Tree of Savior Forum

ToS isn't going to be pay2win

Trade between Characters i can’t trade with other player or with my own characters like account bank??

because would be terrible if i cant share itens and gold with my friends just because they don’t pay

Have anyone drank the speed potion that adds 2 movement for 10 minutes?
The bonus was pretty insignificant. (Or at least I felt so)

So with the indefinite +3 movement speed, it will just be a matter of seconds when travelling from 1 map to another by foot. At least, that is how I see it. :sweat:

This! i have no problem spending my money on the game. What i take issue with is the stupid way they are trying to make you pay them.

How many subscription games have an unlimited trial period? In the current state of affairs, ToS is NOT a P2P game. It is a F2P where, if their monetization plans go ahead, paying players will have to share servers with TONS of free players, many of them bots if they can. In that case, I am feeling they are ripping me off my money, as I would be paying on a subscription basis to be ALLOWED to enjoy this game, as the pay-gating they have in mind is, quite frankly, everything but fun. All of this while sharing a server with many other players who will LAG the crap out of your game. ToS, as it stands right now, is a F2P game with massive paywalls.
A real P2P game is, for instance, Final Fantasy XIV. Here, you have a limited trial period, after which you are asked to pay for a monthly subscription. Unfortunately, trade is disabled in the game, BUT item drop rates are very decent, so people get their equip. ToS drop rates are hillarious.
Also, FFXIV has level sync. I wonder if this feature will be implemented in ToS in exchange of TPs or some other bs…
Anyway, we’re dealing with a Korean developer here. Diablo devs listened to people’s complained when they patched in that awful AH system, but western devs tend to be a bit more customer-oriented. Odds are IMC won’t care about our opinion, as they already have sufficient market in Asia only.

How much TP does it cost to buy a Token?

Yes, but not when f2p players can only do 2 dungeon runs max without paying. The drop rates are completely different now because of this. That and they can only sell 1 thing at a time in the AH, massively lowering the amount of money they can potentially earn, not to mention there is 0 direct trading, so they can only rely on the AH.

Pretty sure WoW has an unlimited free trial to a certain level? While this wouldn’t be the case for ToS since players that are f2p can get to any level, the concept is the same even if it’s not used by other games. That does not mean ToS should not use it.

Another game with a fairly similar model now btw is Guild Wars 2. Many restrictions for free to play players, and they can’t even access new content.

Calling this f2p is more of a scam than anything, calling it p2p with a restricted free trial is atleast the truth and makes IMC look good, as well as their game.

They’ve been responding to most things, so long as they aren’t completely dumb, on the international forums, if you stick around awhile or even mention something like @STAFF_John, they’ll pop up!

But this has mostly been for developmental things, I’m sure they’ll take up some suggestions on monetization since they are publishing it here and not a third party. Similar to how Diablo was published by themselves (Blizzard), unlike every other Korean MMO out there.

Korean MMO’s that are self-published by the developers in the west usually have great monetization because of this (take Dungeon Fighter Online as an example).

Whether or not it’ll be for TP/sub/f2p is unknown, but atleast the suggestion was taken into consideration.

The costs have not been publicly announced yet. Whether it’ll cost TP or just NX/$$ is unknown, much of the monetization seems to still be under testing.

Hello, everyone!

At the moment, the details of monetization have not been decided for the international version.

When the things get solid enough, we will properly announce them :smile:


Finally some official words

This exactly

Also FatePGN FOR MOD!!

We’ll be waiting for details and watching closely VERY closely O_O

I’m a little bit salty because they didn’t answer my topic :frowning:

Same theme, but mine is older :frowning:

Yea but back when we were discussing in that topic their was less staff presence and we also didn’t know about the korean plans yet. But either way atleast we have some kind of response, now we just need to wait for details.

“It’s not P2W”.

But it’s also not F2P.

How does that make the cash shop “not so bad”?
You are a funny one.

Heaven forbid! I hope they never add sync levels. That’s one of the things that killed FFXIV in the first place during 1.0>OBT transition. I do not want to be an incomplete Savior, unable to use all my skills. I wanna be a full-time hero when I am trying to aid my comrades.

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Then that brings back the boosting issue. Which they would want to avoid. Since things like a warlocks skills at at lvl 1 still have base damage that make it far stronger then anything at that level could handle

Honestly, all these people who want to play the game 100% free are a joke and the reason behind that is because you contribute nothing to the greater community or even support the upkeep of the servers.

If you play a F2P game, support it, if you simply can’t afford it then thats fine, but for those of you who are so self centered and believe you’re entitled to freebies and actually have jobs and earn a living, support the game! doesn’t matter what method it is but make sure you give something back to a company that provided you a service.

Servers are not free. Neither is development or updates, even these forums we post on have an upkeep cost.

If you have the ability to contribute, then do so.

(This is aimed at those people who have the means, but feel that they don’t need to because of a sense of entitlement).

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Depend actually, some game change even change from P2P to F2P, example RO, B&S

so i assumed F2P was more benefit to them.

I will explain it, player A was rich, player B was not so rich, player C was poor.
in P2P game, the developer got same amount like 5 dollar a month from player A and B, C cannot play too poor.
While in F2P, Player A can spend more money, there’s no limit how much they want to spend, not like P2P which limited per month.

And also with F2P, rich player will feel supperior to free player(so free player also support the game by make rich player to spend more money), which is good, they will keep spend more money to developer because there’s no limit. eventually when the gap too big, then its called P2W :sweat:

i ever see some player who spend 100.000 US dollars in a month, money talks here.

Ok jester, you are right about the F2p. Dev would gain much money if they choose this model.

But how do you explain that lots of F2p games died or are dying with this model???

Un-innovative content, maps and mobs recycled too much, slow updates, new game releases to grab your attention, and bad monetary decisions: (“NOW SELLING THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE AMULET, WHICH GIVES YOU +1% TO +20% ON ALL OF YOUR STATS WITH A RANDOM CHANCE UPON INITIAL ACTIVATION! ONLY $99 USD PER STONE, AND IF YOU BUY 5, YOU GET $20 OFF!!! OMG $20 WHAT A DEAL! BUY NOW AND SWEEP THE COMPETITION!”)

All of those except new game releases can be prevented by the company. Heck, if the game is good enough, you can even keep players from being interested in other games. Just remember that nothing lasts forever, and even managing to keep a game server alive for 5 years in this day and age is a golden accomplishment.

Sorphar you will see F2P dead because many things mention by Sixaxis.

i try to add about this also, lifecycle, lack innovation, some game that keep update regularly will keep alive(such WOW, RO, Atlantica Online etc). but later another game will provide more feature, more story and many more than them.

If the game cannot provide what gamer needs then it was better for them to closed because the gamer already abandoned the ship, and it will be too late for them to cover it up by making some update. they wont keep paying the developer to update content, this will make the cycle of game consider to be dead, they usually will cut cost to make bigger income. unless some game i mention earlier, those game keep alive even for 10 years++ so its about management, the publisher and developer will decide the game itself.

Thx for your answer. I hope ToS will go for 10 years at least.
Imagine, in 10 years, level max will be 1000+ for a total of 1oo classes.
Gvg 100 vs 100 who know? ^^ with more boss, more dunjon.