Tree of Savior Forum

Two-handed sword Shinobi - Viable?

If you wanted actual CC you should be going knockbacks/knockdowns anyways.

If you guys ever do get to 5v5 leagues on your swordie I welcome challenges. Prefereably with a wager.

Oh, you mean press X button for safe landing?

What @Ginbei said.
When your Barbarian stuns don’t land due to the enemy team’s PD then you will feel it.
Being creative is fine and all, but you think the Koreans weren’t creative? They’ve had league PVP long before us and tried all of this before we even got the game in iTOS.
The enemy’s PD won’t let you “wait out” the fight until bloodletting is over, they know they only have 20 secs (the updated nerfed version) so they will end it before that 20 secs is up. Plus, as Ginbei said, bloodletting is only 1 thing to worry about, there are items that give dispeller effect too that can remove stuns.
Also Knockback / Knockdown is bad because u have to chase them down. Hard to do when you have other people attacking you too.

To be fair, it could work if pinning someone to a wall, doing knockback that is, but i can only see it be viable for a 1v1 duel.

I don’t know, I’ve watched some korean battleleague videos and the shinobi (Hop > Corsair) would consistently hook 3 enemies out of stealth and secure the match for his team, It is too game changing IMO to be looked over.

Let’s meet in the league then and see if you can put it to practice.

I don’t ever intend to PVP with a swordsman unless they fix the whole class later down the track.
Also what’s the point of meeting me in league? You’re dealing with other teams with PD 99.9% of the time so maybe u should worry about how to counter them instead?

If you want to PVP, go Cataphract c3 > Dragoon. I’ve said this on these forums countless times already. But if you must PVP without Cataphract c3, at least get a minimum of corsair c1 for the hook and c2 Hoplite + Dragoon or Shinobi to even stand a chance. If you don’t have Cataphract c3 or even corsair c1 in your “PVP” build, then just reroll already, save yourself the pain later on.

@matheuscrosara1 Yes this is also becoming more popular now, but you still need corsair c1 to hook.

Figures. See you around.

The hole point of this build is to be relevant in pvp without going cata 3 > dragoon. What was beeing discussed a while back was: Going C3 barbarian or going C2 with doppel, corsair is necessary IN MY OPINION .

Any inputs reguarding the doppel vs barbarian c3 ?

In the current meta both are trumped by spear builds / Shinobi because of spear lunge, this may change though when / if the new Barbarian changes get carried over to our version

enemey that under Iron hook cc, still can block or not ?
or dodge with high eva

They definitely can block if they were blocking before being hooked. Same with stun, impale and other effects.

@GoldenCross stop talking about a class you will never pvp with you disgrace. You will very rarely if ever pull of spear lunge combo or even hit with dragoon skills. Did you even once dueled anyone? The bullshit you spew is really annoying and full of misinformation, idealized scenarios and theorycrafting. Get some experience before coaching people.

Hit a nerve have I?
So mad…So sad…

Yeah, you hit the nerve alright. I despise people that have nothing but ■■■■ come out their mouth. Give yourself a break man, your doomsday preaching has nothing to do with reality.

If my words have no element of truth in it then people would be jumping over my posts already. I think I hit the spot on most of the stuff I say, nobody’s really come out and challenged me about it at least.

Except you because you’re mad that you only found out about Iron Hook, PD and dispeller scrolls and how they can work against your non-corsair/cataphract build lol

I liked your build, but I usually play only for pve and If I were to do a two handed shinobi just for pve I would go for swo1>hig3>Bar1>Dop1>Shinobi. Why ? Shinobi is a insanely bursty class and to burst even better you need modifiers (my opinion). Highlander has cross guard which makes enemy vulnurable to Pierce Attack (kunai) and Skull Swing (makes enemy def 0), Barbarian has Cleave which gives you 50 crit rate (also makes enemy take more slash damage in ktos), finally doppel for Deeds of Valor. This build makes you very bursty and also durable against physical damage, considering you get some dex, you both have a good dodge chance and a block chance with cross guard.

No, it is literally because you make no sense whatsoever. PD/ scrolls dont affect my experience in the slightest, but keep saying that to yourself to feel better.

Get good, whine less.

lol look who’s whining about who.
Do you even know what the term means?

Calling what you do by its name is not whining in the slightest. Now can you stop filling people’s heads with your lack of experience and information regarding pvp as a swordsman class? Thank you.

lol what a joke you are.
I’ll keep posting whether you like it or not :wink:
Stay mad