Tree of Savior Forum

[Update] Daily dungeon 2 entrances +1 extra with token

The client has been updated in all locations now, it should definitely be 2 normal and +1 with token in the client files unless it gets revised again before launch… but that’s fairly unlikely.

One change I hadn’t caught on first inspection was an adjustment to frost cloud:

  • Frost cloud now has a maximum number of enemies it can hit at once, which is limited to 10 + skill level.

2+1 is at least a little more “fair” for Free Users vs Paying Users. Still wish it was 1+1 but I can only be so picky.

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Wow, that elementalist ninja nerfs.

Um, so flame ground is now potentially better…?

Is this an Aoe atk ratio inclusion or just a mob count cap(which would be kind of new)?

I am thinking if circling would buff frost cloud to hit all mobs again.

This is ■■■■■■■ retarded lol. Frost cloud was literally the one reason you endured ele1 and 2 for.

Oh wow, hi dere Doddler, how have chu been since the iRO days? o/ (You may not remember me, but we used to message each other on msn chat from time to time; I was Junea Valkyrie/Junea Ex Valkyrie back on Loki.)

Mob cap isn’t new though? Spell like Pardoner’s Indulgentia have it.

That said, 14 targets is a pretty large amount, so outside of extreme circumstances I don’t think you’ll even have to worry about it.

15 mobs is still a lot. You rarely encounter packs larger then 20 mobs.

Now you just need something else to finish a huge pack besides the frost cloud.

The problem lies on that “something else”.

Did they ever fix electrocute? Through all of icbt2 it wasn’t being affected by matk and nothing was ever even acknowledged despite multiple reports.

Hail’s good for bosses but really random/mediocre for mobs if they aren’t humongous.

What? Electrocute is the strongest Elem skill, if you have elem.

I think you never watched ET videos and played kToS if you think it’s bad.

Hail is also very strong right now.

Wiz3Elem3 is by far the best DPS class in a game.

Where did i say it’s bad… I said it was literally bugged ROFL. It wasn’t affected by your matk throughout all of icbt2 unless mobs were linked (and yes, i extensively tested this myself and i have no idea why is it that joint penalty of all things made it work properly). So unless you had elemental damage (i.e. arde dagger) or a linker you were looking into 2digit/low 3 digit damage.

I know Hail’s strong, but i also know very well what it does against small/medium mobs. And i’m saying this not from watching vids, but playing a wiz3ele3 to 200 myself.

There were lots of bugged skills in iCBT but all of them were fixed at the start of kToS.

So you should watch some vids(from kToS) and read changes since iCBT ( ) before complaining about nerfs to any characters. All the nerfs I’ve seen since kToS were totally reasonable.

I’ve went through all the patch notes and the only nerf in question here is the one that’s currently exclusive to our client (“client” since it’s datamined).

I’m gonna stop here though. Just wondering, have you played this game yet or nah?

Since you haven’t played kToS I can understand why you may think that elem3 nerf is unreasonable.

So I suggest trying to play it after nerf and you will see that this nerf means nothing, because elems are so OP.

Aite so you haven’t. Peace. :joy:

Wow, so BM.

You don’t even listen to what I’m talking.


Why would would you expect anyone to listen to you about “game play” when you haven’t even played (no icbt no ktos) at all. I would suggest actually playing 1st, it’s just a little over a day left.

So from 2+2 to 1+1, now 2+1. I wonder what they are basing these changes on.

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He hasn’t played kToS as well, so his opinion on that topic is just as “irrelevant” as mine. And I’ve made some research into the subject before writing about it, so I know pretty well what I’m talking about.

Pinging because i’m curious what they did with that last 300+mb update right now.


Frost Cloud
AoE attack ratio for Frost Cloud changed to be base 10 + skill lv

bye so it really was aoe ratio and not number of targets, im done