Tree of Savior Forum

[Update] Clarification on the Founder's Pack and Servers

This is what worried me earlier, but didn’t post to avoid to add fuel to the fire…

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Pray for eu :scream:


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Sucks how asking for these basic things can get you marked for ridicule. I’ll be the bold one then and get marked as a whiner / crybaby. Don’t bother me one bit what these trolls post.


I want info about EU server before 29 march, to know if i should activate my founders pack on NA or wait for EU server.
I see no point of refunding. If there is no EU, i would play on NA,will use my pack there. If there will be EU - just save pack for it to open.


This was perfect, just had to wait for confirmation. If I had posted the Steam FAQ quote on the otherhand …
I simply followed what I told you earlier about overthinking it, and left it at that. A hour after, we have confirmations (even proof), so everything is fine.

Still need confirmation regarding after March 29th tho, but most likely non-refundable after that date.

i really hope for an EU serv at the start i would really hate to have to refund my FP just because of that


@Staff_Julie is such a god damned beast. Great addition to the team.


me too :’( i need an EU server for EA <3

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That’s what I would think naturally but let me tag other staff members in case they can give you a more firm answer.

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines

Meanwhile, thank you very much everyone for helping me spread the information. The FAQ is going to be uploaded shortly so please give us a bit more time :slight_smile:


No, thank you for getting us through the weekend. We ToS addicts aren’t always the best company with our nervous breakdowns.

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Hey @Ayalon,

We are still taking an in-depth look at regional servers since we know many people from all over the world wish to have servers with low ping.
However, we have not yet reached a final conclusion regarding the issue. We will make an announcement when a final decision is made. I’m sorry I can’t give you a more solid answer at the moment.

Best regards,


I hope you guys have a good Monday. I’m in high hopes for a EU server. Got my Founder Pack ready when / if the EU server happens.

A lot of people have been suggesting a NA based EU server, at least temporary for in time of the Early Access. Then later a relocation. Is something like that possible?

Then good for you for having a good ISP.

Each ISP has different routing unless they centralize in 1 sole infrastructure.

And on each region, they can have 5-10 different ISP, and they don’t necessarily offer the same routing or offer “TEST” packages so you can see if your connection with iTOS is good or not.

Also, some play for competitive reasons - PvP, GvG, Achievements - which require a good ping, since this is after all an ARPG.

Heck even PvM, being able to hop-mob monsters was just a dream for me, because i had 300-600 ping during CBT.

Attempting to do hop-attack, my character would land and freeze in attack motion and resume moving after 2-4 seconds. lol

There’s probably 4 or 6 from my group that are waiting for this decision before we purchase early access… We don’t want to cash out and play with lag. :frowning:

Maybe start another poll on who’s playing where with early access? You’d at least have an idea on how many people are willing to play early access in different regions. It would be a good deciding factor.

Is that decision be finalized before the release date? Hoping it will. :slight_smile:

Just to let you know

In KOBT, the mail is automatically deleted every time when the server is under the maintenance or within 7 days. So please check and confirm that all our mail will stay as long as it is.

Thank you


Wow…yeah. Loosing our FP stuff due to this would not end well…it would be kinda funny though :blush:

hope this isnt true at all

Hello @tul_tawee @BlaXun @celexample,

There will be no expiration date for when you can receive the benefits from the Founder’s Access. kTOS messages are deleted as they are given as rewards for events or compensation for delays of service. Hope I cleared some things up regarding the issue. :slight_smile:
