Tree of Savior Forum

TOS flopped in Korea?

In a way… he’s doing us a favor… if you keep expectations low you can never be disappointed… (hopefully)


I don’t think anything you’ve mentioned is a problem, but you did bring a very good example of one. Yourself.

Prior to the 3 month head start, when people were still waiting for the open beta date announcement, this kind of topic would have been set on fire and destroyed in defiance.

Game was good, promising, or better at it’s worse prior to hurt feelings. Game hasn’t failed either, as it’s stable and progressing over in korea. It’s getting there, and that is just fine for any of us.

We’ll see. But a company having a longer publishing history and more funding, does not guarantee it will run a game better than someone who has less. If you’ve been introduced to MMO’s for at least 5 years, you should know multiple cases of this being true yourself.

That weekly rating is looking kind of grim but the weekly ratings for that site are sometimes wild because of games that directly compete with the same player base releasing new event/content or a new game. Though, it could just be players finishing the current content off.

This shows me ToS jumped from rank 90 to 38. ToS almost overtake Ragnarok Online which still very popular there. Not a single signal of a decay from the Korean community.

ed: ToS now 38, not 75.

Link to the MMORPG popularity ranking in Korea?

This is the link to the korean MMO rankings. Right now as of 27/03/2016 ToS is ranked 38. It’s in the top 40 which is huge. Nothing to worry about :slight_smile: Keep in mind these rankings are usually based on PC bangs and not all the players who also play from home.

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Stop flag poeple message when you don’t like the content a flag is more to notificate than the content is unaproriate.

It’s always scary to spend money in a game and find out that the poeple managing the game in your area will do ■■■■ with cash shop or others decsion but guess what

the game isnt out yet is a bit early for that talk

and if you dont like the game no one forces you to play it


IMC published Granado Espada before. I wouldn’t say it’s a great success, but yeah, they have experience

Publisher =/= Developer

There was a new Episode released for Ragnarok and a new game I believe from Grav this month. And Laplace got released which is kind of the same genre. But I don’t think that one is in Korean yet unless it’s in beta or something.

But you maybe right in assuming it’s just players finishing the content. The non-hardcore players should be hitting cap about now. When new content is released it’ill go back up.

Speaking of new content… They maybe just translating way early. But there is an ominous file called “QUEST_LV_0300.tsv” sitting on the github ToS uses for the public translation project.

oh please dear god…

if a korean doesn like eating a korean pizza its much less likely that a guy “from the west” does

what kinda BS is that? as if all korean would like/dislike the same game - as if all western guys only like one and the same style of a game - we are human not robots who do whatever they are programmed for[quote=“Jasdemi, post:1, topic:155311”]
How will this be any different in the NA version?

and now youre already claiming the “NA version” just because server are in NA doesn make it a “NA” version


Number one how do you know it flopped may I see your statistics of there current population on there severs?

Number two comparing two completely different cultures as the same this by default is silly also remember Itos is global (minus the restricted regions) wile Ktos is reigned thus a higher demographic of players from all over (minus the restricted regions) compared to what is allowed on the Ktos region server.

Number three IMC is a company it is a business making money is the core definition of a business they are not a charity also they have a contract with steam so they can not run away with money unlike kick starter.

Number four “obvious pay to win”? please point out what is pay 2 win because last I recall what are they winning? its in the name of pay to win.

Definition of winning gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition.

Last I recalled reaching max level or killing another player does not award you with victory in the form of contest or competition such as free items outside the scope that you cant earn them therefore claiming those things as pay to win is completely invalid.

At this moment, it’s more like “pay 2 get slightly stronger”, it doesn’t automatically make you a winner. But it’s a very alarming sign. IMC probably wants to implement P2W in small steps, so that it’s easier for players to accept it.

Flagged for showing of hacking sources.

Sorry, but PM the admins and don’t show that off.

@Staff_Julie pleaes take down the video links. [Specialy the one showing of the link to an hacking resource site]


that sounds way better than the usual pay to win calls from people who obviously never experienced pay to win MMOs before - or they would think different about this matter

i do agree on that one - and cant hunt people down for being afraid of p2w to actually happen in this game in the near or late future - lets hope it does not - but the more people spend some of their money on convient item itll be less likely to happen - milking mostly appears in games wich got a huge “pvp” content - players dont wanna loose to others so they pay (good exanple - a tournament starts - 4 vs 4 teams - and you get the option to spend 100 dollar to increase your stats by 40% during the whole tournament - thats p2w obviously) <— such thing happens in wartune for example … or the possibility to increase your whole resistance to elements by double the amount if you spend X money into your character…i should open a post and show some heavy p2w examples

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It’s good and bad.


IMC doesn’t listen to the most logical discussions.
Or atleast doesn’t even respond to them.

They only get over active, when ■■■■ is going on xD.

I still have a little hope for IMC’s ITOS version.
We might start off really bad… but get it rolling into the right direction before Open Beta.

As long as we don’t end up with the same mistakes as KTOS … all fine.


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