Tree of Savior Forum

[Vacant Spot]Spanish Translation of ToS/Traducción al Español de ToS -

Same problem as before, in almost any country in Latin America, we don’t use “Vosotros” AT ALL, not even talking between friends, a lot countries (Wouldn’t know if most) use Usted, Ustedes even in informal situations (Talking to friends, familiy, etc.)

No no, space is an actual problem for the translation, not only in the “ustedes/vosotros” situation, haha
There’s limited space for us to work with.
I don’t know if you’ve ever worked in something like this, but…Let’s see if I can explain it.
There is a set limit of “lines” in the game. By “lines” I mean everything that is composed of text. Skills and equipment descriptions, dialogues, the quests, etc. We can only use as many lines as the Korean version uses, we can’t change the code. Also, we have to adjust the text to the UI, so we only have a set limit of characters/space per line.
In every situation, in every line, we have to be careful of how we use space, or else it’ll look awful in the game.

@MarinZep I’m software engineer so yes, I know. I was Spanish Moderator in the old eAthena forums (the old emulator for RO) and I am Community Contributor (I was Spanish Moderator before) on the new rAthena forums (of the new RO emulator). I also had a RO server myself, so yes, I kind of know about translations :wink: I’ve seen hundreds of translation projects for RO to fail, hope here is different…

EDIT: you can find me as darkmeistersp in rAthena.


lol… I actually remember your username from the eAthena forums, used to play a lot around with it on my own pc, good times.

In Ragnarok tho it wasn’t an issue because you could just scroll down on the boxes and all dialougue was done by the same interface wich Is not the case (AFAIK) with ToS.

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Well, It actually depends as if you were just translating NPC’s or something else. I was refering more to the client itself, not the server, which I guess it’s the same you have to translate here (weapon and armor names, skill names… all that sort of staff). On those you have the same thing, everything had to be limited to the Korean length if you didn’t wanna screw up the interface.

Ohhh I feel bad </3 I was interested on be part of this translation project before but I never checked this forum before until today >_< at least will appreciate if could be possible know more about what’s going on with the project, or if you guys maybe need people for translate it or test it, or even correct it ~

Bueno yo no se nada de ingles, asi que buena suerte en la traduccion.
Ojala sea una traduccion neutra sin nada de modismos


Update Time~ !

For the people wondering how the project is going, here is some small insight!

Before saying anything, I want to give the biggest of thanks to @zhouyu47, who has shown me the ropes of Github. Sorry I haven’t had time to reply to you, I was still working out some functions on Github and the forum crashed on me these last few days ;w; (btw, could you PM me the invitation link again? The last one expired 'cause I took so long in opening it :sweat_smile: )

Anyways, time for the NEWS!

First off, an up n’ working Github Repository!

Again, I want to thank zhouyu47 for teaching me how to use Github and make the workflow actually flow, haha. I did what you told me, forked IMC’s repo, added the blank files, and I’ve been updating the Master branch periodically.

I also added everything you told me into a guide so the other members can learn how to use GH as well.

Long story short: for those who don’t know, this is where the translation magic actually happens. We have chosen to translate files one by one at first, while keeping track of updates. The file which we choose to translate is then divided into several small pieces/parts/divisions. We choose a part, announce it, and translate them in our own “branches” (Versions of the file, so to speak.). Then, when a person is finished with his or her part, one of the others revises it, and if it’s okay, we add it to the “Translated” branch.

For everyone wondering, yes, the files are subdivided in many parts, and it may seem like a long work, but the divisions are short, and the UI file isn’t hard to translate. We decided to begin with that one because it is easy and short, and because one of us can finish a section/division/text chunk in under a day. This also motivates us, and besides, it’s much more easy and comfty for a person to look at a small piece of text not bigger than a paragraph. The idea behind this is that we don’t all have the same schedules, and this method is flexible enough.
Btw, not all parts have been assigned because we barely asked people to choose a part today! haha~

Talking about guides, here’s a PDF version of how our guidelines are turning out!

Here you can see our basic rules, our guide to use Github, and the vocabulary we have been discussing.

Of course, we haven’t been able to complete the vocabulary sections. That is because a lot of times, the names for the maps and places are too ambiguous to figure out.

And that’s pretty much it! Check the classes’ translation if you’d like, or the main vocabulary translations. If you want, leave your opinions in this thread!

As always, thank all of you for staying supportive of this project!

Y por cierto, @gioperez_0820, sí, el español es neutro, y estamos tratando de no agregar ningún modismo. Si queres fijate la guía en PDF que deje ahi arriba con el link de Google Drive. Una de las primeras cosas que decimos ahi es que el español va a ser neutro. Ademas, hay gente de diferentes partes en el grupo, así que un modismo no pasaría desapercibido.

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@MarinZep Genial, gracias por tomarse el tiempo en hacer esta traduccion que no debe ser facil.

Una pregunta, si yo quiero dar mis opiniones respecto a la traduccion de algunos terminos, por ejemplo dar algunas opciones de sinonimos en el caso de Blacksmith que en el pdf lo traducen como “Ferreria” lo mas comun seria “Herreria”, aunque yo no sepa mucho de ingles, me defiendo en algo basico.

Saludos y buena suerte

I would LOVE to help translating the game!!
Have enough time lately and I will for sure learn something else about the game!!

Amaría ayudar a la traducción del juego!!
Tengo tiempo de sobra últimamente y seguro que puedo aprender algo más sobre el juego!!

Hola muy buenas. Grandioso trabajo de traducción. Yo no tengo tiempo para ayudar en el proyecto con el github, pero me leí el pdf para ver si había alguna cosilla con la que necesitasen ayuda.
Vi algunas cosas en el glosario que no son del todo correctas, así que os dejo una lista aqui por si aún no habéis avanzado mucho que penséis si os parece apropiado:

  1. No existe la palabra Teleportación / teleportar / teleporte, ni en España ni en Latinoamérica. Lo correcto sería teletransporte.
  2. En diablo2 “engarzar” era introducir una gema en un hueco, pero “engarce” no es sinónimo de socket. Se podría poner “hueco”, o “cuenca”, si al final no os quedáis con “encaje”. (porque queda mejor “un arma con 3 huecos” que “un arma con 3 encajes”)
  3. Ferrería es cómo se diría en algunas lenguas latinas, pero en español la palabra es Herrería como bien han dicho en un post algo más arriba. Blacksmith es “Herrero”.
  4. Si traducen todos los nombres de las tiendas, la item shop sería “tienda de objetos”, no “de items”.
  5. Rate se puede traducir directamente por Ratio. Viene de la misma palabra en ambos idiomas, se entiende igual.y es más corto (ratio de acierto = índice de acierto)
  6. Si traducen Master por maestro quedaría mejor, ya que un maestre era el jefe de los gremios de artesanos del medievo. En este caso no hablamos de una persona que enseña una profesión que no tiene por qué estar relacionada con la artesanía, así que maestro sería más apropiado.

Y eso es todo. Tambien quiero recomendarles que cualquier palabra con la que tengan dudas la busquen en esta página que tiene muy buenas referencias y es muy recomendable porque te muestra sinónimos y ejemplos de uso.

Eso era todo, vuelvo a decir que pueden sentirse orgullosos porque llevan una organización magnífica :wink:


Hola, traductor sin empleo aquí, buscando algo que hacer. ¿Por donde empezar? No tengo idea sobre Github, y me gustaria ayudar. ¡Saludos desde Chile !

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Buenas, agradecer el esfuerzo que estáis haciendo ante todo, pero voy ha haceros una crítica constructiva sin ánimo de acritud.

Opino que estáis haciendo un Blizardiano en algunas pequeñas cosas, tipo socket - encaje (el encaje es un bordado de hilo por ejemplo) traduciendo los stats, cambiando definiciones de puntos básicos del juego que pienso que para el futuro sera malo. Aconsejo el keep it simple y palabras clave como STR, socket, NPC… las mantuvierais, así permitiréis que aunque haya jugadores que no hablen ingles puedan defenderse y entenderse en lo básico con no hispanoparlantes.

Yo soy un poco mas extremista y me gusta mantener los nombres de las zonas y mazmorras también, ya que muchas veces luego buscas información que solo la puedes encontrar en ingles y no llegas a ella por una traducción pero eso ya son gustos personales.

Ea sin mas, ciao!


@MarinZep @seoman2 Hello man! I’m from Chile and I’m pretty interested in joining this crusade.

BTW, Me encantaría dedicarme a traducir, pero concuerdo con seoman que esas cosas como los lugares y palabras clave deberían quedar en inglés, más que nada porque son estándar en todo RPG. Y a cualquier lugar que vayas (al menos en latinoamerica) esos términos son conocidos más que sus traducciones en español.

Asi que espero poder ayudar a todos :3

Y yo me alegro bastante que una persona como tú no apoye un proyecto como este, por qué si para dar una opinión no puedes ser si quiera respetuoso no te imagino en trabajo en equipo, al fin del cabo tampoco es como si estuvieran buscando gente ahora mismo.


Hey, everyone, thanks for the replies!
Let’s see, there’s a lot to be said.

Mhh, let me answer @aray04 first, since he brought up a lot of help o:

1- “Teletransportacion” is simply too long. And actually, “Teleportacion” does exist. It’s often used in science and sci-fi(“Teleportacion Quantica”). It fits the purpose of “Warp”, in any case~
2- We thought of that, actually! Currently, we are translating Socket as “Ranura”
3- I’m not sure if you tried to say that “Ferrería” is actually more latinamerican than spanish, but I’d have to disagree with that. The original world is “Ferro”, from Latin. For some reason throughout the evolution of the Spanish language , along with other words, we switched the “F” from ferro into an “H”. (Much like the transition from “Fablar” to “Hablar”), But I think that’s inconsistent with other cases where the word “Ferro” is used, like “Ferrocarril” or “Ferromagnetismo”
In any case, if it sounds that bad, it’s not an unflexible matter and we’re willing to change it.
4- We actually changed that right after I uploaded the pdf, haha :sweat_smile:
5- You are right that it is shorter, but I’m not sure how ratio would do in any other situation… For example, in “ratio de crítico”. For some reason it just sounds odd to me…I’ll add it as a suggestion in the notes, tho!
6- Mh, you’re right. We’ll change that.

Wordreference is a very complete webpage, even though I don’t like to rely on their dictionary, rather, I think their forum is the most interesting one, I’ve always gotten some really good equivalents from there, specially on more area-specific terms :smiley:

@Shekish Your comment is incredibly ofensive and insulting. No version of the Spanish language is “correct”. I don’t know what would make someone write a comment like that, but I’m guessing you’re an elitist.
You bring shame to your people.
And also, you have not proven your competence at translating or managing a group. You are not inherently better at translating because of the place you were born, by the way, in case you didn’t know that. So, fite me 1v1, if you think you’re so “correct”.
Enjoy the flag, moron.

@seoman2 and @Rufomasta, mh, well, I do see your point in some situations. Perhpas we should keep the stats’ names, for example. However, our translation is aimed at spanish-speaking people who do not manage english well. People who know english by heart will, well, play the english version. Ours is just a translation from their translation, not from korean. So changing a lot to fit with the english translation would be contradictory to this translation’s goals.
I’ll see what the guys think about what you said, and we’ll determine how we act from there.

For anyone interested, there’s a vacant translator spot.

If you want to apply, like always, all you have to do is send me or @dyland_1995 . If possible, send us a short paragraph in english. Something about yourself, what you did today, anything that’d show us your level of english.

As always, I’d like to thank everyone who has shown support for our project, you’re all great! :grinning:

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This is awesome. I just have a little problem.

You meant to send you a message through the game? Because I no find button for send message xd.

On the topic of joining, I really want to work with you guys. But I don’t know how and I’ve never ever have worked with GitHub. So please if you could be so gentle to tell me how can I help you all would be great :D.

On another subject, it’s not that I want to be obligatory, but even though I get you when you say that Sp translation is aimed at that group of people, it’s primarily my duty to say that if you keep a bit of terms in English, it would be far more better. I’m speaking from experience - I have quite a bunch of friends and some people I know that don’t know THAT much about English language, even though, terms like STR, DEX, VIT, or AGI, are words that they are more familiar with and understandable ones, besides, they are generally present in many games (as I mentioned above in my previous post), and have been around since so long.

This group of words mainly consist on technical terms, such as Dexterity, Vitality, Agility. We could also include NPC, and even Skill or Socket - even if clearly those are ‘general’ words (more clearly, literal words, i mean, that they should be translated). However, wherever and whenever I hear a group of people, or even my friends talking about RPG in general, these terms are generally said in the English form. We are not considering here the correct way of saying stuff, even if we, objectively, should care about how we make these sentences.

Summarizing, what I’m trying to convey, is that it we (or you), try to keep some words - more clearly, technical words such as the ones I’ve mentioned, you could be helping many people get just a bit in the world of english vocabulary, as these terms would stay clear in the mind of those who play games. I’m not trying to impose, I’m just trying to make it more easy to share - since wherever you could go, the same stuff would apply, thus, it could be easier to get help from wherever you want to search. As a final note, when translating you have to keep in mind the way is written and the way that sounds more easy to understand. That is the major challenge.

This even applies (i think) to stuff like places, names, creatures, etc. And, if we should take something into consideration, is the fact that we shouldn’t, by any means, translate so far to even the names.

I hope my point can be understood. Also I hope this can be as proof of my english xD. Sorry for the wall of text, lol.


Most translations made in Latin America are based on “México”, so it would be good to have people from there and with a decent english translation, without using slangs and other “colonialism”. That is the only thing i want to remark. And to “Shekish” your “real Español” is only spoken in Spain. And yes it should say “Latino Translation” but even so, no need to be insulting, everything comes from the same foundation.

If you guys need any help ill be glad to give it a try was born in USA, lived my whole life in México.

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I meant through PM in the forums :B
The thing is, people who aren’t familiar with the terms or place names will have to look them up.
People who are familiar with them would most likely see a term such as “punto de atributo”, recognize it as “stat point”, shrug, and get on with the game.
It also depends on where you are from, or who you talk to. Not everyone is used to the terminology, and we’d like the translation to be less intimidating to those who aren’t that much into gaming. It’s about not alienating different audiences.
If, in the future, it becomes difficult for some gamers to play because of the differences in terminology and place names, we’d consider making a wiki in spanish for the game. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we still haven’t finished a single file from the game.
Creatures and people’s names will of course be left as they are. The same way we left some of the class names as they were, because they weren’t in english. They are part of the game’s identity, and we won’t touch that.

And about Github, if you want to work with us, we’d have no problem in telling you how to use it.
The PDF has a guide for Github, as well! The guys said they understood how to work after reading it, so I’m confident you could understand it as well~! :smile:

@nerddadlife, that’s not entirely true, and even if Mexico does have great dubbings and translations, that doesn’t mean it’s better to have people from Mexico. That’s a weird generalization, since it’s not like people from Mexico are born with translating powers, and it’s also not like a lot of people in this forum are professional translators.
We have people from both Latinamerica and Spain, btw, so no, it’s not a latino translation. We are keeping things neutral.

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@MarinZep actually, dear, I didn’t get anything from the pdf xD - in fact, just the little bit that explains how you do install GH Desktop and ‘import’ the stuff, but I really dont know how to add them, edit them, which should I edit, etc. I mean, I made my own branch, but if I edit any files of there, would I be making any changes to the original ones? What if I screw up?

I think that if it keeps giving me such problems, I might stick with an organized simple text file. That could help too, I wonder?

After all, I know more translating than actually putting stuff in code. Sorry xD. (Tho i might get it if you could explain it to me in a different way).

EDIT: I’ve been checking on the GitHub repository, but aside from doing that on the files that are there, it has been confusing enough to don’t know what or which one edit xd.