Tree of Savior Forum

Update regarding the next CBT

Ready to test! Bug reports to be submitted

Thx for you guys bringing us this awesome game .Hope that I can join the beta to make this game better and better. Anyway thx again.Love you guys.

: D nice hope hope :smile:

I cant express how excited i am at the possibility of getting to play this game!!!
I can’t hardly stand the wait!

my hype level is way over 9000, hopefully i get in the CBT, fingers crossed XD

Does posting here improve the changes of getting a key?

I’d like to be part of this round too. I’ve been waiting for this game, so much that i’ve been rotating around old games.

yey!! wish me luck for beta keys hahaha

Thank you so much!
I’m so hyped for this game, I hope I get a key <3

Yay, maybe I’ll get lucky and get to play this time

Ermegerd! Can’t wait. Hopefully I get in the beta this time.

I’m so hyped! I hope I’m lucky enough to selected and play in the next beta!
see you guys there!

Looking forward to the next CBT peeps! :smile:

Definitly waiting for the golden Key!

Please & Thanks!

This is awesome news!


Finally a chance to be able to try it :smile:

The countdown has started : hope it will be short :wink:

Yeah ! Great news!
Hope to see you all on this next iCBT :smiley:
Thank you for all your efforts IMCGAMES TOS Team

Damn hopefully they give out enough keys :blush:

I’m crossing my fingers…

Can’t you just take money from us, and keep the servers up? I’m sure people would pay to stay.


Finally a chance to be able to try it :smile:

The countdown has started : hope it will be short :wink:

Woooow i hope i can have a key this time ty so much for give this closed !