Tree of Savior Forum

Updated FAQ on the Latest Announcement

This seems a bit odd to say considering you just said

Unless you’re saying that your concerns are things that need changes? But who are you to say what does and doesn’t need changes? My concerns are just as valid as yours

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You are free to end this discussion whenever you want, but if you don’t see the problem with pumping silver into your alt you won’t see any problem with pumping exp into it.

Why even level alts if we can just buy level 280 at a price of 30m for example.

The difference is, that silver transfer is NOT p2w, while 1:1 trading, headgears and ms boosts ARE.


But… I’m not arguing if something is P2W? Are you saying concerns are only valid if the concerns are about P2W?

Not exactly. I’m saying that part of game mechanics doesn’t need to be changed unless it’s unfair/annoying.

It’s not unfair nor annoying.

If you can’t fly in a game it doesn’t mean the game is bad. IMC designed it the way so you can’t “fly”. Because flying would break balance while levelling. Lvl 10 with 10m is more than 2 times stronger then lvl 10 with 10000.

I understand what you’re saying, but we could’ve left it at back when I said it’s a perspective difference. I believe you should be able to “fly” in this game, and you don’t

Many games have a system where once an item is upgraded it is instantly bound to the character and can never be traded. So honestly I think it’s nice of them to even allow them to be traded a couple times before getting locked out. Maybe I’m just old, but I like to view separate characters as exactly that - separate. So even if we could infinitely throw equipment back and forth between our characters I still wouldn’t, each character should have their own separate equipment.

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I’m probably not that old, but you are totally right.

Using 1 weapon for the whole account feels so cheap.

It’s not only about using 1 weapon across all characters. (Unless you only have the same classes for all characters, that wouldn’t even be viable.)
This is mostly about being able to keep my gear without loss if I decide to delete my character. This is about being able to acquire a bow (whether intentionally, or unintentionally by chance) with my Alchemist and use it with my Archer with no loss

Yeah, but 1 potential loss is not much.

I’d rather prefer if you could decide who’ll get the gear w/o potential loss inside the party when it drops, but inside the account it’s not needed.

IMC politics doesn’t appreciate deleting characters since you will even lose lodge exp while doing this.

And you can keep most of your gear inside account stash unless it has 0 potential.

I need to ask a dumb question.

Okay so they say the server opens on March 29, 2AM EST. What time is that in Montreal, Canada? :joy:

You can use google to find time converter)

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Should be 2am in Montreal as well, as far as I know.


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thanks!! i was right, i was just over thinking it

Carefull Sarcasm is delte able offense xD:

Read community guidelines~


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Woopsie… Gonna be a rough time for me on these forums.

Sarcasm meant to verbally assault and degrade people is what’s going to be regulated, just to clarify. :dizzy_face:


Just noticed… it’s gone again from the guidelines.

Julie even remarked it.

You’re save for now!

Let’s start sarcasm up again~


Ohh then i misunderstood it.
Tought it meant ANY sarcasm wasnt aloweed.
That’s one thing i got an A in school for xD…

And i see you’re awake~
slighlty pokes

I know it’s stupid to ask you.
But is there a rough date, when we can expect a patch log?
We still don’t know for sure what changes happened to skills and other things yet.

Some people datamined… even while cleary stateing they shouldn’t.
So we aren’t completly blind atm xD.

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Strange, I’ve never seen that page before. :confused:
I just earned a badge for reading the guidelines. Oopsies. :blush:




Ohh, god christ.

I hope my neighbors didn’t thing my sanity broke down again.

If possible keep that guidelines page updated.
I remember it having sarcasm in it … or i might mix something up.
So much stuff i read the last days.