Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow


I can honestly say you are extremely ignorant and really have not done ANY world bosses. You probably don’t even know the spawn timers. You probably don’t even know how the cube drops work.

Ella constantly moves.
Dullahan is ghost type and warlocks/wizards are usually top dps there because it’s weak to magic.
Cerb dies so fast that it doesn’t matter how strong you are, it depends on how lucky you are and how close it spawned to you.
Mineloader same as Cerb.
Crab same as Cerb.
Necro is ghost type.

Basically, it really doesn’t matter how good your “dps” is. When everyone is 230+, it all depends on how lucky you are and how fast you got to the boss before everyone else. Now, if you’re a tank class or a healer and expect to be top dps on a boss, then you should stop playing the game.

If IMC wants more diversity they shouldn’t always rely on nerfing. How about bringing those on the bottom up instead pushing those on the top down. Seriously even with high dps, late game mobs are still very tanky and take a long time to take down. Nerfing dps builds will just make those already long late game combat feel more repetitive than it already is. Just buff those other classes and we will have world peace.


lol that attitude again :smile_cat:

ok everyone here are not done any world boss yet
only you who know everything about world bosses and have experience beyond godlike

we got it :smile_cat:


Again, you’re ignorant. Why don’t you tell us all what class you are, what level, what world bosses you have killed, what drops you have gotten. How about I tell you?

You’re not level 230 yet and think you can compete against level 230+ that are farming the world bosses. You’ve never ever gotten a cube from any world boss in the game so you haven’t gotten any drops period.

So how did I know so much about you? Because anybody who has done world bosses would know Fletchers aren’t “op” or “the best” or “too strong” or “broken”. There are other dps classes that are not archers that consistently get cubes for their party.

and you don’t even know what the fk are we discuss here

people complain about magic arrow is a ridiculous dps skills

lv 10: total dps is
every 5s

and you come here to show your knowledge about world boss ?
come on, get out of here please

What you forget about is there are many party combo that can improve the overall DPS of archer class more significantly than the wizard.

Also, if Wiz 3 is so imbalanced as you claimed, why does wiz 3 ele 3 warlock is the only DPS that can compete with archer and not other wiz 3 build?

I’m okay with it as I’m an ele 3. But that would fk all the other non ele 3 class with wiz 3.

Seriously, at the current state of game only wiz 3 ele 3 warlock is the viable DPS build in PVE. It shows that how underbalanced other class is, not wiz 3 itself.

Nerfing quick cast such that DPS wizard stop to exist will not stop the issue, just like how nerfing linker in the past actually take away many variety in wizard’s build.

I still stand by the argument that other class need to buffed such that they can do ET, or there is more variety to achieve similar damage without wiz 3 in wizard class (as I said, pyro 3’s hell breath is a good start, there should be more similar skill or attribute, even better if you are forced to not take wiz 3 or ele 3 if you were to get those combo).

I have this feeling that none of you that’s arguing with me is really doing the current end game content though (WB, ET), or you guys would agree that it’s not wiz 3 ele 3 warlock that’s OP, bu most of other DPS wizard class is just underwhelming because they can’t even compete with other class (archer, cleric).

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What server are you in? Full Str Fletcher 3 and full dex linker combo is the top dps over here.

That aside, yes the wb beside dullahan rely more on luck than having good gears now. You absolutely can’t do anything if the boss spawn far away from you.

Fletcher 3 is still the most op in wb hunting because other methods require many gimmicks to exceed fletcher 3’s DPS, and fletcher 3 still can outperform them given the same amount of coordination.

I had been consistently getting cubes using various gimmicks with my guild, but I can confidently say that non of us can outdo fletcher 3’s damage if the boss spawn beside us, and we can’t kill the boss in 10 seconds.

WTF are you talking about? Archers aren’t even invited to ET because of lack of aoe. I can’t believe you’re crying about the wizard tree. lol, this thread is done.

Care to elaborate? Because +100% INT would only screw the full CON wizard

Hopefully with the new card system, new quests and rank 8 + hidden classes will alleviate the problem a bit.

Right now it’s all lure + AoE till everything die. Which translate to pelt + ele + chrono + healer fixed 4/5 slots in party.

You are saying as if other wizard class DPS is getting invited to ET. Thus we are using outside ET as a comparison. Can other wizard DPS class compete with archer?

As I said many post before, full CON wiz 3 ele 3 warlock is stupidly useless in ET (unless you have 90 to 100 attribute level to compete with lowly invested ele 3), so they are screwed with or without this nerf.

Other non ele 3 class simply can’t do enough damage even with quick cast.

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"First time"
literally level 130 cleric2>diev 3

What, you want me to solo there and waste time? I can solo it with a level 130 highlander even, just takes time.

It’s leather type. Know what you are saying, end of story.

See, you’re just talking out of your ass now. 0 Archer classes gets invited to ET. At least you have Warlock that gets invited to ET. If you’re going to cry about the entire Wizard tree, at least compare it to the entire swordsman or archer tree.

All of your arguments have been only “me me me me”, but you fail to mention the other trees that have it worse than you. I don’t even know why you’re crying about the wizard tree when Magic can’t be blocked or evaded. See, unlike you, I don’t have a problem with mages/wizards because I party with them and they help me. Get some friends.


You’re right, it’s leather type, but it doesn’t matter because it’s a level 177+ killing a level 130. Any DPS class that’s 177+ killing Harpy has an easy time. No, clerics are not dps class. Stop your crying.

Care to explain what Warlock class aside from wiz 3 ele 3 warlock (for DPS) and kino 3 warlock (for CC) get invited to ET?

We are discussing about DPS here. Get your argument right. Please, tell me a non wiz 3 ele 3 warlock class that can outdo the DPS of an archer.

If you are too retarded to comprehend my statement, you can just ignore this post.

Care to explain what archer type gets invited to ET? Again, you’re being stupid as fk crying about the wizard tree when archer tree has NO class that can do ET well.

See, you’re not even worth arguing, I said Fletcher killed it fast and did all the work, despite having other dps classes in, that’s how powerful magic arrow is. and that’s still a low level fletcher.

Did I say cleric was a dps class? ahh kids these days.

PS even a level 200 fletcher can reach the dps of a full dps rank 7 swordsman with just magic arrow

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We are not discussing about getting invited to ET now. Do you even read the thread?

We are discussing about how some people think quick cast is broken when in fact wiz 3 ele 3 warlock is the only class that has DPS.

So name all the viable archer builds that can do as much damage as warlock 3.

Thanks, you are just trolling now. Rank 9 don’t exist yet.

The Rocket Launcher C2 Class