Tree of Savior Forum

Tokens -> Immediate Attributes? You mean Pay2Win?

I understand that reasonning, but it has some flaws. There are many tokens because of the founder’s packs, but there’s not many F2P people to look for them, since the most F2P contingeant won’t come into play until release. Wich means that the offer is very high and the demand very low, but this paradigm will turn around 180° as F2P arrives and people stick to the game and realize how the token is mendatory in order to get a decent gaming experience.

Most of the potential whales are already present in the game since they waited for it for years and they of course already bought all the founder’s packs they could.

i wont be surprise there are rich players who will have unlimited amount of tp and just sells token forever for instant cash

There’s a little inconsistency here, you know, there’s a moment where silvers can’t give you more, having 100 billion silver of 1’000’000 billion silver won’t change the way you play at all, so theses “rich players” won’t buy tokens an infinite amount of time, but just enouth to feel overpowered and buy everything they want. No more, because they won’t need to.

The image speaks for itself:

Thou i think even when f2p come out the cost will be around the same as kr so around 1m-1.3m
1m is affordable and its easy to get…

Do we really need to have this conversation again?
I’ll be straightforward here: I like the way that the current token system works. As is every other game with no set win condition, it is pay-to-win.

The problem with any of these conversations about pay-to-win is that there is no definition for what the hell pay to win even is. If we are going to take the term literally though it can roughly be translated to:

“…paid real world currency having any effect on the ease or difficulty of reaching the victory condition…” (Some sort of weird and wholly puritanical definition but it IS literal.)

In any case the meaning of winning in this game as is in life: highly subjective; the meaning of winning differs from person to person.
If you can buy cosmetics in this game, then for the game fashionista the game is now pay-to-win.

What ought to matter more is how the game reconciles its players despite the various win conditions and lifestyles that players have.


Fair, i’ll reajust what i said as something like “The poorest people that still can afford a PC, have access to internet and manage to have sufficient time to sink in an MMORPG”

I do know that starving africans, indian or chinese slaves arn’t really the primary public target of the gaming industry.

WoW has a cash shop now? I didnt know that.

They have had it for years. I can’t recall exactly when it was added in game but around MoP times, but they have had pets and mounts purchasable since WOTLK.

It can be relatively easy to get when you already got a token. But when you don’t, access to silvers isn’t equal for everyone, at all, there, Hilsun’s arguments below apply very well

the majority of silver is obtained through efficient market place usage with decent items, and this is one of my biggest issues with the tokens. A token user currently gets 4 extra slots in the market (soon to be 9) and makes roughly 20% more per sale than a non-token user. Mix this with the ability to enter dungeons more often if you use a token, which gives you more chances at better gear, and you’re creating a significant rift between token users and non-token users.The higher tax alone makes it obviously unfair, but ability to put 5 items at a time (soon to be 10!) as opposed to 1 is the real killer for non-token users, because it means they have to make sure they put items in the market that will sell quickly if they want to profit at a reasonable rate, then check the market place far more often to see whether it sold so they can put up the next item in the market–it’s dumb, it’s unnecessary, and it severely gimps non-token users from making silver even if they were lucky enough to find rare drops.

But yeah, token price won’t skyrocket before a while, but they will, when the first whale wave will have SO much money, wear all the best gears and have cleaned all the content in the game they won’t want/need further silvers.

You are joking right? i have 2 friends that only paid 10$ for the game and they have over 5m and they got the tokens in-game the tp they got they used for the enchant scroll…the more funny thing is they waited 5free tp than buy the scrolls lol…so it only cost 3tp …

Yes it’s true, but WoW has a subscription-based model. Also gold can’t help you really much in regards of trully important things like pvp stuff or high-end raid stuff. Pets and mounts are mostly cosmetics, wich i don’t mind people spending ten thousand billion gold into.

Last but not least, to reach last level in WoW takes a day top, while struggling to lvl 600 in ToS may prolly take years.

Exactly, but wait until tokens price skyrockets.

Stop whining, you can easily get a token without paying real money. Just play, get silver and buy it from a player.

LMAO you’re taking my words out of context to make me look bad. Why does everyone keep doing that nowdays.

I did it to prove the MASSIVE flaws in your thinking. It wasn’t meant to be genuine; it was parody. Of course it makes you look bad. Your own logic was very poor.

Convenience items are meant to allows players who have less time to play be on an even playing field with those who have more time to play. Your own argument conflicts with itself.

Filthy freeloaders.


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Rather than parody it was reductio ad absurdum.

Simplifying a point and using a drastic, ridiculous point to prove the argument was wrong. Or that you’re right?

Regardless, it’s not valid here.

I’m sorry; I can’t understand that. I’m sure English is not your first language, so I don’t blame you, but something is very wrong with that “sentence”.

I dunno I kind of think that’s a decent idea…

Stop complaining and get a job maybe? some people got work to do and can’t devote so much times. Whats so bad about them spending some dollars they earned to the game u love so much?

Devs and publishers need to earn money to survive? or do you prefer this game to die out?

Plus token is atm 400k in Kalipeda. Bots sell silvers at 100k = 1usd so only about 4 dollar in reality. And once the game goes live, token will reflect similar price to deter ppl from buying silver from bots.

So stop complaining so much. If you can’t afford 4 dollars for the game you love, then quit playing period.

Ad Hominem now. Targeting the person rather than the argument. More fallacies. Really got work on those debating skills.