Tree of Savior Forum

An Objective-oriented Guild War system

From what I can gather from this thread, those of us who discussed guild pvp would like a system where:

  • we can opt in at any time
  • we can fight anywhere
  • we cannot opt out unless we lose
  • there’s something to gain from fighting
  • there’s some objective which non-pvp builds can accomplish

Since the premise of the game is finding the goddesses, and their likenesses impart a variety of effects (dievs), how about we set up a system where guild can claim “Great Goddess Statues” to impart some form of buff on the controlling guild.

Great Goddess Statues

  • Scattered throughout the world are giant statues depicting various goddesses.
  • Each statue will have (for example) 6 objects called “Pillars of Faith” around them
  • A guild may control only one Pillar at each Statue

Pillars of Faith

  • Each pillar is vulnerable once per week over 2 hours
  • Each pillar corresponds to a major time zone (it’s the Int version after all)
  • When not vulnerable, they act as a second guild tower
  • These Pillars are visibly distinct from guild towers to avoid confusion

Faith Buffs

  • When controlling a Pillar, a buff related to the Goddess they represent is given to all guild members
  • Ex: 1% chance for an extra item drop for controlling a Laima pillar
  • These buffs should, of course, be strong enough to be desired, but not so much so that people can’t live without them


  • When a Pillar your guild controls goes vulnerable, items called “Sparks of Faith” are distributed among the online members of the defending guild.
  • If a Spark carrier goes offline or enters an instanced area during the invasion, their Spark is sent to another member
  • If no member of the defending guild is online, the Spark mechanic is ignored. In this case, all guilds may open invasion portals
  • When a Spark carrier dies, they drop all of the sparks they hold
  • When an attacking guild gathers enough Sparks, the guild leader can open an invasion portal
  • the number of Sparks required is dependent on the number of attacking guilds
  • up to 10 guild members may spend Sparks to join the guild leader, and must defend them from waves of difficult enemies while they perform a lengthy ritual
  • This ritual will have them travelling around an Invasion dungeon performing various tasks, similar to Fedimian party quests
  • When the ritual is complete, the Pillar is captured by the invading guild
  • If the invaders fail, all Sparks that were used sending people into the Invasion dungeon are returned to the defending guild.
  • The invasion dungeon is considered failed if the guild leader is dead for more than 10 seconds

##Declaring War

  • When a Pillar is protected, guilds may sign up for invasions
  • This will have some talt cost
  • All guilds involved are given a 1 hour, 30, 10, and 5 minute warnings that an invasion is going to begin
  • A guild may only invade one Pillar per week.
  • If no guild owns a tower, the Spark Carriers will be bosses scattered throughout nearby fields


  • When a Pillar invasion is active, all players from each guild become hostile to all players from all other involved guilds.
  • This is on all maps, including towns.
  • Spark carriers may hide all they like, the only reason for them to fight is in self-defense.
  • To help invaders find Spark Carriers, the location they are in will be marked on the world map, but not the zone map
  • Spark Carriers will also glow somewhat

##Timeout (No Guild completed an invasion)

  • When time expires and the Pillar becomes protected once again, all player involved will, of course, become friendly again
  • Any guild still inside the Invasion dungeon will be kicked out
  • If the Defending guild does NOT have at least 1/3 of the Sparks, the Pillar becomes corrupt and is claimed by monsters
  • Talt spent on the invasion will be distributed to guilds based on the number of Sparks they have relative to the others.

An Example

Guild “Wet Noodles” owns a Giltine Pillar of Faith.
Guilds “Kappa” and “Salty” pay 5 talt each to fight for the Pillar.
The invasion warning goes out, and the members of “Wet Noodles” scatter throughout the world to make it harder for “Kappa” and “Salty” to hunt them down

The invasion begins and 20 Sparks are distributed to the members of “Wet Noodles”

KiritoSlayerXX from “Kappa” finds Dinkleberg from “Wet Noodles”, and kills him. Dinkleberg drops all 3 sparks he was holding
KiritoSlayerXX is now marked as a Spark Carrier, since he picked up Dinkleberg’s Sparks.
Shaker of “Salty” finds KiritoSlayerXX afterwards and teams up with some friends to take his Sparks.

Eventually, “Salty” collects 11 Sparks, and runs for the Pillar
“Wet Noodles” gathers at the Pillar to stop “Salty” from opening a portal
“Salty” plows through "Wet Noodles"s defenses and opens an invasion portal

“Salty’s” guild leader, and his elite 10-man PvE team enter the invasion dungeon, spending 11 Sparks in the process.

“Salty” fails the dungeon due to their leader dying, the 11 sparks used would be sent back to the members of “Wet Noodles”.

The battle rages on, and suddenly time’s up. Nobody’s completed the Invasion dungeon, and “Wet Noodles” has 3/20 Sparks. Oh no! “Wet Noodles” has lost the Pillar to monsters! (lack of holy energy to keep it purified, etc.)

My goal with this post is to give some framework for ToS to have a proper GvG system, which I hope will give ToS a unique GvG environment, not Aion castles, not WoE, and certainly not GW2’s backcapping zerg called WvWvW.

Well, if you’ve made it all the way down here, thanks for reading! Let me know what you guys think! Especially you, @STAFF_John and @STAFF_Ethan.

######Oh my god I’m actually summoning the mighty staff members! ooooh!

Edit1: tried to make things clearer. Added folding and an example


I really like your idea but it needs to be refined (actually I had to read it several times to understand how it works).

Just to be clear: Using talt you “Buy” the right to attack X Pillar when it becomes vulnerable, similar to Bid for the right to attack a castle in Archeage, right? But how many guilds can attack at same time? Is there a limit? Or can the guild just be raped for an ally? (I will rather no limit, but it is you idea and I am curious).

Sparks Mechanic: What happend if a member with a spark goes inside a dungeon or if he is in middle of the dngn with the event stars? If there is no one online for Spark Mechanic, which guild from those that sing up wins? What happend if a character with Cloak or similar skill has a spark?

This. Whether or not there’s a limit depends on what IMC wants, but I’d go with no limit.

On Sparks: Entering an instanced zone is effectively the same as going offline, your sparks will be distributed among the defenders. If nobody is online, the first guild to complete the ritual will claim the Pillar.

I’ll try and edit the OP to make it more clear.

Like Emperium on RO? Could be nice to have that again.

Hello Qualna,

I see we have been summoned! I hope the goddesses find you well? :slight_smile:
Thanks for your ideas for the GvG system. We’ll do some internal talk about what we can pass on to the dev team, but no promises on when or if :stuck_out_tongue:



:open_mouth: a Wild Ethan has appear and put a smile on my face :blush:

I thought you would just lurk on another section without seen the light :yum:

On-topic: am ok with invasion kind wars as long as a guild isn’t forced into them without wanting to and if it has dedicated maps for it :\

The goddesses blessings upon you as well @DrRM :slight_smile:

I require some sunlight now and then so I’m grabbing a bit before diving back down into the abyss. Too much sun is bad for my complexion you see…:stuck_out_tongue:

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By all means, get at tan :wink:

In this system, the controlling guild will be tasked with defending their Pillars each week but invaders can pick when to join in. Dedicated maps can be done, but I feel like it would be more interesting if we were allowed to have the entire world map as the “dedicated map”. It doesn’t really get any players outside of the conflict wrapped up in it aside from a few mobs caught in the crossfire.

I really like this idea, the current gvg system is lackluster and a for fun/drama kind of deal.

I honestly believe, after balancing/bug fixing, this should be top of the list in terms of future content. This would definitely gives guilds a meaning and add more longevity.

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Sure, sounds fun. I mean as long as it’s not a substitute for the current one (that needs some fixes) then yeah.

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a staff? 3h ago? no way…

Yup, I like perma-war system :slight_smile:

Your idea is interesting, but I think the biggest take-away for the staff is that you (and a lot of other people) are looking for a GvG system similar to WoE (obviously not the same as WoE, but a better version of it with clear similarities).

  • mass GvG
  • scheduled weekly times (to give people something to prepare and be excited for all week)
  • significant but not OP rewards (like I said, better then WoE :stuck_out_tongue:)
  • some form of goal that involves strategy and teamwork, such as protecting/hunting a ‘spark carrier’
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