Tree of Savior Forum

Two-handed sword Shinobi - Viable?

whats up everybody, after some searching about all classes offensives and defensives in PvP I created a FUN shinobi build for PvP mostly battleleague and duels.

for stats: 3:1:1 - Con:Str:Dex

*Peltasta over Highlander - low dex build and pelt helps alot in leveling

Why I think this build will work ?

  • Iron hook , one of the few cc’s that passes through bloodletting
  • Shinobi can engage/disengage easy with stealth
  • Nice damage with Kunai /Mijin no jutsu /Seism /Helm Chopper
  • Two-handed sword gives you more damage compared to DW in battleleague(no elemental sub-weapon)
  • High Con = High HP
  • Peltasta gives some defensives
  • Pounce = great skill to finish enemys

Cons :

  • Stone skin (no block penetration)
  • freeze status (without bloodletting, you wont have cata 3 crazy mobility relying on stealth and positioning)
  • No defense against magic damage

What you guys think of this build ? please comment, any imput will be helpfull !!


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PVP build but no Doppel?

IMO Doppel only offers cyclone, without shinobi you can’t make it in pvp ( not being cata dragoon )

no I mean
rank 5 = corsair
rank 6 = doppel
rank 7 = shinobi

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The zabuza build haha nice!

Doppel might be nice but I’m not sure, pounce is such a good skill for pvp and we would have more damage on barb skills going C3


I was under the impression that illusions are also capable of using the Swordsman tree skills. In that case, wouldnt it be better to:


You would gain access to double slash + Bash (376 dmg 3 charges maxed) for moves to use with your illusions? I mean the entire class is a gimmic, so why not go all in to do as much burst as you can during those 20s of dps time?

You could drop barb1 for corsair one to distract mobs with flag while you setup in safety instead of the +50 crit rate from cleave (which will probably be +50% slash dmg if we get the update and would make doubleslashing illusions just ridiculous).

Doesnt seem too bad, but i’d rather drop 1 barb to fit in doppel.

Imagine if we did get ktos barb buff(50% more slash damage after cleave)

Invisible>sneak up on someone>iron hook>cleave>cyclone
Mokuton>appear at target>iron hook>Cleave>cyclone

Ofcourse you could alter the combo to do seism or something instead of cleave.

Not to mention cyclones anti cc attribute which will be very handy

50% slash damage + cyclone can kill anything in a 5v5, I forgott about that buff it makes sense to go with barb2 > Corsair > Doppel because we don’t actually need seism/helm chopper stuns since the target will be hooked, but seism( also slash ) can actually do more burst damage then cyclone and I loose pounce. Im confused now .

I did a swordie -> pelta 1 -> barb 3 -> doppel and will be going shinobi after. Personally I don’t see how corsair helps, well obviously hook but from my experience you don’t need it too much, I kick ass plenty without it already vs people at 250+ levels. Me not being 200 yet.

As long as you utilize weapon swaps and block vs other swordies until they’re close enough to stun, don’t walk into mages sleep and wait out priests stone skin you can win vs anyone. Well, druids are a bastard to fight againt but in the druid case you just have to have enough hp to survive being mind controlled and walked into zaibases/carnivory.

When you get to shinobi, yes that bind from shinobi’s mokuton is probably tier 1 bind (to be tested when I get to shinobi), but regardless with 2 invi skills and one strong CC (if it’s tier 1 as long as you wait out the bloodletting I guess) you’ll be more then fine, and for all you know your teammates can provide the CC.

Also when it comes to doppel - you can sprint while doing the cyclone without stopping it nullifying to some extent the movement speed drop. And if Ktos changes do eventually come over, that cyclone is going to be much stronger then it is currently. Though it’s plenty strong already and it really does help as a filler between your other cooldowns.

I’d say think about what corsair and doppel really give you here, and if you figure corsair is really better for you go for it. I’m just saying doppel is working for me and I can say it’s not a bad choice for the build.

Good luck.

in PvP If cylone has full hit under iron hook every enemy will die
you don’t even need 50% debuff slash from cleave

Bro can you make a damage test for me ? How much damage on lvl 10 seism / lvl 15 helm chopper / each cyclone tick ?

Dude that would help me alot deciding (barb c2>doppel or barb c3) maybe you don`t have those skills maxed or what ever but anyway, thanks

Depending on the situation, you could turn a 3v1 into your favor.

Dude, you realize how many variables there are that you did not include in that question? And why exactly do you need a damage check?

My attributes, my gear, my stats all will make a difference. I’ll tell you this though, until around lvl 200 my barb skills even without cyclone are enough to deal with mobs. Problem start after when they start having 60k-90k health and will get even worse later. You have to invest a Lot of money to be able to kill those mobs in a timely fashion honestly. But that goes for any swordie really.

@Ginbei Yeah, in the rare off chance that lag doesn’t screw you over by making the characters actual location far from where you’re aiming. I’d rather count on shinobi’s bind than an unreliable hook, even more when the ping disparity between players is this high.

Your gear and stats doesn’t matter for a comparison all thoose skills scale the same way, what I am trying to figure out is: Do I really need cyclone or seism + helm chopper will be enough ?

Do you know if shinobi’s bind affects bloodletting ?

btw I am talking PvP ONLY.

Corsair’s hook is a rank 10 cc, which is pretty much the only cc we swordsmen have that can’t be blocked by plague doctor’s bloodletting, that’s why it’s so highly valued. Source

You’ll understand when you start doing 5v5 league PVP, watch some kTOS videos on youtube in the meantime.

Also a word of warning, Mokuton’s bind doesn’t disable or stun the enemy, so it’s pretty useless against archers and wizards since they can still cast skills.

Edit: Plus what Ginbei said below

Correct me if im wrong, shinobis bind can be dispelled by scrolls/Cure/PD’s

Hook cant, as its a lvl 10 debuff.

Yes, I do realize it May be blocked by blood letting, I will test that when I get to shinobi as one of the first things. You guys are far too negative and far too much in love with iron hook. It almost requires another CC to land it considering all the factors behind it but by all means. Also, fkin invisibility x2. You can almost wait out PD’s bloodletting or just wait for a situation when your team CC’s to jump out and burst people down.

If you want to believe in one golden rule of playing a swordsman in pvp and never try to be creative I can see why you see the need to do it on characters different then swordie.

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Any other CC can easily be removed, even without bloodletting.

Meanwhile ktos made it so that dispel scrolls work in arena, there is no telling when we are getting in itos, if at all.

Edit: nobody ever said Iron Hook is 100% reliable, but its by far more reliable than any other CC in swordsman’s arsenal