Tree of Savior Forum

Warning on Abusive behavior on 2020 is Here Event

@Ennislol Useless you have a suggest to surely detect who abusing and who not.

Your words is just meaning less and hypocrite.

If you are not an Outsider so you are a Telsiain?

I stand for my friends and my people.

I don’t stand for honor.

And sorry for swearing, but damn, i love the Telsiain.

You got the first like of mine, Klaipedian.

Let shake hand, chill and meet in the abusing-land… i mean cross server, sometime. :haha:

Read this

He not siding me.

He telling the truth.

Not sure about your guild member, but i don’t think the massive ban/abusing only happened at Telsiai if the other server are possible to do so.

You’re just need to accept that abuser won … this time.

that’s why SEA can’t develop any further cuz people in SEA are having these mindset

i think most people don’t want them to be perma-banned they are talking about a punishment for intentionally abusing case
and in that case that u said u r the “ANTI-HERO” so u should be happily take the punishment(if any) but now there is no punishment so people demand fairness that’s all
and u just keep whining about the few-days-ban is fair already
dude that is not even a punishment and imc also gave u compensations plus bonuses so after all this u exploiters just take and take didn’t lose anything

i hope ur moral come back real soon bro

from a fellow SEA player who quitted this game bcuz of this unfairness

Your posts are so delusional. You’re still going on about people losing nothing and gaining the compensation like all that matters to you is the items in this game.

You’re bragging and abusing and attacking the players who didn’t exploit. You’re even trying to play the victim card.

“Haha we abused and you’re jealous, but please IMC don’t punish us severely”


Let me ask again, what do you think is fair punishment for your clear and blatant abuse?

Funny attacks again. And you take the word from just another poster, lol.

Keep up your biased view points. Because you know what’s hypocritical? Abusing, admit to abusing, then trying to play the victim card.

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When you don’t have any basis to argue or debate, resort to personal attacks and name calling…that’s a child’s way to lash out.

You just can’t seem to put forth a good point, instead just keep throwing out hyperbole and name calling. Lol

i just said that most people dont want them to get perma-ban

r u reading my message? or u r living in ur delusional opportunistic world

a cheat is a cheat dont bring up we all get the same reward in the end anyway

u keep making excuse for ur weakness that u cant even complete the event normal way

i try to take sense to u but seems like u just cant accept the truth that u r weak and blame others for jealousy about the reward and compensation

and another thing i said i quit the game already


get well soon see doctor if needed

and i already said that lock out for few days is not really a punishment. they did that for dmg control which u r compensated already.

the problem here is the items that u abused for. it still there. the source of it came from an abnormal way.

anyone with normal mind could see this unless u just wanna ignore it and keep spamming those opportunistic vibes to protect ur own ego

idk where u come from but as i also from SEA i kinda understand why r u being like this and i just wanna help
but sad u keep attacking people, start using “them vs us” / outsider things these arent logical argument that u should use bro

my mates from my guild also abused the bug and i didnt want to protect them just bcuz im one of them. instead i respect their decision and it must come with fairness/justice, i care for them but im not gonna ignore the wrong they did too.

vietdude: stealing bread, death sentence, knight

Pretty much this. His English gives me cancer. pukes @Ennislol stop wasting your time with the guy. Telsiai’s fate is written already just like Varena and Orsha. A server full of bug abusers that later complain about “why ToS is ded” “1k game population”.

I just hope we never get merged with Telsiai, for god sake.


As telsiains, i enjoy this debate. Keep going guys while me other savior still on this coins slavery, y guys make this forum alive :haha:

As a Telsiain, I apologize on behalf of our specific-abuser citizen’s delusional reply and rude behavior. Dont worry, there are still some of us who are not in the same mindset as him.
To @Ennislol and everyone who are not agree with the abuser, I suggest you to MUTE this thread.

Nothing good came out of reading this thread. Your retaliation will only adding to the fuel and becoming their source of entertainment.
Much obliged~

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To be exactly clear, we Telsiai have been wanting the timezone fix for two god damn years. Nothing is fixed. Then finally something big happened due to this timezone problem. Not the first time an copy-paste event from KTOS is broken by this Telsiai Exclusive feature.

Abusing the cycle is one thing, the one that did is definitely wrong here. At the same time, the one that din’t also fell into the same problem. You literally don’t have to do anything special to obtain the rewards. Joining an instance DG, bam triggered the event.

Think if it, imagine you have been shouting to your manager that his psuedo-fix on an issue is not concrete and someday it will cause problem, and he ignored you for 2 years then finally something happened. What would you feel?

I really don’t understand why non-Telsiains are even salty about this whole fiasco.

It’s not like the rewards will somehow break the market or something. It’s great for newbies. But for veterans, it’s just okayish, gem abrasive and pamokas are the only thing worth getting.

You can’t spell salt without Na, I guess.


i dont see why people wanna block the other as an “outsider” these mindset is not logical thinking anyone can give their opinion about everything

this problem is simple u exploit u get punishment
pls dont talk about how sh1tty the service is i also feel upset about tiny problem that they hadnt fix it yet ex. feud announcement

dont use the mindset; they didnt take care of us well so they should have these problem we causing

Let’s be real here. Majority of the people who got banned used the bug intentionally to some degree.

Whether it’s a permaban or a 2-week suspension, I’ll give you a clearer reality check: That player will move on and find a new game, whether how much he is invested on the game. A lot of people(some are even whales) were taking the permaban opportunity to finally move on.

Now imagine doing that to more than 70% of Tels population. What’s worse is that it will have domino effect because the remaining players will then feel bored as the server will become deader than dead. Fact of the matter is, you can only apply severe punishment if it’s a couple of isolated cases. Anyone who has a pinch of idea how business works would know that.

I really won’t mind if IMC instead decided to wipe all coins(and event item claimed) for the banned players. But why they didn’t? Simply because it will cost man-power to manually check the accounts. Especially since players can apply most of those event items into a regular item(like gems).

If you take all those factors into account, then you would agree that IMC made the best move possible to unban everyone. Not gonna lie, deciding to give 25k coins for compensation is pretty funny, but hey, more coins, more fun, I guess?

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