Tree of Savior Forum

We need a playerbase representative

Yet, you’re white knighting them all the time.

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Yea, the closest I could think of is…

Actually I can’t think of anyone impartial, clever, and polite in these forums…

I said no derailing! Unless you have something important to contribute, it would do well to shut. your. mouth! I will not tolerate derailing, baiting, trolling, nor ad hominems!

If @Vanic causes a scene then I’ll hold him responsible and bar him. Now take it outside this thread!

I like this idea.
there’re some topic about ‘’ ‘WE’ don’t like current _____ things about the game’’ and some ‘’ ‘we’ don’t want the _____thing to change it fine as it is.’’ Both ‘WE’ and ‘we’ claim themselves majority of player-base.
Have someone to represent what the community view is great.

But find someone who most people think they can place their trust to maybe hard.

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I’m not derailing, I agree with your points mostly.
I just know IMC won’t help on this as they didn’t on 99% of the issues.

EDIT : Btw , I tried to make a thread listing all the issues and feedback from the players (objectively) so that IMC can read that thread and have a summary of the state of the game but that didn’t work. I just got flamed hard and the thread got ignored.

Good. Keep it that way and cut down on the ad hominems, at least in my thread.

A representative’s job is to bug the CM and IMC anyway, like…spam PMs 10 times over.

@kizuna @think-of-name-later It could also be a group of 3+ representatives.
That way, they can split the work and have time to do their IRL stuff without any issues.

That’s…actually a good idea. 1 person alone won’t be enough, maybe 5? Or 10? It is a voluntary choice after all, but we need something to keep them in check too.

Anyway it’s not like they’ll say anything ridiculous like “please let ToS be playable on the Oculus Rift” or something, just, realistic and grounded.

Player representative committee?

If you choose carefully, that way you can always have enough people to present different view points within any issue, and then the game company can give a full consideration of the arguments presented and make a fully informed decision based on the committee’s input.

Any nominees? No one is allowed to nominate themselves.


:3 . . . .

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People who actually actively try to get the position for themselves are usually a strike out from the very beginning, HAHAHA.

I do have some people in mind (although they probably dislike me) but I do not want to put the pressure of a terrible job on them. Also, nominations should be private and undisclosed and managed by an actual IMC employee.

Well, you have to have white knights to combat the neckbeards, after all.

Well managed by an IMC employee yes, but also witnessed by the playerbase. We don’t want to risk undercutting.

Maybe 3 representatives per server? But that won’t be good if server merges ever do happen following expected declines…

@Vanic Stop it! This is a serious discussion, and I will hold you responsible if the thread derails. Both of you take it outside if you won’t contribute anything.

Will they even approve of the idea is more of the question, but for now, let’s weight pros and cons, and determine the criteria for people who match…

Though, coming from a LaTale player, the community there is SOOOOO MUCH MORE TAME than here. Granted earlier on it’s the same in most places and obviously you’ll have your mic drama and hate, but honestly LaTale’s casualness chilled everyone right out.

Here though, if you dare to have another opinion, get prepared to face blasting from people who even agree with ya; But just want to argue for the sake of arguing. When ToS develops itself though, I could actually see a GA-like system: Although they’d probably need to be cycled out everyso often and checked for sanity issues.

I’m sorry, the idea may be kind-hearted, but I don’t see how this would work in practice…
Before even searching for a representative (not to mention that the chosen representative(s) may not represent the community very well), how is the community going to establish a consensus on what the main issues are in terms of priority? Most topics in this forum have different and often opposite opinions on the same matter.
Is there going to be a voting system in the forum for everything that is to be discussed with IMC? Even for the selection of the said representatives? This and what chillcross said above.

Since when is self-esteem bad habit? If you think you’re the right man for the job not only nominate yourself but cast the first vote your way aswell.

People these days.