Tree of Savior Forum

What are the cleric meta builds for each aspect?

NEVER put spr i warn u lol, cleric has a super high sp pool. all u need are potions, u may think u need spr early on in game due to effigy, but dont put any.

put around 100con and rest int

yes, bokor provides dmg andgreat cc, pd provides dmg and i s considered as one of the best pvp classes

What are the chances they’ll nerf this build?

Also, what would you choose: bokor>PD, diev3>druid3, krivis3>tao or diev3>oracle>pd?

Also, can I go bokor3>pd1>inquisitor? or is pd2 mandatory?

pd 2 is not mandatory but plague vape seem nice with incineration and large aoe pandemic… aso i think inquistor skill not synergic well with pd…juz my opinion thou…tao and pd2 is a much better choice for int build

is it good if i go cleric2>bokor1>kriv3>pd>tao?

what do you guys think?

many doesnt recommend bokor as filler as its dmg drop off in higher content of the game, is not worth to waste a circle to take debuff for incineration

if miko comes in r6 then i guess i will change bokor to miko.(idc if miko doesnt synergize with my build, but i want that costume cause it looks cute XD)
so i guess cleric2>bokor2>kriv2>pd>tao then?

for dmg bokor>pd, for support diev>druid or kririv>tao

if u go bokor, then go c3. bokor c1 isnt too good end game, and c3 is

actually juz follow yor preference …after all u the one ply the char not us, juz choose wat u enjoy…i have a similar build but replace c2 cleric with oracle hahaha

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inquisitor is str, i dont think it will fit in your build too well

im still debating if cleric c2 is needed in every build i theorized. cause most of the time i make a class build, i never pick base class for c2 or c3 unless theres really a very good skill on those circles.

And i always put on my mind that divine might in cleric2 is not that good.
same with wizard3 quick cast. XD

divine might after nerf is not tat useful …most of c2 cleric only wan 10 heal tiles and SZ hahaha

I think that cleric c2 is needed, the extra tiles are very essential if you wanna play in groups, otherwise it’s up to you… But Wizz C3 for quickcast and sure spell (if you go up to rank 2 only for sure spell, it’s a big mistake, trust me), and quick cast is REALLY, REALLY good if you intend to go Ele3, its attribute gives a very huge boost in your damage (50%), and its 100% uptime. Also, reducing the cast of your skills is mandatory if you go elementalist 3, to a point there’s no reason not to go wizz3. But again, only if you go Ele3.

personal preference really …i wan the weird mechanics of oracle ^^

Not quite. From what i have seen so far it looks like:

  • God smash & Pear are physical and both affected by str & dex.
  • Malleus Mallenaam scales solely of int.
  • Breaking Wheel’s initial can crit and deals physical slash dmg, but is rumored to scale of int.
  • Breaking Wheel’s splash effect can also crit and likely deals magical dmg, but doesn’t scale.

There’s more info in these threads:

But basically inquisitor is great for any int diev, paladin or monk build and has plenty of base dmg. May have other combo’s it works well with, i don’t know yet.

Did not see higher then 1:1 stat scaling either, but may be due to low skill levels.

I’m on the same boat as you. My core build is Cleric2/Krivis3/XX/Taoist and XX is the problem but I’ve decided on PD for rank 7 so rank 6 is the problem now. The choices are Cleric 3, Bokor 1, Oracle 1, Dievderby 1, Miko if it comes out. I think Oracle 1 seems useful but doesn’t really go with the rest of the build as it’s dps build. Dievderby also sounds good too. It’s a hard decision.

What about druid 1 for rank 6? isn’t it popular in this build?