Tree of Savior Forum

To those complaining of casual players

Well, we know that most of the comunity of the game is made of Ragnarok Online fans (or at least a good part),
but we must not also forget that other players that may have not even heard, played, or even liked Ragnarok Online also are playing this game.

Several peoples who likes grinding keeps complaining of casual players, reffering them as wow fanboys and
other things, but no, it is not.
This game may be grinding friendly, but must also be casual player friendly, some peoples who plays this
game does not have enough time to grind 10 hours for a level, or just dislikes grinding for too long.
I am on the team of those who dislikes grinding for too long, and I have to say, those moments quests
are very usefull.

Before you start hammering me “Ah, wow fanboy, go get level 90 on wow instead of saying gibberish”, I will have to say a thing here:
I were leveling up an archer from level 1/1 to level 39/13 without doing the main quest, and doing a very few number of quests, most of them about killing a boss (around 5 or 6 quests total), and in all my way of grinding up to Tenet Chapel floor 1, I did not found any oposition that would be in the way if I were doing main quest, like for example, the entrance to the Crystal mine were not blocked, and there were not a boss fight in the entrance of Tenet Chapel.

This means that the game is very grinder’s friendly, which is a good thing that IMC Games did, but the game must also be casual player’s friendly, aka those who do quests and explore the world.

Beside being a casual player does not offer very much loot for the player, it still needs to be a way of progressing in the game, even more because those very same casual players may join your party for a raid, or even join your guild to help you achieve your goal.

So, instead of grinders being hostile to casual players, I say that you guys should also accept their way of playing, and agree in case they say that leveling for casuals is no good.


i think more ppl understand ppl come from all walks of life than you give credit for. the worst part of the community is always the loudest.


This game appeals to me, but i’m an Aion fan. not RO :frowning:

Both sides need to pipe down. And these kinds threads need to stop popping up too.

  • please stop this 10hours for 1 level trend.

Now, to actually contribute to the topic:

If you plan on suggesting more quests for x zones, it’s merely a band-aid fix for this ‘grind vs quest grind’ - regardless of what happens, the players who sit down and play for hours will have the upper hand, no matter how many EXP cards you have in your yu-gi-oh deck.

Tbh, not sure why i wrote a response since there isn’t much to talk about. seems more like an attempted PSA?

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if you’re logging into an mmo you should alreayd know and expect that they want you to spend hours and hours obtaining things, and building your char.

hell even the moba’s have their own version of grind… cant play ranked till you hit max lvl.

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The only thing that bothers me about all this is the “filthy casuals” spitters out there. :confused:
Seems like they’ve learned this expression last week and really liked it.

casual players invest little time and effort on the game then complain coz they can’t catch up to hardcore players.
Oh yeah you manage to lvl 39 with few quest? How long did it take? it’ll only take 2 hrs if you’ will do all the quest but if you grind until that lvl it’ll prolly take at least 4 hrs. This game is not grinder friendly it’s actually cater casual players you only need to grind if you reach lvl 169+ and you guys still complain coz it’s not enough. come on man arent you being greedy? and stop with that 10hrs 1 lvl BS
After they reach the end game just questing they also complain because the game is too easy and boring then quit after a few months.

My main issue is, there are a lot of casual games out there and all of the new mmos are for casuals WHY CAN’T WE HAVE THIS ONE, is it too much to have a single grind game? I guess the casuals want to have it all since they play each game for a week and move on.

Please stop asking to ALL Mmo to become casual friendly, there’s a niche of players who like to grind and you can make a successful mmo for them (developement cost just need to be cheaper than an AAA game).
But i think you can be a casual player who likes grind, and an hardcore player who doesn’t like to grind in the end it’s just playing a game with 2 different game time, stop seeing leveling as a baaaad boooring thing, there are people who like it and it’s not a problem if a person don’t see end game if he likes early and mid-game.
Sorry for my bad english ^^

This game has drawn in a lot of the old school RO gamers. Old school RO players are grinders through and through, this game needs to accommodate that. I personally don’t have much time to play these days, but I’m not going to complain about it and demand the game be brought down to my level. People playing all day every day deserve to be the front runners, I’ll learn to live in my own personal niche and make a home for myself there.

I don’t mean to lecture, but I do believe this game needs to respect the grinders. I’d love to have the time to play hardcore, and I envy those who can, so I’ll enjoy that vicariously through streams where I can.

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WHY TOS has to be a griding-only game? Let everyone have fun, your ■■■■ is not getting bigger because you are top-level.


This thread seems to be a good example of what I said, both gameplay type players should stop
complaining when the other gameplay type player makes a request or complains about something.
The game should be playable for both types of players.

Also, this game have a grinding leveling that not many mmos have, that even makes it worth doing it,
since you can get levels through it, plus usefull resources or items to make equipments, most mmos
now adays you get equipments and items necessary for something through doing instances with a guild.

This game have a unusual quest system, without auto pathing and on some quests you need actually to
read what is necessary to do to discover how to complete the objective, also, beside most mmos now
adays, this game allows you to have other player’s help on events (beside the system needs a few fixes) in order to complete it, in case you have problems with it.

I’d rather agree that grinding and questing ways also may have downsides that needs to be
reviewed and reported to the developers, and answer the topic supporting the thread maker
IF I have noticed the same issue, than come on the thread to attack the player who made the thread.


Honestly, I don’t even understand the problem. Why are you guys always on each other and can’t just accept some people have different taste and play styles… We’re all different, is that such a big news ?

Are you all so purist that you need this game to be 100% one or the other ?
Does it stop you from playing the fact there are some quests for the ones who get crazy from grinding for hours ? Or does it bother you that much that someone who spends more hours in playing a game will out-level you ? (Pretty obvious, though).
It’s also in the interest of IMC to have several thousands of players, instead of just a couple by making the game only go one direction or the other.

But it is true that TOS is always grinders-friendly but not always questers-friendly: you can’t just snap your fingers and quests appear, at some point you have to be X level for them to appear, and they aren’t even all being indicated.While nothing ever stop you from grinding (except the lack of mobs/channels on map for now).
And they built it this way because that’s what they wanted. They wanted a game mainly about grinding, and added a few quests for the more casual gamers, but they shouldn’t have to totally change their game to please one or the other.

For the “extreme casual gamers”… You really have to realize that while TOS has some quests to help out a bit, it’s first a grinding game. A game where you’ll have to grind for hours to get to levels 200+.
It is not the kind of games where it almost “plays on its own”, and you just have to mindlessly kill/collect to reach the max level.
(Anyway, if you’re a lazy casual gamer who can only play 1-2 hours a day, even in mindless questing games you’ll be left behind by people who play over 10h a day. Grinding or not, the amount of time you can spend on a game does it all).

In my opinion, while doing some more or less minor suggestions that will help the game/gameplay overall (like asking skills to scale more as you level up) is good, trying to change totally how the game works to close it to a group or another of players is just ridiculous.


I just hope they don’t add pay to pwn options like they did to iRO


This game sucks(at the moment),

All RO players are noobs.



The problem lies with how everyone just ignores the others concerns for some exaggerated version of what they’re actually saying just so they can knock it down with their own pisspoor rebuttal. This forum is absolutely filled with those kind of people, so most threads devolve into circular arguments and trolling.


alright, who’s gonna fall for this one? :joy:


Fuuny because the only place i see people complaining about casuals is in all the forums made about the casuals complaining about grinding so does that not make the casuals the loudest?

@thebloodyaugust what you consider worse clearly isnt in line with what i consider the worst. I can see how you would define it. can you seen how i would?

People hate grinding cause they think it’s boring. But if you compare ToS to D3 or PoE, which are some of the successful grindy MMOs in the West, their grinding process is much more fun & rewarding than ToS, with a bunch of random elite mobs that can wipe your entire pt, & different gears with random stats/opt. Not to mention the separated channels/rooms allowing a single pt to have all the map, with extremely high mob density to themselves, instead of having to worry about ks or good spawn spots.

Meanwhile, in ToS, there’s only 2 types of mob, normal & “elite” (just mobs with more HP, nothing special), there’s no unique AoE/attack patterns, and players can turn off their brain while grinding for hours on end. To add to that, the loots are all by default, with recipes that have the same stats, which are better be sold on market/NPC shop to save money to buy the BIS item instead. And then there’s spawn spots problem, with mob density is even lower than some quest-oriented MMOs out there, with only 1 single channel for each map.

To say it simply, the current grinding process in ToS is not fun, at all, weather you’re hardcore or casual.


it would be nice if monsters had more variance i stats like some with high crit def or high evade etc some more variance so dex isn’t a end all be all in PVE

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