Tree of Savior Forum

Guild VS Guild (War) - Reward System

Hi there, i’m Wyrm. While talking with my fellow guildmates we figured the GvG system is quite blank or pointless right now. There are no rewards, there is the risk that your Guild Tower gets assaulted while you sleep since the Wars last for 24 hours / 7 days (a week). So we have been thinking “Why should we go to war?” To measure our strength? To win and have the enemy guild make up silly excuses for losing? All of that doesn’t seem a lot appealing to us.

Why not create something like a Reward System for War?

So i’ve thought (based on accumulated experience from past games):
What if there would be some sort of battle “currency”, let’s call it War Points (WP) here.

- Each player that aids on an enemy guild player kill gets + 1 WP
- Whenever a guild destroys an enemy guild, every player that was there and aided in the combat gets + 25 WP.
(These values are just a base, there should be some deeper game design math involved, based on the reward’s price, of course)

And then create something like a “War Shop”, an NPC who’d sell items in exchange for WP. Now, when i say items i don’t necessarily mean equipments, actually i’d rather not have “war equipments” or anything alike. But there could be some things like:

- Titles
- Companions (Maybe Companion Skins?)
- Armbands (That’s a visual item)
- Hats
- Hairstyles / Hair Colors
- Class-Specific Costumes
- Guild Tower Customization (Appearance of the Guild Tower)

None of these would break the game’s balance, but they would still spice up the Guild Wars, everybody would want to get the most difficult titles, or nice looking companions, etc. Well, at least it’s better than nothing at all :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you guys think about it?
It would be interresting to read some feedback from the international community on this matter

I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes, i’m not a native english speaker.

Thanks for your attention



not a bad idea at all, it’s like ragnarok and the arena where we can get that coin which can be exchanged but! i don’t think ToS should implement that, ToS is trying something new this 24/7 war. and i would love to see where it goes.


That’s a good idea. It would be awesome get one system like this that we could change our appearance without breaking the balance of the game and giving a purpose to war against other guilds.


Well, unlike Ragnarok, here we would not be getting equipments out of this. Just vanity itens, mostly. At some point in RO it became quite mandatory for one to have “Battleground Equipments”. I don’t think that’s a good idea at all, but as i stated, i’d rather NOT have equipments involved in this sytem. :smiley:


Good suggestion, But I strongly believe they would implement something like this in the future, As you know obviously the game is just about to start. Who knows? Maybe in just a month or so they would implement interesting guild features. I’m sure they’re focusing more if the game would run smoothly, bugs and other shyts as of now.

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Yes indeed, i don’t think this should be a priority, but well, it doesn’t hurt to suggest hahaha

I would like to see this in game!
Once rank 8 gets announced, Templar might get some new interesting skills that involve GvG as well.
The GvG System is still being implemented. I am looking forward for new changes on this topic, including a reward system similar to the one you mentioned.

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And then two guilds would trade kills/wins to sell the vanity items for profit, thus turning any sense of achievement into a joke.

If you put a reward system under player’s control, they WILL abuse it.

Oh and because of that risk of people griefing others by doing not ‘war’ like things (declare attack while others aren’t online to destroy their towers) is why they restricted GvG to have consent now.

If you guys haven’t seen how ToS guild wars go. Here’s a video.

You could expand your guild tower until it becomes a castle, would be really nice… but before war rewards we should think about guild war mechanics. For now we can be immune to CC, PK enemy guilds at the same dungeon party from match making and log in 2 AM to ■■■■ the enemy’s guild tower.

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Well, i didn’t mention any of the consent restrictions and such. But honestly? Basically every reward system such as this one can be exploited in many games, this is not a “new idea”, it exists in many games. Then again, this is a suggestion, even if they would implement this, IMC is the one responsible for taking care on how not to allow people to abuse it :wink:

Placing reward systems under player’s control is a pretty common thing, and it works, most of the time. It really just depends on the restrictions added to this. Such as adding limits to how many times you can war against a guild during a period of a month or so, limiting how much WP you can earn with each war, etc etc etc. There are many ways to constrict this system and avoid massive exploit.

It doesn’t solve the underlying issue.

Right now GvG is for the fun/thrill of PvP without restriction of arena, and prestige of saying “we beat X” (ignoring the possibility of using cowardly tactics)

With rewards, it become for the reward instead.

You can find example with yourself.
Why do you want to GvG right now? You don’t. The idea of bragging rights for winning against someone does not appeal to you, there is also the fear of losing your guild towers.

Does adding rewards remove those things? No, you still don’t care about winning against someone and your fear of losing your tower is still there.
So it becomes you doing something you dislike for the sake of reward.

Well, this suggestion was never meant to fix how the GvG system works. This is an addition to the GvG System, which i agree: it does needs it’s changes. Then again, yes, i would love to GvG right now, even without rewards, even if it’s pointless and empty! I’m the leader of a big guild and we’re totally up to going to War for fun even without rewards. Rewards would simply spice it up, make it more appealing to many :smiley:

Not everyone want to PvP, trying to tempt them with reward will not remove the underlying distaste for it.
So again, instead of you it just become others who has to do things they hate because the thing they like is hidden behind it.

If all the items added to the reward system are vanity only, nobody is “forced” as you are saying to do anything they dislike. As i stated before, none of these items affect the game’s balance. A hairstyle/haircolor? An Armband? A hat? Well, if you dislike to War, just don’t, it’s not like any of those will make your character “better” in any significant way. It’s all vanity, if you don’t want it, by all means, don’t do it. Also the fact remains that the only end-game content in the game right now is: PvP Arena, War and the recently added “Earth Tower”. So yes, there’s not much for those that don’t want to PvP anyways.

You’re underestimating the ‘value’ of cosmetics.

Yes it has no gameplay benefits, but if it’s a hat with the look I want, I’d still be forced to PvP to get it, otherwise you run into the same previous problem of people trading GvG wins for cosmetics to sell for money (even if you put in limit, it doesn’t change that they will do it and cheapen the whole ideal of GvG anyway)

There’s a reason TF2 is nicknamed Hat Fortress (and that hats in that game trade for far more than weapons)

In many many games one is forced to grind over of farm for weeks or even months for something they like. That’s not new to anybody. For example in World of Warcraft, one of the biggest games even today, people farm for years to get a mount or something, even if they hate to do so. What matters is that the game gives you the opportunity to do that. You can’t EVER please everybody, but then again, just like a mount is “useless” in WoW, a hat is “useless” in ToS. So as long as the game doesn’t get affected by this reward system, it’s still up to the player the choice of striving to achieve it or not.

Even if a good part of the player base doesn’t like PvP, they still need to add rewards for PvP, it doesn’t matter if you dislike it, somebody does like it, and i need to let that guy happy too. It works like this in pretty much every single MMORP i’ve ever played, ever. Another example: Legendary Weapons in Guild Wars 2, at the beginning it required you to grind and farm it for days over and over and over again, just to get a nice looking weapon, with no stats benefits over the legendary weapons in the game (acquired through dungeons), still people did it. But then again, they did it because they wanted, not because they “had” to. So that argument isn’t really valid at all.

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And that’s kinda where PvE and PvP differs.

Even if you dislike PvE but do it because you have some reward you want, it’s you vs the mechanical and heartless game. If the game demands you run a super difficult dungeon to get a certain item, you know whoever got that item did run that super difficult dungeon.

With GvG, your opponents are players.
@cosx774 too
Let’s say there’s an achievement for defeating 1000 players through GvG that give a title.
Can you really tell if the guy with that title REALLY fought 1000 players, and not just buy/create an alt Templar to farm GvG on?
If you actually did fight honestly for that reward, would your sense of achievement really be the same when you have that nagging knowledge that any random person can have the same reward through no effort, indirectly cheapening your ‘symbol’?

With arena there’s actual proof of effort to reach X rank because you don’t know who you’ll face and losing drops your ranking so nobody want to lose. But with GvG being killed have no effect on you, the only thing remotely valuable in-game is the guild tower.

As we discussed before, the company (IMC) is the one responsible for creating measures to prevent people from exploiting such content. Still i remain unconvinced of any harm this would cause to the game in any given way. While still believing that yes, it would spice things up and make it a lot more appealing than it’s actual state.