Tree of Savior Forum

What are your opinions on Wizard PvP Builds post kToS nerfs?


Well these people clearly hasn’t played any MMORPG with hardcore PvP/GvG. They think there’s justice in a one man show in a MMORPG. Guess they only played gameboy until recently.

Now that you guys tryhard to make us shut up, i’ll show you something fun :
Stone Skin nerfed in GvG : 400+ 0.5x SPR <<< Ok ?
Physical damage of swordman already boosted by 30% and another buff incoming <<<< Ok ?
Aias shield Block rate 2 not working <<<< Ok ?
Now the fun part : Block Penetration and Block works like Critical rate vs Critical Resistance so if you got some Block Pene there isn’t any problem and you got more damage than before.

It’s not about the physical vs magical, it’s about an over nerfed CC from a CC class.

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Do you have any idea how many crit rate you need to bypass a 560+ crit resist?

A skill with high damage + total hold deserves a nerf (Gravity Pole).
A total CC deserves to repelled (Raise).

In Dota 2 we have a Repel and Black King Bar.
In Ragnarok we have recovery/dispell. Marc card (immune to freeze), Anti-stun set and etc.

So you think ToS doesn’t need it just because the class was designed to have CC?

Jokes on you kid.


You’re arguing against something no one is saying, this is a straw man. No has argued that no nerf should exist, but that it was overnerfed. The damage was never high, but moderate, and was nerfed to being weaker than basic attacks and no longer has any real CC and can be countered by simply attacking the caster. It’s literally pointless now. They might as well of said the skill can’t be used in PvP. The class is outshined in PvE thus only has a place in PvP relative to other options and that has been severely nerfed to the point of needing rerolls. That’s ridiculous.

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oh hey, never high damage

look at this guy who is an very good rodelero in KrToS 's video and what he commented

what he have have say
"psychokino + Animus(nec ACC) = have high HP / magic attack
psychokino’s combo can deal 3~50000 damage (No INT)
just die"

if you don’t know how strong gravity pole pre-nerf then please just shut up

talking to the class which is even out shine in both pvp and pve there are so many for a long time ago
then pleaseee … stop this mindless defense
thank you

  1. Stone skin nerf: little nerf with without SPR you can’t even have 300 block pen via equiments so … justice ?

  2. Physical dmg buff ? is that a threat when swordman can’t even reach their opponent ?
    ranking pre buff: 2 sword man, after buff: 4 sword man
    oh wow what a nice number

  3. The problem is Aias 's effect, not that 2 block rate

  4. Don’t tell me you prepare to told physical class people adding full SPR for pvp :smile_cat:

the balance is overall for all class in the game not just a CC class
so this game pvp is just CC class ?

stop try to being smart
you are lack of experience about this game info and pvp so you do mindless defense about your class being nerf ? (your class ? i guess)

20-04-2016 pre-nerf too.
Stop try to argue with outdated video, 20% of PvE damage isn’t “High Damage Skill” Like said @kidsanity.
Now without INT you can do 300 damage per hit at best in Arena/GvG and With high INT you don’t get much.


PS : And yes i got Psycho 3 in one of my 5 Lv240+ char. I got a Swordman too.

Who are you even arguing against? No one is argueing for a completely unnerfed version. And using a single skill to kill someone isn’t anything unique to wizard. Cata kills people with just rush. Archer kills people with just snipe. It’s normal to have skills that can single handedly kill another player. Gpole unerfed was a bit too good in the sense that it could aoe + cc + do good damage in total. All these things combined, sure, a bit too much for PvP. However, they lowered its aoe potential, took away its cc and made its damage non existent which only was relevant in the first place due to things not being able to escape it over an extended period. It has been overnerfed to the point that the skill is useless. No one in this entire thread has said for it to be un-nerfed which is evidence of your salty bias judgement and lack of care for fair balance changes.

They refuse to accept that this change is too much.

They realize the change is too much and that is why they are argueing against ghosts. People take being outclassed in PvP personally to the point they want to see things nerfed to the point where a PvP class hardly has a place in PvP. It’s absurd.

decreased 65% dmg overall (from 50% -> 20%)

so from 30000-50000 (pre nerf dmg) down to 10500-17500 (dmg nerf patch) and it’s an aoe so still good to use (total dmg strong equal cannon burst and just lose to snipe a little, provide slow and aoe also magic attack cannot dodge and blocked the different is it’s an dps skill and other archer skill is burst dmg skill but it can be missed or blocked)

wtf is 300 dmg per tick ? lol
and yes that calculate is without INT, can you calculate it before posting ?
is that not even enough for you guys ? lol

cata kills people just rush ? that only viable swordman class ? and they can got cced when rushing in
archer kill people with just snipe ? no snipe can 1 shot full CON build

also you miss the point
physical attacks can missed or block when against aias + full CON and stone skin it’s around 80%

look at the dmg calculate at my previous post, still strong but not OP like before, yes people can escape but you can setup magnetic force to prevent them get out from your gravity pole

and who am i ague with ? people who told this is over nerf lol

Yay our skills’ damage aren’t high let’s go full con then.

I don’t really see why you can’t accept that the purpose of this nerf is to balance things out. Means pyschokino will now think of a glass bottle build to compensate for damage loss. Because wizards aren’t supposed to run FULL CON to begin with.

But hey it’s not really my problem if you have an obstinate way of thinking.

I’m outta here.

KTOS 12/05/2016 Skill Changes
Gravity Pole
Damage Reduced by 50%, Cooldown is now 45 Seconds. ( Previously 35 Seconds)

Learn to read the patch note and the date ?

I told you your video from 20/04/2016 is outdated.

Don’t believe those nerfs changed much in terms of wizard CC. Still viable.

What is left that bypass any anti CC ?

Why should there be any skill in the game that could surpass all anti-cc at all?

Also, even if such thing does exist, it should at least require skill to land and be possible to counter via other means (good example is Iron Hook).

I’m still betting on Ele3-RC for GvG with any Cryo3 supports in the party.

And hey, any anti-cc will not have 100% uptime just because people are dying sometimes.


ok then, i miscalculate one patch

from first nerf 30000-50000 down 50% to 15000-25000

second nerf 50% to 20% down to 6000-10000

aoe, can’t be block or dodge. can setup with magnetic force that people can’t jump out from it

so what do you want more from an CC classes ?

CC classes in every game use to be utility and low dmg, just look at rodelero they even more sucks since they are melee and physical type

you want more damage ? lol
it seems balance now, if it still does 18k dmg it’s still strong

also outta here
hope that you guys got more nerf and more crying, cheers :smile_cat:

What you don’t get is that there isn’t any 10k or 6k or even combo anymore.
Magnetic Force is Aoe Attack/Defense dependant. So, countered.
What a CC class wants ? I don’t know, some CC ?

Actual meta is full of plague doctor so what do a CC class that is fully nulified by a single skill buff ?

You speak about game experience but you got nothing.

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