Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock C2 Build for Elememe!

Invocation is so very strong, especially at Uphill Defence and the high mob density maps.

Just wanna to know if I can use drain on the spirits created by invocation?

Theoricaly no
BUT theoricaly you can use invocation spirit with sabbath, the question is do they stick onto you at the end of sabbath (because if that is the case sabbath might be nice)

so this is theory any one who can confirm this?

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How she can cast 2 pole of agony? i sure it’s not overheat, and she is not sage.

scroll from enchanter

Not even that. The bonus dark damage on invocation’s attribute is literally +30% to your dark elemental damage, as in from gear/sorcerer’s cat. So if you have +50 dark damage from cat you get another whooping 15 for standing on top of invocation :joy:

No way. So you’re saying the dark damage buff doesn’t even scale Warlock’s base dark spells at all?

Nope. That’s tos at its finest.

(The other attribute, the one that gives +10% dark damage passively does work as you’d hope.)

that just made warlock a lot less appealing to me. was hoping to get some sick dark damage but i guess i’ll just go necro3 instead lol

You can get a lot more from Warlock than necro3, but yeah that attribute’s a no-go.

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Yeah… I don’t think it’s intended either since it’s obviously trash this way, and it even reads “half the effect for party members”. Like, half the effect for THIS?

But wether or not it’s intended we can’t expect it to change anytime soon… if ever.

Good lord,
thx for that info because i honnestly was thinking the skill was bugged on itos and just did not add the 30%.
I guess it’s just another really bad description

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Yeah it’s been bugging me for a while how i saw no damage increase from it - i tried several things like changing gear while standing on top of it (in case it had snapshot shenanigans like laima) etc… Till i decided to ask my friend to use his cat. Lo and behold, 50 dark dmg turned 65.

Like i said i do hope that’s a bug, but honestly even if it is i can’t see a fix in the horizon. It makes me think that balance is somewhat fine in their eyes because of stuff like this - they think things work when they really don’t. And of course we’re left in the dark without knowing wether things are bugged or just intended since tooltips and general info is horrible in this game.

Like Invocation is the perfect example: It has no damage numbers on its tooltip. So you assume well, it just takes DT’s base damage and hit count? Except it doesn’t, it just has the same scaling. So then you think: Why doesn’t it have an attribute? Because the devs actually think it’s taking DT’s numbers atm (and consequently its attribute as well)? Or just an oversight? Because no skill that has damage as its sole purpose should lack an attribute.


Has anyone tested Mastema yet? Will it do multiple hits at C1 or you need the attribute at C2 for it to do that?

Tested it myself. Still sux.

is it a lv5 Mastera? Because I dont think new att of Mastera give it DOT

Just level1… Don’t know yet if i’ll invest more skill points to it atm.

I just turned warlock with my kino and invested the very first skill point to it.

I agree with you on the attribute, i also don’t think that it’s the one who will give mastema the dots.