Tree of Savior Forum

What are your concerns regarding ToS?

and because you can, you have to, right? wrong, people go +12s from regular stones all the time. The only problem RO had is the .01% drop rates.

RNG over RNG over RNG

Well, this also exists not just in RO but in other MMORPGs as well.
The thing with RO is, it wasn’t like that at first, but it plummeted down to that level with each year that passes. Some games had this “RNG over RNG buy these boxes using real money and get in-game trash” since those games are launched

My example does not have the .01% drop rate. My example has a 0% drop rate. The item only comes from lucky boxes that can only be obtained for real life money.

That’s what made it so sad. The game was fantastic till the kafra shop ruined it.

I don’t have a problem with the freemium, because I’m understand that IMC is not the god, vampie nor the fricking Apple tree. They are just salarymen who have empty stomach to fill.

They HAVE TO make income in some way. Selling anything that didn’t effect the gameplay is understandable at this point. :open_mouth:


My only concern…


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bot to win
pay to win

Just because you don’t use something doesn’t mean other people don’t. I’ve always loved buying and selling things on AH and have used it as a means to do something to break up the grind or a task I do while waiting for people and chatting at the same time. It’s relaxing and fun to me and sucks that a gameplay aspect for me is going to be block or restricted that I would otherwise enjoy.


This is probably my most fav comment on ToS forums.

Nonfactor FOR YOU. If the game was made/revolved around one-single things, no one would play.

Personally, I love selling/trading and making profit because its fun FOR ME. I’ve met some of the coolest people thru MMOs just because I traded often and would give deals/discounts.

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i believe staff also mentioned ro during some ToS announcements so it’s not really the player’s fault.

smth like " do you miss old time in rangarok, get into ToS!" blabla
it was prob something entirely different, i’m too lazy to try to find it.

it was some advertisement

The interesting part is the faces remind me more of secret of the solstice.

Whether my character will be vaccinated or not, because I don’t want autism.

can someone explain me the hate towards BR
what makes them so annoying to play with?
or are people exaggarating

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not really, it stems from high ping and “a lot” (its big numbers in games i play, like tera) aren’t very good at playing the game they play. The language barrier doesn’t real help their situation either. But i knew awsome ones so can’t really say i care.

Well, I hate doing parties with xenophobic people.

I did party with BR during the first CBT, we did communicate in english and some sort of spanish/portuguese mix. I had fun with 'em. Didn’t understand the hate and the annoying spam to be honest.


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Posts his favorite xenophopic comic about huahuehuahue.

Prepares for a shitstorm.

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Read the first line, liked the post.
I can’t express how important this is if we’re ever to have a healthy class balance and innovation instead of 90% cookie cutter builds.

Your spirit is weak.

As for your question, I remember when bRO was closed, which lead to increase of BR population on iRO, there were some stories about it on forums.

When newbie wants not just a good bow but +12 Big Crossbow for nothing and player refuses to give it to him, that player sees canonical “I report u” in chat.