Tree of Savior Forum

500+ levels is too many for a game with no level sync option! How can we play with new friends?

Unfortunately, power leveling is what is being avoided by the devs of TOS if you guys hadn’t notice.

Nothing here suggests that powerleveling is being sought after. Instead of criticizing, you guys should offer alternative solutions to a serious problem.

I totally agree with this post, IMC should really look for a soultion for this issue.

I like this suggestion. I stopped playing when the level difference was so huge between us friends.

So let’s see. A Level 500 char invites a Level 1 friend but they can’t play together unless the Level 500 creates a new one. So he creates a new one, they level up together most of the time (but not every time) so there will come a point that they can’t play together anymore. One ends up with a Level 500 while the other with a Level 450… both hardcore gamers but yeah, they don’t have the same pace so they can’t play together now. Because of the too high level cap, there is only a small window where friends can play together, despite having almost the same pacing.

In short, the game is designed so that casual gamers who wish to play with their friends who are hardcore gamers should turn into hardcore gamers too just so they can level up together. But of course this is not possible, so casual gamers can use the power of $$$ to catch up really quick with the hardcore peeps.

So yeah…I hope a GM or staff would confirm that the gameplay will stick like this. Better let me move on from this game this early before I keep my hopes too high. :joy:


I liked GW2’s scaling down as well. It completely allowed me to have my lvl 70+ characters party with my friend’s lvl 40-. Unless it changed in the years that I haven’t played it, you still got reasonable exp even when you went to the low level areas. And even if your stats were scaled down to match the lowbie area, it was still fun since you still had access to skills/spells that a real lowbie won’t have.

Hi Saviors. Thanks for your input. Personally, I agree with everything that was mentioned on this thread. I’ll make sure that the devs read this so that something can be done. :slight_smile:


Totally need this. I’ve been thinking a lot and my friends and me re-roll a lot just to “accompany” our new friends and when we just out of range level, they quit.

Enough with this game make me hate other players, enough with KS thing, we also need something that can contribute to socialize not “I’m out of your level range, you’re on your own now dude”

i want the powerlevel option

1 : Level 40 - 155 = Tenet Chapel 2F

Maybe a Limiter skill?

skill that lets you manually limit the level of your character instead of automatically scaling down to maximum level allowed in the area like in GW2

and then make it so the player can gain some kind of bonus when partying with a character who’s actual levels are within range of the level you set the limit to.

So even if you set your level down to level 50 and party with someone level 50, you would still get jackall exp from level 20 monsters?

but if you go to a level 50+ area, you could gain a percentage bonus exp on top of the original exp and probably some kind of standalone token drop or something that you could use to purchase some party support consumable items.

lel, random thought

Thanks for noticing! I personally favor the down-scaling system to sink us with our low level friends. It works brilliantly in FFXIV - hop in a dungeon, and suddenly you’re level 20 again, with your stats capped at a range that’s reasonable for the dungeon, and your abilities restricted to what the encounters were designed for.

There’s no reason this should be locked to instanced dungeons, unlike FFXIV. A valuable supporting feature for a down-scaling system would be the ability to save and conveniently switch hotbar layouts, so we wouldn’t have to re-do our bars every time we leveled down to play with our newbies

Regarding exp gain, time spent leveling with friends while down-scaled should be rewarded, so that the time playing feels valuable to both players. It should be only slightly inferior and not superior to leveling normally.

@ the rest of you, I included Solution #1 as kind of a joke. I thought the “Powerlevel of Savior” made it obvious I was being humorous.

I don’t know if this one is same to GW2 system. By the wat what is the max lvl in FFXIV ?

I like that kind of system, it’s exactly why I played GW2 for years. It’s maybe not the best solution, IMC have to rework the system of leveling because there is a big difference between 80 lvl in GW2 and 600 lvl here in TOS.

Make an alt. Can always have a squire/pardoner alt to make you some cash ;p

Hello ToS Players,

i disagree, for two specifics reasons -

[*] First: Its Tree of Savior, u dont play Ragnarok Here, if u say Ragnarok is better, go away and play Ro, is simple.

Im play ragnarok for long time too (8 Years aprox), but its other history, levels, class, npc, etc.

All is diferent here, i like others games, but guys
need understand, “ITS TREE OF SAVIOR”, if u dont cant see difference,
meaby need play others hard games, stoped say in RO…, come one!!
really u think its RO 2??, accept, RO 2 is s–k, RO is legendary game,
but Tree of savior need more imagination, dont need take all system of

[*] Second: Level 500 or 600, is great job for
Developers, why??, is simple and i like play hard games, if i need 1
year for max level, im fine and accepts this system.

I need a good game, dont need “easy games” for playing
(look around, look others game, all kids say, “noo pls its soo hard… i
wanna cry”, and the game dead, always dead), u say level max in 3 days
or in one week?, u say me this its a hard play??, come one, open ur mind
and look around, in the “Real RPG Games” u level is all, farming or
grinding is u life in-game, if u dont like, Dont like real MMORPG.

Sorry for say, but i think u dont like rpg and u
opinion is only for casual player of mmorpg, why all ppl boring in rpg?,
is simple! u have all too easy, in my experience of games (mmorpg), i
like so much one game hard, low drops is so cool, hard leveling is other
part of rpg, u friend dont play for is hard?, well meaby need play
Mobas, is easy games, or other rpg, but tree of savior i like so much

  • Players, really u need other easy game in urs
    hands?, is cool this?, what is the meta in one easy game?, need cash for
    break dificult?, come my friends of rpg, dont need one easy game for
    enjoy -

All players need in-game, is more challengers, difficult and exiting battles.
I disagree for this reason, i dont like easy games,
take urs easy games and play in u movile games or web games (not all,
but 99% i think), if u play RO for the difficult, meaby can u see my
real opinion in this topic.

More easy = More boring, its all.

                      `*Difficult is way, for the real Players.*`

Thanks for reading,


To the people who agree with the OP. How would you incentivize high level players to do this(sync the level with the lower level player and play with them)

Sure you have friends that are lower levels, but ultimately it should benefit the high level player in some way otherwise they could accomplish the same thing by just playing an alt.

Well, for dungeons you could get a card or Talt for your guild without destroying the EXP gain of the other guy/s, poping up a quest with some objective with a small reward such as some decent ammount of silver or even a few good potions would work for some people. Or what most want the most: Something that helps you get new hats.
This can mean points you can exange for a hat or a special material for a recipe of a hat that can only be obtained by way of level sinc-ing to a certain range.
There would most likely be an achievent related to it, with a haircolor or something.

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i disagree, for one specific reason -



Did you?

Yep. And OP point out the fact TOS is using the RO system but it can’t work. I can’t find who talked about TOS which should be RO2. This guy is totally out of topic. By the way OP tries to imagine another system.


All i saw was a comparison to RO stating that there was a period where you can start an adventure with new players as a veteran player.