Tree of Savior Forum

[Update] Daily dungeon 2 entrances +1 extra with token

As I know, it doesn’t. Only Cross Cut damage scales.

Maybe they will change something. Oh, and increasing the damage of Skylinet back to 600 would also be great in this conjunction.

Actually high is already in a very good spot among swordsmen (taking into account skull swing), so I don’t think it needs any buffs. It’s wrong to increase skyliner damage because it’s Rank3 skill, so it shouldn’t be more powerful than rank 6-7 skills (I’m talkig about Fencer). It’s already powerful enough to use it even in late game, and it remains powerful enough to use in late game even after nerfs (assuming it has several overheat stacks). It’s still a generally better choice then Barbarian.

600 damage on Level 15 is not really R-7 level. But, it will be a great multihit skill then, which still can be used with other skills like this.

So how do you exactly level up with just 2 dungeons per day?
What should you do if you finish 2 dungeons and daily quests?

The old fashion way. Grind.


Recruit a few people, find a good map with high mob density, play some music and grind away.

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id rather have them remove the dungeon limit completely. so this game doesnt turn into another solo grinder. running dungeons with people is a great way to make new friends. if you have to limit certain content in a game then its flawed in my opinion.

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But then all people will ever do is run dungeons.

Not true, due to the ■■■■ excuse of a trade system we have. We pretty much have to go field grind to make our own gear.

well they could balance out the experience gained by it, so it will be slightly better than just grinding but not too overpowered.


That’s true, but I meant mainly for leveling. Because dungeons give a good amount of experience, then to level people will utilize that as opposed to other methods.

That’s a possibility. But wouldn’t running dungeons (esp. after 5 times) get boring after a while? (unless they add more to it than just killing the same monsters in the same map)

Sure it would get boring but this description describes field grinding to. so what is the difference?

hehe yeah i rather do grinding in a group dungeon instead of solo fighting over spawns in a field map. theres many ways they could make it more interesting too in the form of loot rewards or special group boss mechanics.

Well, you don’t have to solo farm. (and 200+ it’s pretty much impossible to solo grind).

Well, it depends on an individual’s own enjoyment. There are many people who don’t really like dungeons (whenever it’s the atmosphere or if they feel if it limits the exploration, I’m not sure).

So I still feel that a balance between dungeons and grinding should be made, which is why I disagree with dungeons not having a limit. I guess it’s hard to explain.

Actually it is. Both skills at max level deal 600 damage.

Well the dungeon nerf is bad news for support mains I guess


but if the limit gets removed, and the xp balanced out, wouldn’t that satisfy both parties? those who like doing group dungeons and those who like to solo grind? everyone can do whatever they want all day without weird limitations that have been brought over from asian standards. these things dont work well in the western market.

Well you do have a point. I understand why someone wouldn’t want a limit (like you), while another may enjoy having a limit. We’ll just have to see how it works in game I guess.

Heh, not that familiar with Fencer, interesting.
Anyway, the suggestion was coming from the fact that they returned the same cooldown.
I guess, these Overheats can compensate for the damage loss. I hope.