Tree of Savior Forum

TOS flopped in Korea?

you sir get a gold star for pointing that out I also don’t get why people are so against IMC when they listen to the community and try to make everyone happy.

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the key word here is don’t let history repeat its self and learn from it.

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… Sadly iMC didn’t listen to us about tradeing.

It’s alright, as you can do without or just get a token.

But atm, that is a move which costs them lots of money in the long run. If not revised.

People will buy token for 5~10 bucks. Just for emotes and exp bonus …
18 Bucks, Pay Wall To tradeing and losing of potential when tradeing equip to alts. Is just a reall bad move … customer happiness wise. But a good one to prolong the gametime needed.

I hope that they learn with time.
I love this game to stupidity … it’s cute. And totaly my type of gameplay.
And the story is nice.

There’s some issues still … but most of that is fixable over time.
As long as they don’t crash they’re playerbase completly. Because then they would need comeback and look at our changes events, like in Ktos.

If i were IMC:

  • set Exp to 1 times rate, not the actual 2 or 3 times.
  • Increase dungeon runs to 10 for normal and 12~15 for vip. (whoever says P2W … pff. It’s just more runs. Yes they will level faster, so what?)
  • increase Magic Scroll drop rate to 2~5% for dungeon cubes. Or set price to 5 tp. Give them a bit of honey … and they will want to buy the whole glass.
  • Churn out cosmetics with an constant pace
  • Add level maps without quests / weekly or monthly. Revise them later on.
  • Add custom made pvp matches. Fireball soccer. Prominence dance. King of the Hill. Etc. Over time.
  • Dyes … for money or hard to craft trough quest chains and items. (remember gw? white dye was like. Yo bro, look at my style people even paid gold seller for dyes…)
  • enable trade to all for 30 times/month. Unlimited amount for vip users.
  • 10time smore trades on AH for all. Get away with the 24 hours wait time for cash out.
  • more …

You get it.

There’S an easy saying.
“Sell an rock for 100 dollar, nearly no one will buy it. Sell it for 1 and 1000 people will buy it!”

VIP should be 5~10 dollars max.
Cosmetic prices are good, could even be increased.

As i said in apost before.
18 bucks is alot.
15 bucks too.
10 bucks is * do i want a pizza or this vip … vip is worth it*.
And below it’s even easyer to get people to buy it.

There’s a thing called psychological worth of money to relation of object.
We compare cost and benefit. If something untangible costs 18 bucks … as much as a pizza a beer and some shots. We might think * do i really need that* . If it’s 5 bucks … that barrier is reduced to * ohh, that’s cheap*.

ATM trade restriction to fight bots and gold sellers is more like.
Trade restriction to sell lots of tokens to gold sellers and people who get stuff from them.

The price will be put onto the trade 1/30 of a token at a time.

It doesn’t even make these people twitch slightly.
Either disable all trades completly or dont.
It’s already a good move to make tokens tradeable, so people can get silver for money. Trough IMC as channeling.

But to plan for these toxic elements to give money to imc … is a bit …


Many of the complaints on the forums refer to kToS however much of it is unsubstantiated due to the fact that the probability is none of those people actually speak Korean and go off what others have said.

For the record, I play kToS due to the fact i speak and read Korean quite well, and most of the complaints have revolved around lack of endgame content. Korean players burn through it very quickly, its just how they play all games, but there is still a large population in the game.

Cash shop complaints are limited, mostly explaining that some of the items are costly, however there are no arguments that there is p2w at all.

At the beginning they would call the game dungtree, due to bugs and issues relating to early release, but much of that has now been alleviated and the game is improving slowly.

One of the biggest complaints was about communication which is also now being looked at and comes more frequently, much like how we’ve experienced it.

The game has not flopped in Korea, it’s doing good and will be around just as long as any other blockbuster MMO. There are games much less popular than ToS which have lived for years and years. Publishing rights under nexon usually last for a min of 3 years, and steam has a similar contract record. The game is here to stay for at the least 3 years, and im sure it will stay longer than that too.

Aslong as we support it, and stop bashing the company and actually support the game by giving legitimate feedback and logical discussion, they will be more than happy to help us.

So many of the people on the forums think that threatening to leave, or bashing or throwing tantrums are the best way to be listened to. No, this is not the best way to do things. It shows how immature, and insensitive the community is.

IMC does not have a huge studio, they’re a hard working small unit and they do the best that they can to bring us a game that we will love.

WE the ToS community are all involved in making the game great, we’ve had translators, testers and marketers all supporting this game and trying to bring out the best in it.

If our community is toxic, volatile and negative, then that will be the game that we make.

If we’re supportive, positive and smart about things, then that will be what drives the development team and the company to provide a game that will be here to stay for a long while. I hope people learn to understand and appreciate how hard it is to publish and develop games.

Support the company, provide constructive and gentle feedback and you will be listened to.

:slight_smile: Stay positive everyone!


Thanks for the info.

I really hope IMC improves over time.
I’m in it for the long ride xD.

I wish to see the day, were they need to upgrade they’re server and bakcground mechanics. So that they can accomondate more users per channel, for GvG war maps xD.
hallucinates wildly


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The people who keep saying the game flopped/is dead in Korea probably haven’t even played the Korean version… whenever I go on, there is always tons of people in Klaipeda and Orsha, so much that it lowers my frames. I even see tons of people outside those towns as well doing quests and stuff. Yet, I always see people saying “It’s like a ghost town on kTOS” yet, having 100+ people somewhere in a town on the same channel is a ghost town? Okay. Maybe they’re just logging in at the wrong times, but it seems to be doing fine to me…

Those videos though are all from December 2015 >.>

In addition the icbt2 videos can’t even count because there was absolutely zero form of hack detection.

I do hope though that IMC’s experience with having to deal with these kinds of things results in more stringent security and possibly even VAC

I think they were all banned. (hackers and bug exploiters etcc…) link

The players who leveled at roxona market was banned for 2 or 3 months i forgot where i read that.

Bots, Gold Farmers, Hacks are all problems of online games. And the more popular the more likely this is to happen or the more intensely it will happen.

I’m pretty sure they are aware and that they will work on it. Fighting bots and gold sellers is an endless battle though. For now all we can do is help them fight them.
How? We need to become part of the solution, don’t buy currency from Gold Farmers and report bot users. Bad attitude and staying quiet when you see those kind of activities doesn’t help us and even harm us further.

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ToS has a major design flaw - too much stuff is client-sided. Character’s position on the map, movement speed, attack speed, attack range, and much more.

It’s no suprise people can easily abuse it. Auto-attacking the whole map, while the character is hidden “below the map” so you can’t see the hacker, will be very common.

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It flunked in Korea. Terribly. It was nicknamed “Tree of ■■■■” because of how the Korean characters look in the word Savior. People also didn’t like it because of how underpowered half of the classes are and how the Wizard and Cleric tree are the dominating damage, tank and healing classes basically making 50% of all classes obsolete.

Since International Tree of Savior only has servers in North America and has no real plans of making more and they also forgot they promised us this but never delivered, instead going straight into P2W Founder’s Access.


Three words:



I love how you’re butthurt. Every ■■■■■■■ topic crying like a baby. go play with your 200 ms bro


They left a huge part of the playerbase butthurt, so id not call it whining, since all the people complaining about servers do have a point, so how about you just ■■■■ of with your ignorance :3

Wow calm down. Are you ok?

Easiest flag of my life.

your now complaining about the game being more client-sided then server side you do relies the reason that client-side is better then dumping everything into the server right… time to explain this.

What’s better having one computer module aka a server deal with data from everyone connected to it this would have a huge influx of data overloading the server with unnecessary data increasing latency issues yes sure it would be identified on the server of what people are doing more accurate.

Now if its client based that means all this unnecessary data legwork could be done by the clients computer freeing up data influx and giving less latency issues.

So here’s your choice more positioning accuracy by the sever with way higher latency issues the thing people are complaining against because they want a regional server for less lag and a better ping or client side stuff that lowers latency making it easier on the server and with lower need for servers means more populated servers.

Also you do understand no matter how much you try to block ban or detect hackers they will always find a way to remain hidden remember what happened to sony little announcement in a conference stating there system could not be hacked also even if players cant see hackers because as you say they are off map you do know what ever is connected to a server will always appear as a entity on said server because it must log this that is what servers do.

Have you tried playing in korean server?

Are you denying that ToS has flunked in Korea?

Answer my question. =))

Answer mine first =))
