Tree of Savior Forum

[Vote] Shall IMC remove Solmiki as halloween event major reward?

IMC = Ignore More Complains


The reason IMC is doing this is because Solmiki is about to become not best in slot, same goes for the Vienrazi type weapons. When the next big patch comes all this gear will be much worse so giving it out for free for a month or two is no big deal. I do think the exclusivity of Solmiki is a little shitty though, only 3 people will get 1 piece, it’s a ■■■■ move to both the people who farm and sell Solmiki but also the people who don’t play this game as much or as well as the top 3.

Still my complaint still goes towards the shitty event and douchey player base more than the prizes.

This event is garbage. Getting hit by invisible attackers when there’s nobody around, people desynching massively, exploiters everywhere. And those of you thinking you need a good internet connection will be relieved to know that even if //ping is reading 0.05 and you have an excellent connection with no lag in other games, this event is still unplayable.

It would be much better if there were no rewards at stake in combat. Even for someone who’s not competing for solmiki, the huge amount of attribute points and bear eyemask mean getting killed by invisible attackers carries a stressful penalty, and people who hate the event will get screwed if they don’t suffer through it. Move all the non-solmiki rewards to the kupole and get rid of the solmiki, which makes a mockery out of ET and devalues the game’s pve since exploiters will be getting the top rewards.


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all day long wtf?



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IMC should remove Solmiki.


@GM_Francis and @Staff still wanna grab popcorn and ignore this topic?

no don’t remove , this event is very good , very fun , and just 12 ppl can get that. it’s ok.

Yes it should be very good, for you, what help program are you using to affirm that the event is good? while speaking, a player killed me invisible, really great event, we have ghost in Dungeon Hallow, Laughter.


I like the event, but is too buggi/hacki/Lagi to really enjoy it, the rewards you can trade for candys are really good, not sure why IMC add the grand Prize of a Solimki thing, a prize like that need to be a prize for the best player of the year or something like that, not just in a random event…

no don’t remove , this event is very good , very fun , and just 12 ppl can get that. it’s ok.

Lol you must be blind, how you even navigate this forum? This event is riddled with glitches and unfair tactics. Nobody except 40f runners deserve solmiki weapon

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glitches, exploit, addons, etc totally unfair
and it should be in my opinion
1 it must send u an random channel of the event when u enter or reduce the channel that us can enter to the event (in the case of low population server)
2 when u got 300 u can’t attack or the area of attack must not be so big or should be kicked with ur candy(not recommended this last)
3 should not allow dual login I see a lot of char afk in the event feeding another chars
4 dissable the addons that shows mob in the mini map

Is fun this event but is a cancer too

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  • Add portals to a random location in the dead end ways
  • Make every player exept you a bokor zombie (to avoid guild ganking) =D
  • Lose only 50% - 75% of the candys when you die (is really frustrating lose all)

I mean… Did you guys forget about the “Cardboard Cube” troll?
Im just gonna leave this here

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There was a code extraction of what’s in the box and they are real solmiki items.

I honestly, seriously doubt it XD IMC trolled us before, especially because its halloween, look at the item description.

And if you extracted the code from the box those items came out of, you would see that they listed the fake solmiki items. They are real from this event.

That was for April Fools’ day.

If they were gonna troll us with this, then they could have made solmiki armors that are timed and useless too.

I getting piss off every single day . FIRST imc reward solmiki weapon too ? I rather u use that reward fix the bug and hackers ,SECOND invisible hacker can’t see the player name means no idea who is he/she and get all sweet reward and me try the best get out of the game while waiting that player out to ss to any imc see but i didn’t saw he coming out . How to catch !? We getting less than 50 candy per day while imc watch us in forum not even solve a single problem .



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