Tree of Savior Forum

We need a playerbase representative

Now, before anybody chews me out, I meant we need something like a diplomat/ambassador, not a new CM. They pretty much had Julie’s termination the last straw. besides, CMs work for IMC, not us. The representative will take note of our issues and forward it to the CMs in a pinned thread and PMs.

Let’s face it, we can’t trust any CM after what they did with Julie, and we just need to be taken notice.

Before anybody else asks, no I am also not volunteering myself. I’m not that vain and petty.

We need someone who can relate to the community, but obviously can be objective and has a head on their shoulders. Who isn’t afraid to stand up to IMC but can speak to them with a neutral and diplomatic tone. They’ll speak to the CM and coordinate with them as a go-between for both IMC and the playerbase. Someone in this forum who has a lot of likes, is trustworthy, and popular with the people (and no I’m not looking for a "white knight [god, I can’t believe I’m using “weird-little-psychopath lingo” goes to the bathroom and washes my tongue with soap and douses my brain with bleach] since their primary task is to complain to IMC and let our concerns be known).

Or you know, one big thread in bold and capitalized letters for them to take notice.

Weird hypocritical psychopaths, trolls, and baits need not apply.


I nominate myself. I’m a qualified forum poster.

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95% of the time those two are mutually exclusive though.

Personally, I’d just like them to answer some of their PMs eventually. I PM’d most of the staff about looking into addon accepting weeks ago and haven’t gotten a single acknowledgement yet.

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I also forgot to add:

Weird hypocritical psychopaths not welcome in this thread.

@Vanic wow, that bad? We need a better ticketing system. I mean, WP sucks like hell because of bias but at least they make it felt that they are there.

Which reminds me…

IMC, please hire a skeleton crew for the weekends at least!

To be fair now is like the busiest time ever for them with transitioning into F2P and creating server after server.

I would prefer good communication, but at the end of the day why would someone go through the trouble and basically do a full time job for free for the “community”?

There are hundreds of posts coming in every day. If all the representative is to do is briefly glimpse over everything we don’t need him.

I don’t eat junk food


Hmm, can you explain this? I fail to see how anything Julie did caused distrust towards a future Community Manager.

Oh cute, a flaming troll. Go away, this is a constructive discussion.

Unless you have something to actually contribute.

I meant her being “retired early”. She was the best thing that happened to us and they threw her away. That was the last straw. I really should work on my sentence structures. Sorry.


I can represent myself

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Well then do that with your own thread and go away. I’m making suggestions to help with all the stacks of complaints here and unless it’s a constructive “pro vs con” for this thread you are not needed.

Why don’t you actually say something like “it causes emotional stress” or “risk of being banned or paid off” instead of…whatever the hell it is you are doing?


Trolls also not welcome in this thread. Derailers are not welcome either.

Pappus has a big point

I miss threads on my sleep even as someone who spends around 8 hours or more per weekday on the forums and only those on the other side would know the good/bad stuff that I missed.

If we’re going to have one, it still has to be an IMC employee and their job description has to be one that is sided to the community and put the point of view from the community and not from the devs. We don’t have that which is why communication is really bad.

You mean like, a community/game advisor that has a player perspective on things and acts as a bridge between people and the company?

I like the idea, and supported it on other games, but I have to say that it is a terrible job that also creates a lot of drama because GAs/CAs are always under scrutiny by the players, need to work together, and people think the position holds some sort of power and do a lot of weird things to get it. Also, the job itself is basically a glorified volunteering position that is very frustrating for the players doing it.

Also, I actually don’t think the GMs would ever consider this. They don’t seem open to a small player-composed committee making suggestions and the like. Just a general feeling, I could be wrong.

Well, I don’t disagree with this suggestion. However, I would like to highlight that for someone to voluntarily become community’s representative is a long-term commitment with heavy responsibilities. He/she may lead busy life (work, family, friends), and needs to find time to read tremendous amount of posts, complaints, suggestions, and decide what to do, wisely and objectively. There will be likely that certain amount of people will be dissatisfied with the representative (how are you going to elect the person?) and whatever the representative chooses to do so (I bet the person will be so stressful with all the complaints/suggestions). And not to forget, the representative also needs time to play for sure :wink: I will be amazed how the representative will balance all of these. What if he/she get sick? D: What if he/she is not interest in the game anymore, or wants to have long-term holiday? XD How do you measure the representative’s credibility/qualification to assume the role?

What I mean is that, to have someone that fits this kind of role and commits to do it with everyone’s interest needs a careful plan. It will be nice if you provide some details on your suggestion so we may understand better. Also, will the person do it voluntarily without any rewards? O_O;

Yep, the representative will be fair and balanced, just like Fox News.

Afterall, we’re on the internet where everyone gets along and has civil discussions.

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old quotes that has nothing to with the topic and yet somewhat fit into the topic.


lmao, they’ve only got a skeleton crew already during the week.

she was also very unprofessional, and seems to have badmouthed the company a lot.
i don’t mind a casual tone - you can still be professional and casual.

but my god, can you imagine how many ignorant notifications she got every day?
people still keep @'ing her, who obviously don’t pay enough attention to know she isn’t there anymore.

OGP had this system implemented, and it was generally approved of by the community there. It helped a lot imo to have the game get changes done, updates improved, etc. and some crazy folks actually did all of it, for years, out of sheer desire to see the game improve. (HAHA IF YOU GUYS EVER READ THIS i love you but you’re all insane hoo boy)

I’m talking about LaTale in particular. LT was a game that took a lot of time investment (korean grindy woo) and so the game’s hosters simply didn’t have the time to dump into actually playing their own game. The advisors were good to fill in that void and communicate what it was like to be a player, what players wanted, and how to make money off of it while keeping people happy or at least not feeling terrible about some things.

Also, honestly, I do not think anyone sensible would want to do it with this community. It was already difficult enough as a player and part of the community with a smaller playerbase. You will get so much hate if you relay or discuss a message that people don’t agree with, even if you’re acting as impartially as you can.

I also don’t even think the game nor community is developed enough yet to pick some proper people to do it. Most GAs were picked based on knowledge, disposition (calmer, more open-minded, ability to handle themselves and others without issues), and dedication to the game. nobody in this community is really known for that enough for the community to back them, bar some people on the translation team.

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Well we obviously can’t just have something simple like “[complaint](thread name here)” because then it’ll be swept under the rug. And we can’t imitate WP’s system either since someone similar to iRO’s CM is pretty much an asshat. A CM and a representative are two separate people that I have in mind, but you guys have a point. Someone list down the pros and cons please!

@tzxazrael Well I can’t argue with that logic.