Tree of Savior Forum

[Video] Combat System Change Details - Part 2

Greetings Saviors!

We have made an announcement regarding ‘[Video] Combat System Change Details - Part 2’.

You can check the details at our official website from the following link.

Link :

Thank you as always for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.


IMC Staff


Give us that costume and gesture :laughing:

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What kind of thing do you want??? :wink:


that love heart and wink one too :yum:

a new video has appeared, I must watch it…


Seems like they removed Cleric in TBL to balance PVP. I wonder if IMC also think Swordman vs Swordman is the true balance we are searching for.

Or maybe a premonition that Swordman will be “balanced” because Dopple 3 is broken/OP in TBL.

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Quick questions:

  1. The new Legendary tier equipment will be an exclusive of ET or will be obtainable in dungeons too?

  2. The Legendary tier equipment will be gated behind another RNG mechanism like mystical cube for practonium?

  3. Assuming that new material will be required for Legendary tier equipment,
    is there any plan to rework the current DPK system or to reduce the DPK values to something reasonable?



1.if red one is hard to obtain like 2 practonium so that is your answers

2.ET is RNG at floor 25+ cubes not 100% shards obtain (1)

Well, the point of my questions is that if the trend of practonium-like material goes on, I don’t see me playing the game in the future.

As I said multiple times, mystical cube makes no sense in a game, let alone the expiring unstable cube and the need to sacrifice alts practonium in order to equip a main.


if you thinks mystical cube is no sense , and it change to only WB or ET or Guild raids to drops. It will be worse.

(I thinks wait mystical cube is better than doing ET 20 days and rerolls 30M for 1 equipment though)

IMC said promise to change the mystical cube mechanic

multiple times

already. :wink:

PS.If you didn’t want to sacrifice practo to main , go tell guildmaster and do raid lv14 for recipe.


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Well, I predict I won’t be playing this game anymore if that’s the case (and I guess Leticia cube will come to help).

I left Tera when they basically removed MES from the game and put them into rng boxes/paid instances.

No big deal, but I prefer to know it now than to waste more months for nothing :smile_cat:


We’re still gathering questions! keep send us questions via this Thread too - since we’re also gathering questions at part 1 - so I could organize and send it through to get more answers.


not really sure if this has been answered or asked but when do you plan on implementing these changes??


Then I will ask my question here once again:

Will you increase the maximum range that monsters follow you over the map?

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Equipment should come from a multitude of sources. Practonium weapons should have been the equivalent of a unique Blue, a decent choice, but not the best. If multiple pieces of equipment, all viable and all unique, some focusing on Crit, or raw damage, maybe some with high base stats for Transendence, there are many options in making gear feel unique all of which can be used with different builds which would encourage diversity and facilitate different play styles. While early TOS was far from perfect, it did do a better job with viable gear distribution than it is now. IMC seems to be following this path with the new gear in Hunting Grounds, though I don’t feel it’s enough, it is a step in the right direction.


Okay, costume color package and new emoji macros, bring them to itos quickly pls. :confounded:


this reply better than someone complain to quit because practonium :relieved:

PS. it didn’t seem change because kim want practo is end-game contents

Change as in more end game viable gear, which it’s looking like it is based on KTEST.

That can change though.

@STAFF_Yuri I have questions:

  1. Beside the current ET gears considered as new “legend” type, are the current unique gears like Heart of Glory or Astra bow able to upgrade to this legend type?

  2. There will be new recipes/materials to craft legendary-type weapons?

Thank you :slight_smile: