Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior CBT 2 Is Officially Over

thanks for the great experience even tho i only played for few weeks! :smiley: looking forward for the next test hope it’ll have lesser bugs and issues~

Thanks IMC and staff, can’t wait for the official release.

The exploit was fun.

Said those who stucked at login at the last moment.

Hope to see the next will be OBT!!!

wow the end came to soon imo but very thankfull for the chance to join many others in this cbt will miss everyone who made the heavy grinding not seem as such with chat convos XD some where to funny. May the next time around shinobi class be implemented so the Uchihas can really shine with their proper class in game.

Take your time to balance and patch things up.

It;s fun~ Hope the next BT come soon…

Thank you T.o.s for a wonderful experience

Thanks for letting me test the game.
I got to the level 200 as a Schwarze Reiter and i am not very happy with the current state of the game. The game is just too linear right now and even with 2x EXP was pretty difficult to level up taking in consideration that the game will have maximum level 400+.
Grinding is fun for some time but is boring when you have to deal with large amount of player in the same area. We all know why this is a problem.There is some issues which is too obvious and it seems that the dev team don’t care.
I say it cause I played for 1-2 months and I didn’t see much modifications to the game during this time, not saying that was necessary but isn’t it one of the points of the beta phase? I feel like a lot of oportunities has been lost during this beta phase.

On the other hand a lot of bugs and tecnical problems has been fixed.I hope that you guys listen more to the community and make some changes, not just to the archer class but to the game in general.

It was long and fun, even amidst the horrendous bugs.

Enjoy the December holidays guys! Thank you IMC for this CBT as well!

TY for icbt2 I hope to see next CBT/OBT soon.
a pic from Thai Community

Oh wait SEA Region will have CBT around next march
This mean I can’t play on NA/EU anymore right?


Thank you IMC!:heart: That was a great experience!:heart:

thank you IMC! Hope OBT come fast! :smiley:

Thanks, IMC! Twas a fun ride, even with all the issues we had. Cant wait til the next CBT or OBT! :heart::heartbeat::two_hearts::revolving_hearts:

thank you for this wonderfull experience imc

btw john, why no meme pic this time?

Like the first iCBT, I want to thanks you so much IMC!
Do your best to bring the best game you can do!

This beta was even more interesting than the first!
I can wait for the release one more time!

Thanks you so much!

Amazing CBT! Can’t wait for the next one IMC! Lots of love!! <3

Thanks for the fun! :sparkles:

See you all soon in the future.:two_hearts:

let’s leave it a secret that only a few deserve to know ;3