Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior CBT 2 Survey

A few of the questions related directly to the balance between using auto attacks and skills, and it wasn’t really possible to express the issue with it in the options available.

The main problem I found is that there’s not much value in using them; you’d be much better served avoiding damage or gathering mobs during downtime between skills than auto attacking. On Wugushi, I used auto attacks due to the poison/pierce damage bug because it improved the damage of my ongoing poisons on some monsters, but that’s not the case for most jobs and will probably end up being fixed. Some have floated the idea of auto attacks recovering SP, even if not by much, and I like that idea myself because it gives you a reason to WANT to mix auto attacks with skills, which seems to be the goal of the development team.

Anyways, the short story is, give us more reasons to use auto attacks, and we’ll auto attack more!

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  1. The main problem is that currently the cooldown of ALL your casts are reset after your latest skill use. This results in pressure to use your skill’s casts quickly, which is not always best, in order to maximize their availability. Cooldowns of skills should be independent of each use, resulting in smarter and more strategic gameplay.

  2. Overall the combat difficulty was good. Some maps contained non-elite mobs that were far more difficult than other mobs of that level range (across many maps.) In fact it was often the case that they would be more difficult than mobs 10 levels higher. I thought perhaps they’d give better exp and rewards but they did not. I don’t know if their values were glitched or if this is an intended.
    There were also a few bosses which were glitched and incredibly difficult for the level range you fight them in. (i.e. the Rogue’s Class Advancement Boss)

  3. There wasn’t a question about keyboard controls so I’ll just add this here.
    Changing targets via Tab on keyboard needs work. A) There are times that I’d hit Tab, repeatedly, and the cursor would not budge. B) There appears to be no priority for targets you tab to. You should always be able to tab to a target you or your party have engaged in combat with over a fresh target (or worse a target that someone else is killing way across the screen.)

11-1) Would have liked to select both: “During Character Attacks” and “Some supplementary features like Hotkeys are needed.”

  1. The market system was easy to use it just needs some additional filters. For example I’d be nice if you could search recipes via level range of the items they produce.

  2. I wanted to select nearly every option. Honestly they were all pretty bad. Other reasons that were not listed:
    Chat - Filter made it extremely difficult to communicate. Not only was it unable to distinguish between harmless words and profanity but it often blocks your entire sentence! There were times that my friends couldn’t even link ingame items because the filter would not allow it. Chat logs kept disappearing. This was really annoying when switching maps. Also Chat not allowing you to scroll up when a new message is entered was very annoying. It would be nice if we could create custom chat tabs.
    However the #1 thing for me was:

Classes are horribly imbalanced. Certain classes feel very strong/useful and while others do not. Some skills work very poorly or not at all (Cyromancer’s Subzero Shield, Chronomancer’s Quicken, etc.) Most Dps skills have fixed damage and therefore scale poorly. This will lead to less varied class combinations at endgame (which is heartbreaking considering that ToS’s main feature is the sheer amount of classes they offer and options to specialize your build.) Full support classes were disappointing for me. It feels like this game greatly favors a hybrid of Support/Dps over Full Support. PvP needs some serious balancing. CC needs a dramatic overhaul. Certian combinations like Icewall + Psychic Pressure are still ridiculous despite the fact that they’ve already been nerfed.

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My major concerns for this game are as follows…

I would like to play on a server with all my friends from different parts of the world. I believe that we should all be able to play on any Regional Server of our choice.

Please OVERHAUL the way the client and server communicate with each other in regards to the Real Time Battle System.
I have no problems with having to rely on Normal Attacks besides the Skills. My real problem is with how Normal Atacks and Skills have this DELAY when casting.
I really hate that my Wizard will freeze for 1.5 Seconds before the Normal Attack launches itself. Why does my character have to stay rooted in place while waiting for server to respond? This is basically what gets me killed in a fight. Other Classes are affected as well… All Skills and Normal Attacks require Server Response.
The problem is while staying frozen until the server responds, the enemies can still move towards me and attack me while I am rooted in place like that…

This is a MAJOR PROBLEM with the game itself…
This thing alone ruins the experience of an otherwise good battle system.

I would like to ask you to look and study how PSO2 handles it.
When I fight monsters on PSO2, I do not freeze in place while waiting for the server to respond. Everything happens smoothly, all my attacks connect and I can launch and juggle the enemy in the air, and there is no freezing in place.

During times the PSO2 Servers were laggy. It would manifest itself in “Damage Delays” As in the Damage Numbers take time to appear and the enemy to realize that it is already dead. But the Action itself is still smooth. I would very much prefer this way of Client Server Communication.
I would like Tree of Savior to do this same kind of Client and Server Communication. This way it will feel smoother and will not ruin the experience.


I died many times due this delay after use skill :confused:
especially with the skills: chortasmata, monstrance and aspersion


You deserves a medal.

This ^

And this ^. The auto-targeting is horrible. While playing as an archer you need to risk getting hit by monster/bosses skills if you want to target the correct enemy by going near it.

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been a main p.p psycho was a pain with delay…

most times by the time you up the hand the enemy is around you instead of in front like you wanted and hit you cancelling the skill before you can even start …

also at times he hits didn’t show up but sp keeps draining…

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  1. Yes, but only before the Saule server was implemented.

1-1. North America

  1. Very uncomfortable

  2. The idea of emphasizing normal attacks does not sit well with me when it means that wizard classes have to suffer since the design of their normal z attack is extremely lackluster and useless in comparison to their actually skills. Wizards should have: more skills to use; lower cooldown on their current skills; or a rehaul of their normal z attacks, such as increased speed of execution, longer range, or special effects such as explosion affects.

  3. Combat on Wizard classes, Cryomancer and Elementalist specifically, were more vexing than challenging. The aggression of monsters against these classes specifically were ridiculously high. Cryomancer is also a class made to support their party members but their skills cooldowns are all so long that it is difficult to play that role. There is no point in having a support class who has a uselessly long cooldown on skills and useless damage and utility z attacks. Class like cryomancer should at least have specialized z attacks that inflicts status effects like freeze or slow to let them to continue to be useful.

  4. Wizard classes need a teleportation system or skill. Wizards run/walk/move/attack so slowly compared to other classes without anything special to compensate and help their keep up with other classes. It is upsetting to play a slow wizard without teleportation or levitation to help their mobility.

  5. Being unable to trade our crafted items seem a bit excessive. It does not encourage trade and bater between friends or fellow players.

  6. No. I was extremely disappointed that it costs so much silver to enhance my items.

  7. Yes, it was very fun.

  8. No.

22-1. It was way too expensive.

  1. I love diverse classes, especially Cryomancer and Elementalist because water and ice is my favorite element

  2. A) Reliance on normal attacks when the normal attacks are so simple and boring. It does not very thoughtful and considerate of players, especially Wizards
    B) Everything that players needed to buy from potions to class/skill attributes, to item enhancement costs way too much silver and it made players have to grind silver way too much.

    1. Not satisfied

29-1. A) Character customization at character creation was extremely disappointing. Players should at least have the basic options of choosing eyes, face, height, etc.

B) Cryomancer needs a lot of improvements to their design. Their normal z attack is terrible and the most fun part is the skills that Cryomancer hardly gets to use since the cooldowns are so high.

C) Circle 2 of Cryomancer has two skills that are difficult to use efficiently. Gust needs a wider range to make it easier to land hits. Sub Zero Shield is a gimmick skill that is difficult to defend yourself with. Sub Zero Shield should at least be increased in size. I did not use Gust or Subzero Shield because they are lackluster and difficult to master.

D) The death penalty is too harsh in this game. Wizard classes are extremely weak in defense so they die very easily, even to monsters that well below their level. I despise how a slow healer or a tank class who fails to do their role in a dungeon run causes me to lose my gems and item durability so quick. The loss of gems penalty needs to be removed completely; it is excessive punishment. The penality to equipment durability to acceptable but it needs to be a slower process.

E) Elementalists’ class/skill attributes cost way too much silver per level. Quests and grinding did not give enough silver for me to learn more than one attribute at once.

F. The game needs better end-game/high level equipment. My favorite rod called “Ice Rod” increased the level of my Cryomancer skills but only a level 40 rod, which was very sad when I needed to give it up for a higher level staff that gave no special effects. My favorite shield called “Meteor” had the effect to regeneration 500 HP for 5 seconds when hit. But this shield was only for level 1.

G. Cryomancer and Elementalist needs more thoughtful class and skill attributes and effects. Almost every Cryomancer skill has a chance to either freeze an enemy or increase the damage of the skill. There needs to be more variety and unique ideas in the class/skill attributes because only trying to freeze and doing more damage gets boring very quickly. The Elementalist attribute that gave a change to infict slow on targets near ones that died by ice attacks was very thoughtful and useful; there needs to be more attributes as unique as this one.

  1. I will definitely participate

I think removing the stop one make when using auto attack and shortening the attack pause would do great…

allow wiz to move and attack at the same time since the dmg is so bad…

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I would like to emphasize the controversy regarding PlayOne Asia declaring themselves as the SEA publisher for ToS. We badly need a statement regarding this matter. So in corresponding to that, here’s my special survey response:
30. Would you consider participating in Tree of Savior OBT in the future?

I would be more than glad to participate if there are no ip blocks so that everyone including my friends from all over the world would truly be able to play in one international server.


Some of us need keybinding from IMC please because it would help our gameplay a lot.

@GM_Erick @GM_Fuji


Just thank you to ask us more details, for some people like me it’s helpful to have give infos through survey.

kCBT3 had this, we will too whenever OBT comes around.

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Anyone noticed that while we had 2300 survey participants and 8000 distributed keys during iCBT1, only a bit over 5500 users have taken part with 150000 available keys this time?! The number of daily responses has also already fallen of sharply so the sum won’t rise a lot more without further advertising - maybe by 2000 at most.

Last time I got an email about it. Chances are most people don’t know the survey is going on.

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If that makes a difference - it’s new advertising either way - then, go on @GM_Fuji @STAFF_John, etc. send emails!

lol… for me the death penalty is too low and because this I simply rush at everything and stay on boss fights that have more than 20 Lv. than my character.

If peoples does not use emails just like me, then they will never know about it.
Beside since it’s linked to Facebook/Google Plus account, isn’t there a
way of telling them about the survey?

5. What do think about the current version of Tree of Savior which emphasizes on normal attacks?
It’s alright but it is sorta slow, plus I feel it needs more animation or variety of attack instead of it just being your regular back to back Left and right wave strikes you know?

21. Did you have fun playing Card Battles?
I find it fun but at the same time, I would love it alot better if it was a monster combat similar to picking a card and having it attack against it each other, rather than a game of gamble determined by a spin the wheel game.

What class did you play?
As an archer… well… i wished there was no auto-attack option. You dont regen SP while auto-attacking and it doesn’t deal enough damage >_>