Tree of Savior Forum

Turn your complain into brainstorming "improvement of Guildwar"

Ok guys, to be honest here, we have to accept that ktos is declining.

Every days more and more people stop playing ktos.

Why? ,most of the reason is it’s not have much to do at high level.

What everyone expected to do at end game is definitely Guild war.

But the guild war now is some what…incomplete? only bare bones system of what It’s could be.

Something must be done to increase the lifespan of this game.

This is my suggestion for the Guildwar.

Well, the guild tower now can be place everywhere in the world. Why don’t we using this feature as a part of guildwar?

When you place the guild tower on any map, you can choose to “conquered” that map.

And every weekend the guildwar between guild that want to conquered their map/area will start.

When this happen your guild will be hostile to every guild that also want to conquered that area and have guild tower in the same map as you.

That said area will become free-pvp-zone for guild member. the last guild that guildtower still standing will be the winner and own that area.

The owner of the area will receive various benefit from all player that doing anything in the area, 10% of silver that drop from all monster in the area will be add to the guild treasury(Player will still receive full amount of silver from monster) for example.
This silver only can use for upgrading guild. These upgrade will provide the wide area buff that covered the entire map for every player guild’s member or not.
such as EXP boost, MANA regent Boost and so-on.

That what I come up with for the guildwar.

What do you guy think?


I say we let the developers finish it and implement the plans they had for the remaining 120+ levels!

On the subject of GvG though, there have been some other great ideas proposed as well. I personally think the entire GvG system needs to be re-done, it is hard to build on the current system.



that’s so gangstah~ :sunglasses:

I believe the decline of KToS is the rise of IToS…


EXACTLY (⌐■‿■)


I agree. I haven’t played KToS but I imagine thousands of players were from other regions. With IToS around the corner I would have jumped the KToS ship too =P

I do think though that IMC should be more open about what they’re working on. There is a difference between keeping users waiting versus keeping users in the dark. It’s okay to wait, to be surprised at some things and not know everything, but not having any idea at all what is in works for the true end-game is pretty bad. We’re getting so invested into a title when development doesn’t even try to release timely sneak peeks as to what is in the works for us.


Suggestion = 3~5 sec cooldown on jumps or put a high sta cost to jump while on a Guildwar.

It will be a mess with 100 players jumping everywhere, fps drop + graphic pollution + hard to aim…

Also, put a 5 sec cooldown on healing items or pvp won’t be about skill but rather who has more “yggdrasil”. ( This change also make healers more valuables )

@zoi4friends i suggest make it just 2 or 1.5, like when normal people take momentum(right foot forward then left foot forward) before jumping.

next about healing items, there should be a delay .5secs after you use it, and there should be an interval like every after you chug potion :beer:, your throat needs to rest/or you character needs to burp haha, I dunno,

regarding your comment about healing items, there’s a translation to that, here in our country we say “nasa pots and lakas”, and it sucks to see players abusing potions when they have the real money to buy large supply of potions, that made me quit RO, when your dead your dead!!! why won’t they die already!!!

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For real? I see this kind of post all over RO forum. But look at the game, what is keeping from you your optimist?

Remember when IMC announced plans to make ToS able to be played on a mobile platform?

I wonder what happened to that. Almost nearing 2 years since they said that I think?

If KToS is truly suffering due-in-part to not being available on mobile then I hope some of the profits they turn can help bring the title to android tablets at least.

I’d love to play ToS while I poop.

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I think that WAR should be as it is. Imo they thought war should be something without reward for both sides (The only reward should be cleaning leveling spots or through negotiations to stop the war). But imo they launched this system too early. We’re not prepared for this kind of thing. We would be prepared for “Guild vs guild competition” or something like that.

I bet they have lots of ideas already. But they don’t have time to implement it because pressure. We’re seeing an incomplete late game, an incomplete guild system, incomplete class balance, etc.

Thats why they wanted the 3 months too. They feel that the game will be somewhat complete to launch 3 months from now.

I guess we just need to wait.

Btw. To contribute with ideas, i would suggest getting rid of this war system and implementing a healthy guild vs guild system with rewards. Good luck implementing fast though.