Tree of Savior Forum

What are your opinions on Wizard PvP Builds post kToS nerfs?

Read previous post please.
In short : Nerfs were needed but over nerfs weren’t.

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I played it and yes i know what’s going on in ktos.
And now that you speak about it, wait to see some GvG footage from actual Psycho and comeback to tell me that it’s balanced.
Cryo Psycho were already nerfed with some combo (ice wall+psychic -50%, Gravity Pole -80%, Raise debuffable, frost status nullified by several buffs or stats, etc … i didn’t even talked about Subzero Shield OVERNERF)
Stop saying that the nerf of the last viable CC to the point of being less effective than the Diev Carv World Tree is something “ok”.
And yes, the anti CC buffs can have 100% uptime because as someone said, you play in a team where you can get several plague / oracle / rune caster.


I am still active on kToS and I play PvP and GvG everyday, so I think I can share some of my experience here.

The truth is that, though the damage of Dark Theurge is reduced by 50%, it still hurts like hell. Even if you put a lot of points in CON, you will still easily get killed by a Warlock surrounded by Dark Theurge running towards you.

You speak as if Psychokino did not have any CC skills anymore. Magnetic Force and Raise are still OP. Magnetic Force’s range is ridiculous broad, for that I am not even near the targeted area, but I will still get pulled in. Raise’s duration is 10 seconds, not to mention the one-third-width-of-your-screen range, which is fairly enough for a Psychokino to kill several people at the same time. There’s merely a way to escape from this class’s multiple means of CCs, and once you are captured, a Psychokino can kill you effortlessly with Psychic Pressure, Dark Theurge, Pole of Agony, Blood Bath, etc.

Just face the fact: even after so many nerfs, Psychokino is still strong on PvP and GvG. If you ask me, I will say without hesitation that Psychokino is still way too OP, and the nerf is not enough.


Im not really sure why wizard-class players cry over this nerfs. remember, swordsman classes are broken, therefore they are weak (but only few can compete, like cata-dragoon builds) when it comes to gvg
not convinced? go try rape some with ur pvp build wiz.

Im a former swordsman player but i re-rolled to wiz. The feeling of, using a wiz-class while u kill swordsmen is fun, deep in my kokoro

P.S If wiz-class players are worried about the nerfs that badly, i guess u need to worry about archers coz we dont know that we might get 1-shot or insta KO by them.

lol swordsman can’t even land a single hit towards cryokinos and yet they’re complaining. zzzzz

These kids just look at the numbers and spout every nonsense they can. Only the braindeads want to play a no brainer character.

The nerf was too much.

Cryo Kino did excel in PvP and they took most of it away, they are not DPS dealers when it comes to PvP anymore, it’s all about CC now.

The real problem I see here is, they buffed clerics, which were generaly better than mages already in PvP and took one of the few options for a meta PvP wizard away.

Meanwhile they did NOTHING to other classes which are OP outside of PvP, you don’t see Frost Cloud doing less hits/second or even in PvP, you will never see Heal Tiles heal for 20% of their original value, even if they ARE too OP for PvP. (considering you only need the first 2 cleric ranks to keep your team “immortal”)


it’d be fuckd up if a cc class deals a lot of damage LOL

Still best to use 4 wizards + 1 cleric for pvp AND pve. Subzero shield is still overpowered since it’s 1 set and forget auto-win against swordsmen skill.

Raise still makes you auto-win against whole teams because you can’t cast fumigate or indulgentia while raised (wow such a brutal nerf cry more)

Linker is still beyond ridiculous in pvp, magic damage is superior, no need for DEX to hit people which leaves room for tons more CON which also makes wizards effectively immune to crits which in turn renders DEX spent by archers and swordsmen worthless against wizards, etc. etc.

Cryo is death.
Kinos still have a pass but cryo is totally crap.

What you miss here is pretty easy.
PD counters CC, Stone Skin counter physical, both on the same character.
No, these balanced are not overnerfing but disregarding other aspects of the game. Its really simple: offer cc, offer utilty, offer damage, not all of them.

There still are a few things that should change, like a linker3 + archer full draw combo, thats insane cc and unavoidable BUT requires 2 players at least.

I honestly don’t mind having things nerfed and/or buffed to more properly balance PvP.

What does bother me is when one of the few functional circles in the game is changed in such a way as to make it no longer worthwhile to invest in.

IMC has really made some strange game design decisions, that is obvious and everyone can see it. Many classes in the game have circles that just can’t be taken because they are poorly designed / balanced.

If any other class had one of their few functional circles nerfed in a way that made them no longer worthy of investment, you can bet the players of that class would be vocal about it. Imagine if one of the few functional swordsman C3 circles received similar changes.

Also, to repeat my question from before – any thoughts on what to go as a Wiz 3 > Psycho 1 at this point?

Gravity Pole nerf was overkill. I agree that it needed some tweaking but this was not a good solution. Either keep the hard cc and the 20% reduction/no damage at all, or go with the soft cc (slow) and give it back it’s original damage…

I’ve no clue what you expect to accomplish with it in it’s current form.

What it is right now is a neutered skill. Basically just turned it into a c3 Premium Gesture/Taunt.

In any case let’s discuss and break down some of these claims that are being thrown around.

Raise and MF are not as OP as you’re making them out to be. Off the top of my head, fade/cloaking + spiritual chain makes you immune to raise and MF. Thaumaturges can reversi it although it doesn’t save the people already raised it could raise the kino who cast it as well. Let’s take the scenario you just gave. Kino raises you and several of your party members. PP, Theurge, Pole of agony all require for him to be relatively close to his targets. A proper follow up combo to raise is say raise --> mf --> QC —> theurge —> PP. Sure you can throw Pole in there as well but all that time the kino is exposed no? especially during a PP channel? Let’s not forget Indulgentia is a counter to raise now as well. Physical Link + Tele can save your teammates from MF and even the unnerfed version of gravity pole. Proof? Here you go.

You PvP and GvG everyday and yet you don’t seem to be aware of key or even basic counters to a class that you’re touting to as disgustingly OP or even making it sound like it’s unstoppable. In your scenario where was the rest of your teammates while you were getting butchered by 1 kino? Did you ever think that there was a way around it? Or did your PvP/GvG veteran self just say ahhhhhh f*ck it i’ll just keep walking into it. might as well, no counters for it. Afterwards you go on here and try to tell people what you think about them and imply that they should respect or believe your opinion simply because you PvP everyday? more like PvP brainlessly everyday.

No. That is not a fact. That is your opinion and as we’ve established, one that is highly misinformed. Psychokinos are not “still way too OP”. Sure you PvP and GvG everyday but from what you told me you and your group don’t seem to know jack about PvP and GvG. Your incompetence/ignorance does not mean a class way too OP. Enjoy the facts.


So who told you that wizards can’t and shouldn’t run full con? The presence of Animus in the game clearly shows that the game accepts this as a viability. Sure the game takes the broad idea of wizards but who are you to say that wizards should only ever really be full int glass cannons? What a pretty stubbborn and closeminded way of thinking. I mean If we were all to adopt your narrow-mindedness wizards shouldn’t be using daggers or shields either right? and for that matter wtf are linkers anyway?? IMC is destroying the purity of wizards with all of this creative nonsense.

Pot calling kettle black huh… Passive aggression and condescension towards someone who you think has an obstinate way of thinking… really just means someone is stubborn and close minded… like someone for example who thinks that a game’s particular category of classes should only follow what he thinks they should be or do. “Because wizards aren’t supposed to run full CON anyway” said with full confidence and conviction because you know… you have the god given right to decide these things for us.

Let me guess… you’re another veteran PvP/GvG player who battles it out everyday and is being systematically brutalized by kinos who are just so OP because there are no counters to them… right. It HAS to be that… that the class is just too easy, too OP, it’s a no brain character. It can’t possibly be that you could very well just be bad. God no, that’s not even remotely possible.


Have you played with any class that is not Wisards, against wisards, specially at high levels?

need more nerf. moremoremoremoremoremore

For 2 circles that offers too much cc, why would anyone even agree that being cc’d while taking so much damage from those ccs are balanced at all? If you wanted damage and cc there’s always the wiz 3 > kino 3 > wl path that HAS quickcast to still make theurge disgusting and it’s still frequently topping the boards. Frost cloud’s nowhere near Raise’s overall AoE, and even then going ele 3 means that guy has to be wiz 3 or frost cloud takes ages to cast so guess what, that guy only has sleep, petrify and lmaoearthquake as forms of cc unless people go to RNG hail AoE. I’d say the tradeoff was well-deserved.

LOL. Thanks for showing how little knowledge you have in the game. Now let me tell you why this nerf was necessary to achieve balance in overall game:

Animus is broken to begin with. This is the only game that allows you to build all defense stat because it boosts your damage in a massive amount, BUT NO COUNTER AT ALL. Let me show you what balance is:

  • Ragnarok: Paladin has Sacrifice, a skill that needs tons of HP to hit hard. Counter? Biochemist’s Acid Demo, a skill that melts people with high VIT (or CON in ToS).
  • League of Legends: Ton’s of items add HP and 8k HP isn’t even impossible to get due to masteries and runes. Counter? Blade of Ruin King, an item that allows you to chunk % of your opponents max HP.

Kinos might not be running FULL CON anymore.
With 400 Con + Aias’ crit restist they are just basically immune to critical attacks. And having 48k HPs with massive damages and unmatchable CC is beyond ridiculous. They are basically GODs especially to those idiot guilds who just zergs. You still think the nerf wasn’t necessary?

• While I did not say that every wizards should run full glass bottle build, but it could be a reality. Look even Elementalists who doesn’t have CCs run this build, how much more a Kino who has tons of CC not to mention that a cryo became a ‘must’ in taking this build.

Go back to playing gameboy kid if you don’t want to be countered. This is MMORPG you are playing and a meta should be expected. So how would you achieve that? By having pros and cons in every aspect of the game.

It’s either you just want to refuse these changes with whatever nonsense reason you have or you just lack the intellectual capacity to make things work and adapt to changes.

I said in other post earlier about this matter, that every change made for skills specially nerfing, makes a game bleed.

But,if the skill is too much OP in one character making it an unstoppable class, for every class, then the nerf is ok. If it’s almost unstoppable for every class is still ok, if it is almost unstoppable for some classes, but not for 1 o 2 classes that are better, that is where the nerfing starts to be bad and make the game bleed.

Why? because the balance isn’t everyone is more or less the same at something. The balance is that class 1>2>3>1>4>2 and so on. In a game i played buffer archers destroyed dps mages, dps mages almos the rest except some other class, tanks most warriors or archers if not full buffed, and daggers also buffed best killers for mages in group pvp. Buffers and healers didn’t kill anything but make twice the powerful any one being most wanted in party for pvp or pve. I see this as balance. This with some differences is what is going on here. We have to see how these mages do now in pvp when the change comes.

ugh they should simply have aimed for;

Archers being the main damagers.
Clerics being the main healers.
Wizards being the main CC.
Swordies being the main Curers (anti cc).

Add variation with range, and each having specific types of damage that they prevent, and some mild blending of roles