Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior : Initial Patch Notes

No, just dont ‘-’

1+1 or 2+1 is too much. We need TOS be a grind game, not a instance game =D

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So true… don’t want to hurt the playerbase. That is use to op skills.

As it’s realesed… and they changed it so often already.

Beta like here.


Better change stuff 5 times, then leave it dead and beaten broken.

Like divine might pre-nerf…
+10 skill level on skill usage.

Hahahaha… ha… haaa… whoever tought that out. Bad mechanic ! BAD!

people tend to spend 1 point into this (for whatever reason) so it should look like its more rewarding to increase its skill level…there are situations where you wish to hit more than 15 mobs btw xD - search for some earth tower tactics for example xD - also its more fair to other circles like psy whos major dps skills got a cap as well

edit: oh no i edit my initial reply x.x wahhhh god no i shouldn try to post stuff after waking up t.t


wait so steady aim lv15 still 45% but with 10sec ???

@Staff_Julie Thanks for the patch notes! Super happy to finally have some info on what skills will be like in game.

I’m also curious about Steady Aim though. was the damage on the ability changed at all, or is it still 3%*skill level bonus damage?

Also I read previously somewhere that it reduces your SP costs by a %, is that also true? I believe it was in some patch notes for KrToS a while back.

Thanks a bunch :slight_smile:

It’ll be a surprise!! And you know how people love surprises!

But seriously… we’ll have to see haha.

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Eh heh, guess so xD I mean, it is C1 ranger so we’ll find out very soon.

I guess not enough people are playing Rodelero in kTOS for IMC to care about buffing it lol.

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In response to the reduction of dungeon entrance, will it be more open map area for higher spawn rate? Or more channels?

Frost Cloud
AoE attack ratio for Frost Cloud changed to be base 10 + skill lv

?? what does that mean 15 targets at lv5?

I don’t think it’ll ever hit more than 15 targets anyway if that’s how it is.

Honestly I’m expecting the worst so I’ll either be not surprised are pleasantly surprised by the reduced prices .

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One thing i learned playing korean mmos, don’t trust the patch notes, there is a ■■■■ load of changes they don’t mention because they don’t know.

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But im plat tho…

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the same version than KTOS YES or NOT ??? (indeed the patchnote)

So, it’s AoE ratio being 15 =/= hit 15 targets.

The way AoE ratio works is if an ability with area of effect has multiple enemies in its area it will randomly select one target. Then it subtracts that monster’s AoE defense from the AoE ratio of the ability (in this case it’s 15 for a lvl 5 frost cloud). Then if the sum of that is more than 0 it randomly targets & damages a new target. It keeps doing this until it targets something and after subtracting that mob’s AoE defense the sum is less than 0.

So using a lvl5 frost cloud as an example, it’s got an AoE Ratio of 15.

Lets say there are 6 monsters with an AoE defense of 3 in it’s area.

It targets & damages the first one, then checks if it can target the next (15-3=12) same happens again (12-3=9), and again (9-3=6), and a fourth time (6-3=3). after it’s now targeted the 5th target when it checks if it can hit the 6th target it can’t, since 3-3=0.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Ah, okay thanks. Well shucks, I would have really liked that.

Oh… I never knew that mobs had aoe defense o.o learn something new every day.

That changes some things, i guess the hats with aoe ratio would be quite useful now.

Is the Steady Aim +% damage nerf still there? Wasn’t in the listed patch notes.

I was wondering how you replied on top when I posted after you LOL