i dont think using a clearly overpowered item that’s just begging to get nerfed (but isn’t due to more urgent balancing in other area) is gonna help your argument, buddy, but you go ahead thinking a wizard should be able to cc, deal damage, and have over 30k hp.

Of all the drivel in your post the only one i can get behind is people’s closeminded way of thinking.

Indeed people are being way to close minded. They should just be open minded about the nerf and either quit or roll another OP class and not complain so much.

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and The presence of this Nerf is clearly shows that the game accepts Wizards aren’t supposed to run FULL CON



That doesn’t make sense. Warriors tank, mostly. CC is not a class thing, every class has their CC. Wizards should be the main damagers with archers in different ways.

2 kinds of people in this post:

• Kids who are overreacting about their toy being broken.
• Players who actually care about balance.

We’re just talking about pvp, not pve

Judging by the points you make, I feel like I am discussing with an idealist that has been living in his tiny, confined space for years and has no idea what the real world is like.

There is by no means such a thing. I wonder where you threw your head off.

You don’t need so many steps to kill a bunch of people. Seriously have you ever played PvP yourself or even spectated a Psychokino? Even if a Psychokino is so clumsy as you described, how many seconds will all these actions take? 4 or 5 seconds? By the time your rescuing hero arrives, you are already dead.

Thaumaturge’s Reversi is good for coping with Raise, which I do not deny. Let’s face another fact here: there are not so many Thaumaturge and Pardoner out there. Not everytime you can be matched with these classes, nor can these classes come to your rescue whenever you are in danger. Am I hurting your feelings by pointing out the reality?

They are either already died, or are fighting and struggling with other enemies. In your scenario where are the rest of your teammates? It’s not 1 Psychokino v.s. 5 players here.

I am by no means implying that you should “respect” me due to the fact that I play PvP everyday. I am sharing my thoughts and daily experience of what I encounter and face.

Your lack of experience and idealistically superficial theory crafting won’t make a class that is indeed OP a slight bit less OP. Just go ask some kToS players whether that think after all these nerfs, Psychokino is still strong or not. And I am here to answer you. Get over it.


so the only 2 wizard pvp build worth it right now are w3-kino3-wl (you still have quick cast to couter the dmg nerf and sure spell for pole) and elememe?


Random chrono3 builds and random Thauma2 builds for supports

i’ve a feeling that a smart thing to do would be to quit and come back in 6 months~ (if there will be something to return to, ofc)after they are done with the nerfing/buffing/trashing.

for those that don’t have time to level a 280 char/week at least.

[quote=“Blubbolo, post:94, topic:298999, full:true”]
so the only 2 wizard pvp build that are licked by metawhores (aka “i saw this on YT!”) worth it right now are w3-kino3-wl (you still have quick cast to couter the dmg nerf and sure spell for pole) and elememe?

Jokes aside, as long as you dont take Alchemist C2, or do something weird like Wiz3 Thama2 Chrono2 (no synergy at all), you can make a build work in pvp.

Doesnt mean it will be good for Duels + 2v2 + 5v5 + GvG. Your build may be designed for one or two of the above.
You can make your character work well by itself or combo with team mates, not just dps, but cc, support or even zoning…

Unless they remove the damage penalty on GPole, it just isn’t worth using. People don’t realize how significant an additional 80% reduction is in damage; being full int or even 100% dmg attribute isn’t going to change its damage from being bad. In-fact, there is probably even more reason to go full con now since you’ll still do poor damage even with pure int.

Let’s say you have a total of 1600 base dmg instead of 1200 due to high int investment and spent 70+ million silver leveling Gravity Pole to 100%. This is how much damage you’ll do.

[[1600 (base) + 936 (skill base)] - 500 (avg. player mdef)] x 2 (100% dmg modifer) x .5 (initial PvP damage modifer applied to all damage) x .2 (gravity pole exclusive dmg reduction).

This comes out to 407.2 dmg per tick to someone with average mdef after investing over 70m into the dmg attribute and using very good gears. With it offering no actual cc and the slow being very light, you will be lucky to get 5 procs off this onto someone, so you’re looking at 2036 dmg tops. But, without something to compare it to, what does that really mean?

Let’s compare it to say… Level 5 Energy Bolt. The most basic attack skill in the entire wizard tree. It simply takes your intial magic attack, adds some base damage based on charge level and applies an additional base dmg tick of 50% of your matk to it. It also has a small aoe, some knock back and a damage attribute. Surely this basic skill is far weaker than the gasp dreaded Gravity Pole! Well… Not exactly.

Using this modifered formula:

[[1600 (base) + 93 (skill base)] - 500 (avg. player mdef)] x 2 (100% dmg modifer) x .5 (initial PvP damage modifer applied to all damage) x 1.5 Skill additional Hit.

You get, 1789.5 dmg per Energy Bolt. Energy Bolt. Level 5… In the time you get 5 procs of Gpole under ideal circumstances, you can whiff out all 3 charges of this. That’s almost tripple the damage output. From… Energy Bolt. Look, you don’t have to be an expert wizard to realize that the most basic attack skill in the entire archetype at circle 1 doing just shy of triple the damage ouput of a Circle 3 Psychokino skill that now only can be used for damage doesn’t add up to a balanced outcome. Let’s put aside what other skills the class has, how, without gross bias can you say that is not unbalanced in the opposite direction?

Yes, if it could still lock people down, it could do 0 damage and still be worth using. Obviously. But with the slow being so minuscule, why does it need a damage nerf of 80% on top of its ability to lock down being removed in PvP? Are you that salty that you are okay with them blantantingly over nerfing a skill to literally being worse than energy bolt? Forget that it’s Psycho 3 or that other skills are debatably still good in PvP, is this a standard you want the devs to be okay with? I’d much rather nerfs bring over powering skills to something that makes sense for the skill to be at. Not something so bad that it’s hard to say if it’s even worth using, and this being after millions and millions of silver investment. And, let’s get real, most people aren’t going to even be able to get it to 100% so it’ll be even less than that, at end game.

I want to believe that the opposition is merely misunderstanding the other’s position here. I don’t want to believe that anyone thinks it’s okay to nerf any skill into nothingness, let alone a c3 skill on a class gotten with PvP in mind on most occasions. What kind of precedent will it set in the future if even a portion of the community accepts that as good balancing? I can only imagine that the devs realized most people used Gpole as a CC skill foremost, and so nerfed its damage into nothing, saw that it wasn’t really deterring people, and then hit the CC without considering the previous dmg nerfs still being left in check. Like, let’s get real, Gpole, without the CC was never even that strong of a skill in the first place. Several skills do more that are arguably just as easy to hit people with. Sure if you just stand there and take a multi hit skill, after a while it’ll do a lot, but that’s an absurd way to judge a skill’s practical damage. That’s like saying “OH FIRE GROUND CAN POTENTIALLY DO 100k DMG IF SOMEONE STAYS ON IT! NERFFFFFFF.”

Realistically, removing the 80% additional dmg nerf will result in a skill that you don’t want to ignore, but one that will also not automatically result in you dieing due to ccing you down. That sounds balanced to me. It makes sense for a dmg/cc class to have another damage option at c3 that has reasonable dmg output. It’s also a skill that keeps you from doing other things while using it, and can be interrupted, even by the person you’re hitting now. It’s so easy to counter that when it comes to damage, it will be far from the worst skill you’re worried about without its cc. With both nerfs though, it isn’t even worth using at all. This will come back to bite you if you let a precedent like this be accepted, mark my words. Anything goes if it’s okay to nerf a popular skill to pointlessness. They end up nerfing snipe to only do 3000 damage? That’ll be justified. Them nerfing Rush to do 500 dmg per tick? That’ll be justified. What about balance you ask? No, balance isn’t the standard now, now it’s just giving into salt and giving any skill that is used a lot the gpole treatment. Hope you like buying skill resets and making new characters because that’s the road this kind of attitude leads down. Let’s just hope those willing to do that give enough money to keep the game afloat, right?

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The whole point of being a Psychokino is having “psychokinosis” skills which is now countered by everything~ Yup… over nerfed~ should have changed the class name to something else~

Sooner or later your going to have to learn to accept it and move on.There is nothing you or the other people who has an issue with the nerf can do about it.

But hey you all have rights to complaint,however the calm will come after the storm.Eventually in time, you all will stop complaining and accept it or quit…whichever.Look at the the nerf on cryo,people went full QQ mode for a couple of days and now a lot of them calm down,accepted it and moved on.The same thing will happen here.

Kinda like when your crying,you let it all out and then eventually you calm down.

Throwing around teen angst words like “crying” in response to legitimate criticism by the numbers. Kay. Don’t forget, “crying” is what lead to this, so it’s rather hypocritical to think that people giving actual legitimate criticisms to balance it out better would lead to some further re-balancing. Regardless, shame on you for wanting people to accept a terrible state of balance.

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I’m curious. Is anyone in this thread a kTOS player and has actually experienced the changes?

he always does that, ppl just stop replaying to him and move on, on that he’s right. ^^

also the “get it over with or quit” is stupid aswell, if “we” didn’t ask for improvement we would still have no trade and stuff, and there would have been no nerf to those class, nerf wanted by the “crying” of others.


Honestly its pretty laughable that you think wizard “overnerf " (according to you, mind you. There are still wiz out there who think otherwise, proving once again, its’ all but a matter of opinion”)
means ur class is no longer viable against coordinated PVP (which rarely happens) even though you said so yourself, it still destroy pugs and most lineups. And you’re saying this when most swordsmen circles are literally useless in pvp AND high level pve save for maybe 2.

Just face it, the game was never balanced around PVP. It was never even balanced in PVE, which is the core content atm. There are also next to zero incentive for anyone to pvp or even GvG other than sheer E-peen that don’t mean jacks in a game where classes are so imbalanced,the server so laggy, your personal skills mean next to nothing.

Your “overnerf” is nothing compare to the state that swordsmen atm. Til they fix their servers, deal with all the other problems the game is facing, maybe, just maybe then, a dialogue about whether or not wiz was overnerfed can be facilitated. For now, anything you say, legitimate or not, just sounds like first world problems compare to other more urgent things that are actually broken.

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